Monday 6 July 2009

Pair of Slackers

So apparently I have been slacking on the blogging nonsense. Been too damn busy being fabulous and having fun so there. Only got like a week of stuff to fill you all in on. Oh well you will just have to suffer it.

Best place to start probably the beginning I would assume and the beginning is Monday 29th June. What did we do? Oh yes we went for a wander down town mostly because that was one of the few days on the itinerary that I planned nothing for. Headed to the Post Office, yes I know thrilling stuff, but it was for a reason. We were buying postcards. When I say we I do of course just mean Sarah. I did buy one though. Now to decide where it goes hehe. We then decided that Station Square would provide an appropriate outing for the day. When we got to Station Square, we decided it was good timing to buy ourselves some tasty crepes, well proper pancakes with Caramel and ice cream on my part and maple syrup and ice cream on Sarah's part, although she did nearly forget to put her maple syrup on the damn pancake. We had a good ol natter about life, love and philosophy...ok well not really but that sounded cool. Did talk about various things though, was good. After munching on pancakes we went into Bi Lo and bought munchies for the evening/rest of the week. Hah like it would have lasted a week. Headed back home, where we just sat and chilled out for a while. Sarah has me addicted to Professor Layton and the Curious Village game for the DS. God damnit and the worst part I can't even get it over here. Damn slack Aussies. Beth and Bill went out for Bill's birthday. They just went to the RSL, but Sarah and I decided we would just stay in and make ourselve a pasta bake and watch Walk The Line. Damn good movie actually and the pasta bake was amazingly tasty, for only costing $3 for the pasta and the sauce. Bloody Sarah pretending to be cold, what?!? See photos on Facebook/bebo you will see what I mean. Fairly early night to finish off.

So moving onto Tuesday 30th June. Your eyes sore yet? Tough! Was a very chilled out, not totally eventful day actually, not that that is a bad thing. It gave Sarah the chance to start one of her essays that are due a week after she gets back to Scotland and gave me an excuse to sit and button bash. I mean play the playstation that I bought for 50 bucks. Whee go me. I forgot how amazing I am at Tekken 3 and just how terrible I am at driving games like GT2. Ah well it was amusing. We had a whole bunch of music on in the background, including the industrial CD that Sarah made up for me. Pretty Damn good, then we sat there, I played Professor Layton, Sarah wrote essays and we sang our little hearts out to System of a Down. But not singing properly, why would we want to do something as silly as that. Proper stupid voices and high pitchedness and bouncing about while still seated. Good laugh actually. Sarah's jet lag eventually caught up with her on Tuesday and she was in bed by 8pm , shocking I know. I ended up just sitting online for a while before retiring early myself. Believe I was in bed by about 10pm, which is really early for me. But that was that.

Wednesday 1st July. Rabbits! Best not to question it I did and the answer didn't make any more sense than rabbits! Wednesday was another sorta chilled day. We headed down town so I could getmy Centrelink payment, which I thought was going to be less because of the trial shift I did at Toast but apparently not, so that was a bit of a bonus. Yay! First fortnight of paying board too *rolls eyes*. So after getting the Centrelink stuff sorted, in less than five minutes may I add *dies of shock* we went to Station Square to buy ingredients to bake cupcakes with. Whoop! We also passed by Crazy Clarks who were selling DVD's for $2 each, we bought 4. Bought out cakey stuff and went for the bus. Got home and started baking. First batch kinda didn't work as well as they should have but it's ok the second batch were amazing. They were all supposed to be blue, but they turned out more green than anything oh well. I was on hand to rescue the first batch. They actually looked like something a kid would make, but my god was the icing I made tasty with it's strawberry flavouring and 100's and 1000's. My butter cream was also rather tasty. That is how Sarah's bakery is going to work. She will bake the cakes and I will decorate them....if we don't eat all of our mixture before any cakes are actually made. They were actually tasty cupcakes, but then I never doubted Sarah's bakery skills, I think I would have got slapped if I had. After dinner, we sat downstairs and watched 3 of our $2 movies. All three of them were great, total obscure movies, not blocokbusters by any means and each one of them had the two of us in tears. God damnit. At least now I have found someone who cries as much as I do at movies. Woohoo. It was not even just a few tears with these movies either, like actually sitting there sobbing, especially at the third on Book of Stars. FFS. Quite a late night about 1ish we got to bed and were up early to head to the markets the next day.

