Tuesday 21 April 2009

Ok so I missed a few days

Not my fault it was just a very busy wee weekend.

At the moment I can't really be bothered writing out a massively long entry, I want to get showered, eat and read my book on the balcony in the sun. But alas I will you give my followers a little something.

On Friday during the day I sat playing my ds and listening to music before Wayne invited me out for a drink. I trot off and get myself ready, killer heels, three quarter length shorts and a white top. I looked amazing and when we got out I kept getting compliments on the shoes. I rule in high heels. Anyway, wayne took over the bathroom so I had to do my hair and makeup using a tiny wee compact mirror and it still turned out looking damn fine. I was winding Wayne up because he was taking longer than a chick to get ready. He claims that it was because he was shaving, I don't believe it for a minute hehe. We headed to his place for a bit then headed out to the North. It was a lot of fun, just sat talking to people including the fabulous Holly. Intellectual conversation in a pub...unheard of apparently but it was all for happening on Friday. It eventually descended into normal pub banter though. Adam and Caitlin appeared for a bit too. Again with much rum being consumed. Seriously people Bundaberg rum is lethal. I maintain though that both Adam and Wayne owe me a drink for leaving without saying goodbye. Good thing I am the type of person who will talk to anyone and still managed to get a lift. If I hadn't I'm sure I could have crashed with Caleb and Dave in their flat. It's all good.

Saturday, woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck and again with the craving for sqaure sausage and Irn Bru. Actually woke up on Saturday feeling a bit home sick aswell. I think because I knew it was Bonny's birthday and I knew they would all be going out. But it only really lasted the day. My cousin Bonnie came down to Gympie on Saturday and we all headed out. Started at the North, playing in the pool comp. I'm slowly improving at the damn game, Bonnie is a shark though. Almost unstoppable. We then headed down to Mooloolaba, which is where one of the many beaches is. Went to get into the club and muppet features here had forgotten ID and they are way strict over here when it comes to ID. Adam did try to convince the door steward to let me in but she was having none of it and rightly so too. The ironic part was I was the oldest in the group lol. So Me and Caleb took a walk back up to Julia's, where we got fed and watered and just talked. Thanks again to Julia for putting us all up. Lesson learned there then.

Sunday, yay no hangover. Myself, Bonnie and Caitlin headed to the Plaza for a girly day of shopping. Had a baked spud with cheese, coleslaw and sourcream, damn tasty eats by the way.I had a bottle of Mountain dew aswell, mmmm love the stuff. Spent the afternoon wandering around the shops, and on my part spent the day trying to figure out Aussie shoe sizes. Bought a new top it only cost like $8. Very surreal experience actually. Not only did Cait manage to spot clothes that I would have gravitated towards anyway, but all the shops have their winter stock in. I am not looking for winter clothes lol. Winter is not in July. Hey I'm sure I will get used to it. Sunday night Bonnie picks me up and we head to Maryborough. Said cheerio to Wayne and Adam etc told them that I would try not to be a stranger. I will learn to drive asap. On the drive up Bonnie and I ate skittles and m&Ms and talked music. Good conversation. Got to Beth's had corned meat, veggies and white sauce. Good eats :-)

Am totally unpacked now, especially seeing as I am here for at least 3 months until I can find my feet. The bedroom that Beth has given me is huge with massive amounts of clothing space and the bed is way too comfy. Hehe Beth is as bad as me when it comes to Teddies. In fact her teddies have their own room. I am so going to do that when I get my own place.

Anyhoo enough for just now. Will try to update later.

Love ya

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