Saturday 25 April 2009

Morning report

Or afternoon report as it really is, being that it is 2.23pm and really all you folk will be in bed.

Not actually a whole heap to write about, been a very quiet little week, well mostly. Have been busy doing resumes and hunting down the best mobile phone deals, which is starting to make my eyes blur to be fair. I'll figure it out soon enough.

I met Beth's Auntie Fran on Wednesday night, lovely wee woman who has way too many ornaments. Had some asty banana cake at her house, don't know if it was bought or homemade but it wad good none the less.

Hmm I am actually struggling to think of major events this week. I'm nearly finished reading Queen of the Damned...oh actually must go to amazon right now and get the forth and maybe the fifth installment of the vampire chronicles, there is bloody ten in the series not including the mayfair withches serials and the three books in between. Goddamn it.

On Thursday Beth was busy getting her hair done so left me at the market. I was quite contented wandering around the market stalls. SOme of the stuff is just stuff that you would see in normal markets, but it was still fun. I bought myself a ring which I will need to hide from Beth as she has threatened to steal the damn thing. It only cost me $4 too, ever the bargain hunter, runs in the blood I think. Also bought myself a pair of thongs (that's flip flops to you and me), can't believe how comfy they are and can't believe I haven't been more like my dad and walking about with them on more often. Ultimate lazy persons foot wear, you don't need to fasten them, tie them or pull them on and off, you just slip your feet in and away you go. Made me realise how good my tats look especially when you throw on a silver anklet, it just makes my feet look pretty. Random observation that really. But oh well. On Thursday night we went to the RSL club, which I will no doubt become a member of at some point, especially if I settle here in Maryborough, but we will see about that. Am taking each day as it comes. Opened an Aussie bank account and handed out like 9 resumes, something has to come up soon. Also sorted out my medicare card, well temporary one for just now. I will get my full one when I get the letter from HMRC that they accepted my resignation. I will need to look into the RSA testing as well. I may have worked in a bar in Scotland but in Queensland they require a certificate to prove that you understand the laws behind serving alcohol. Will get on that if I get offered a job at the RSL or at the other restaurant that I applied for. Until then I am not going to waste money.

Last night Beth and Bill took me to Sporty's, which is another of these pubs/clubs where you have to be a member. It was actually a really nice meal, I had crumbed steak, chips and veggies and have discovered that not only do I now like rum but I like vodka again, but only if it's done as a long vodka, mmm yum. Way too easy to drink though can see that not only being bloody expensive but dangerous. Won't even realise that I am drinking booze. After sporty's we headed to the RSL where they had a girl doing an accoustic set. I thought she was really good but most people didn't. But hey each to their own. I actually wrote something semi Journalistic last night when we got back, the urge just took me. It's a wee article that I need to tweak but it's about music and the emotions that it can provoke and about how everyone, even if they don't listen to music often, had a favourite song one that just chills them. But yes it needs tweaked.

Today, at bloody 9am thank you very much, my mum and dad phoned which was nice, considering that I was thinking about calling them anyway today. After I got off the phone we headed to Hervey Bay. Beth and Bill were picking up a freezer and then we drove around all my dad's old haunts, like the house he basically grew up in and I got to see the school he went to. I've seen the hospital he was born in and everything else. Kinda weird knowing that this is where my dad grew up roving around causing trouble. Beth and I sat on the stairs beside the sea, taking in the smell and enjoying the breeze. We then climbed down the stairs, had a laugh trying to balance on the rocks and I took off my thongs and just waded about in the sea for ten minutes. Ever noticed that the seaside air, no matter where it is in the world, always just makes you feel healthier and happier. As I stood there in the crystal blue water I instantly felt better. I could actually see myself being a bit of a sea farer, spending my life on a boat out in the ocean somewhere. The ocean after all knows no bounds. But standing there with the sand at my back, the cool water lapping around my ankles and staring out into the open water just brought about a wave of calm, made all the better by the fact that the sun was beating down on my shoulders and that the breeze was lifting the salt smell up all around me. I would so love to live on the ocean front, but I'm dreaming if I think I would ever be able to afford that style of living. Maybe if I put in an ad to share with someone. There is just something about the ocean that is pleasing to the senses and i seriously would love to wake up and see clear blue waters every day. I imagine that the novelty would wear off but it's nice to think about. Maybe, you knows.

Hmm I think I will trot off and retype the article I wrote and then decide what articles I want to send for approval from suite101. It might only be a website but it's worth a looksie me thinks.

Anyway dear readers, hope you are enjoying my rantings and ravings, if not well...nobody is forcing you to read them.

Luv and stuff
Vicky ***


  1. Where are these articles? Still appreciating the updates. You will be pleased to know you have missed zero interesting events at hrmc!

  2. Feet are never pretty..ever. they should all be cut off everyone. Stumps would be so much better than feet!!! Sarah xxx
