Thursday 5 May 2011

Pretty good day

It really was a damn good day. Got up early to head to Hervey Bay. Will was going to his course and I had my informal chat with the editor of the Fraser Coast Chronicle. I feel fairly confident that I at least made a good impression. I was dressed the part, I was friendly and I was well prepared. He mentioned that he had a read at some of my stuff online which is quite pleasing to be honest and he mentioned that there were a few positions available, but that if I wanted to freelance then I had to apply for an ABN so he could pay me. I have just finished doing that and my new ABN will be active as of tomorrow, so fingers crossed. He also said he might put me on the features team, that would be so amazing if he did. I am feeling pretty good about how today went and have a feeling in my gut that things are on the up and up.

The day was made great by the fact that Garth seemed to impress the staff at Dan Murphy's and has application forms to fill in. Then Will potentially has the opportunity to work in a resort. He originally applied for a job in the coffee shop where I got my morning caffeine fix today, but the lady said she need Baristas but that she would pass Will's details onto her husband who works in one of the many resorts in Hervey Bay as he might have something. Things are definitely looking up.

Got the bus back from Hervey Bay, loaded with travel leaflets. I was surprised to find that some of the trips I would like to go on, are actually reasonably affordable...well they aren't completely out of reach. So bus to Maryborough for my Physio appointment. The guy seemed pretty decent, I don't think I will hate him too much. Did some simple exercises today, apparently I have a lot of work to do. The exercises weren't too bad, what did suck however was when the guy was massaging the calf muscle...jesus that hurt, like I actually full on vocalised the pain. The muscle is incredibly tight. He has given me exercises to do 3 times a day...must buy a ball...and has sent a referral to the Hydrotherapy department. He also said that yes swimming will help me. So, that's my new plan for the next little while, lots of stretching and swimming and pain, Yay!

Going to Brisbane tomorrow to hang with Jitta for the weekend, should be good fun. I will still find a way to update though. For just now I am going to sign off, make some food and perhaps have an early chilled out night, as we are all up early tomorrow.


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