As above, Thursday 2nd July was Market Day, but it wasn't a standard market day it was a Mary Poppins Day. Ha, and typical the market looks totally cool and we forget to lift the camera. Muppets much. Sorry there was a minor interurption there, it's called tea break! So back to my amazing story telling, we went to the markets. Wandered around for a while, just looking at various things, me convincing Sarah that actually the market was huge. It really is you don't know what you are missing. First thing we did was to get our Tarot readings. Yes you did read that correctly, we went for a Tarot reading each. Sarah got her's first as I wasn't sure initally but after hearing and seeing how excited Sarah got about hers, I decided that actually it was about time that I got another one done. And I'm so very glad I did. The woman was so unbelievably accurate and the cards I picked out of the deck were uncanny. Just try and tell me that they are all con artists. My faith is actually totally restored in them again. Totally connected with the woman. Sat there stony faced, no reaction whatsoever, while I sat there swallowing the lump that was forming in my throat. The first cards I picked indicated massive stress caused by someone or something, but the main emphasis was on someone *shrug* and she explained that now was my time to shine and that I had a massive amount of courage to share with the world and that right now I was literally 'going with the flow'. That was the name of the card. She explained that I had learned to trust myself completely and was ready to move onto bigger and better things. She also advised me that no matter what I turn my hand to I will master it. She said my mastery skills could swing either way, be that to good or to bad, but that I had already choosen my path and that I should never look back or regret. So that was quite interesting, kinda left me feeling elated and felt as though something had been lifted. Got lunch at Station Square, chinese, was yummy too. Back to the house for a bit, before heading to D&D with Glen. Sarah was there too not that she really had a clue but nevermind. Got there only to find out that half our adventuring party a) hadn't showed up and b) hadn't created their characters. Slack bastards honestly, they had nearly four weeks to prep. Well gutted. But we rearranged for this week, so hopefully the guys won't forget this time. Was well shocked on Thursday, there was me thinking I was the only female in a group of geeks, in my element may I add, and there were two others there. I felt invaded, how dare they? Although on closer inspection it appeared that they really weren't that interested, so it's ok, I think my domain is safe...for just now. Got back to the house, played a quick game of D&D with Glen, Sarah sat looking slightly confused. Got killed horribly in the third dungeon room, oh well. That was Thursday, Sarah seemed impressed with my miniature collection so far.

Nearly There!

