Wednesday 29 April 2009


So just a wee quick update. Even though I'm not even sure how many people are actually bothering to read this. I am clearly too boring and you have all forgotten about me and are having too much fun with your massive parties :)

Anyway I digress and am in a bit of a silly mood.

My nails are looking rather good because of this glorious sunshine hehe.

I spent all last night and all of today talking philosophy, theology, reincarnation, myth, dungeons & dragons and general science, logic and other such nonsense with Glen my cousin. And yes you did read that right I said D&D. Glen is looking to get a group together and when I said I would be interested but that I needed to be shown what I was doing he seemed quite keen to teach me. I have created my character. A elf druid called Amethyst who incidentally gets a pet wolf, who i kept beating with a stick last night because it kept missing it's attacks. I just need to get my head around manually have to work out hp etc. It's WoW on paper hehe. Yes ok I am a geek and I think I am only going to get worse while I am over here. If I start to take part in a D&D group, then get my pc up and running when I get my own's a slippery slope from there. I need some sort of geekery fix.

Spent today sunning myself a bit, to no affect but hey I have my whole life to get a good colour about me. On the plus I am still feeling a lot healthier and feel a lot clearer in the head too.

Hmm Beth has me addicted to Home and Away, god damn it.

I've also never drank so much tea in my whole life.

Love Aussie me
Vicky ***


  1. Tea is awesome..I've been at my desk 3ish hours now and have had 5 cups of tea..addiction? D&D eh? Ahh well, we all love ya for the geek Vicky!! Sarah xx

  2. Damn right you should still love me, it is clearly part of who I am. Yeah I'm slowly developing a tea addiction, not good esp since I take two sugars and quite a lot of milk. Goddamn it.

  3. Coo and twoooooo totally the best way to have it..though with how much I drink tea in work I've managed to cut down to jus one sweetener..woop woop xx