Friday 3rd July was rather an amazing day/night. First and foremost I scoured the interwebnets for job stuff. So many nursing/medical positions, pity I only have basic first Aid and even then that needs updated. Although I did see a postion for a mental health youth worker who would be dealing with mental health issues caused from substance abuse. Felt I could be quite good at that, may consider doing a TAFE course in it. Let's see where the wind takes me. It's either that or I go off and do a creative writing course. Remember this name it will be on world bestsellers. Also sent some cashola to mother creature for loans. Then we were on a mission to become master bakers. We had Scotch pancakes for lunch, like 3 each, with butter and jam...straight to the hips, I thank you! After making a mess of Beth's nice tidy kitchen and scoffing our faces, we made Death Cakes. Yes Death cakes. They had rum, chocolate chips and butter cream, plus about ten tonne of normal caster sugar in the mix :-D. Bounce much. They looked and smelled amazing, you should have seen them, pity we don't have smellovision for pcs. You would have all been well jealous. They were scrummy, ask anyone who tried them, they disappeared when we took them to Gympie. So after a day in the kitchen ,I'm sure the chauvanists would love that idea, we headed out to the Mary Poppins Sing a Long screening at the Wharf, but not before we went to the Books, DVD and CD show with Beth and Bill. We got there and somehow miraculously avoided the dvd's and cd's, and headed straight to massive pile of books. The deal was 10 books for $30. Heaven! All the books were by obscure little authors and a lot of them were based in Australia, but we both managed to find 10 books. Just the start of my new library collection. When my mum and dad come over I will have even more books, or I will get them to send them all to me. We shall see what happens first. So brains sorted out for the low price of 30 bucks, onto singing along with Mary Poppins and acting like big kids. We got the prop bag, which had a cocktail umbrella, a glow stick, a sticker and some chocolate coins in it. The whole idea was kinda similar to the Rocky Horror Picture Show thing. Every time Admiral Boom appeared on screen you had to stand and salute, shout boom when the cannon went off, twirl your umbrella when you saw an umbrella in the film and wave the glowstick when there was magic in the film and of course you had to sing a long. Sarah and I had a bigger audience than the damn film. Mostly cos we were the only tubes standing there giving it big licks and actually singing along to all of the songs and not just supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (antidisestablishmentarianism....longest word in the english dictionary points if you know what it means). What a riot though, even got our photo taken with Admiral Boom and Mary. Ate sandwiches with sausage on them too, gotta love greasy van food. After the screening we headed to the RSL, for the simple reason of getting the courtesy bus so we didn't need to pay for a taxi. Sneaky yes, but it was Beth and Bill who suggested it, we just happened to agree. The RSL was such a great laugh actually. We sat there had one normal drink, then I bought us both a Mango Daquiri, made with crushed ice, don't ya know. So there we are sitting happily sipping our cocktail, when they announce that the bus is leaving in five minutes, so what do we do, we skull the cocktail. That equals shocks through the teeth, freezing the throat to the point of pain and then came the brain freeze.....OUCH! Turns out we didn't even have to do that, cos one of the guys who works there, said he would hold the bus for us, and then we went to get on it and it was bloody full. Unnecessary pain. Actually ended up having a great laugh with two of the barmen, who incidentally one of them invited us out on Thursday for Karaoke in Hervey Bay. Should be interesting. Signed up for my membership too, it's only $6.60 for the year so it's not exactly going to break the bank. Whilst signing up Sarah took a fit of the giggles, which made it impossible to keep a straight face when getting the membership photo taken. Funny though. Finally got the courtesy bus back up the road, where we ended up still wide awake and hyper, so we figured we would watch the Notebook, way to take you out of your good mood. What a depressing yet very nice movie. Actual sobbing but at least I wasn't alone. It's just got one of those endings, and the worst part is the ending totally creeps up on you. Evil!

Saturday rolls around, finally. Had a bit of a lie in, which is always nice, when you have spent the rest of the week waking up with the sun. And basically just pottered around the house for a while, went online, put up some pics. I phoned for a potential job, answering machine. And basically we sat around waiting for Dave to appear to take us to lil ol Gympie Town for a night out. He eventually appeared, actually bang on time too, with Dion. We forced the two of them to eat a death cake, they liked them. Then it was time for the hour drive. Off we trot, stop at the service station, where Dion totally doesn't understand our accent because we spoke at the same time. Amusing to say the least. Got to Gympie and it didn't take long before the drinking commenced, as ever. It come from living under a pub I reckon. Got changed into our fantastic outfits, we both looked hot as hell and nobody even attempted to deny it. Played pool most of the night, it was afterall pool comp night. Wayne came out and actually looked like he was enjoying himself for a change, miserable git that he is hehe. Love him really though, he's just got a rep to maintain. Hah! Sarah and I went out in the first round of pool comp, like anyone expected anything less of us. Drinking and dancing about like numpties, little bit of drama in the middle of the night, but just the usual Gympie drama, that blew over and more merriment commenced. Apparently while playing pool comp Sarah didn't have a name, she got put down on the sheet as Vicky 2, and that's what everyone then stuck to calling her all night. Who knew I could be so popular. Many photos taken and out of 50 photos I only vitoed one. Not bad for me, clearly am loving myself more and more these days and why the hell not, I am freaking fantastic and you know it. Took part in a dance off comp, well I say we took part. More like we jumped about pretending to be proper sexy and proper choreographed dancers, making total arses out of ourselves but not being able to stop laughing the whole time. Needless to say we didn't win. Ah well. Finally headed down stairs at like 2 in the morning, went to crash with Dave, who then got annoyed at us so we decided stuff you then and slept in the living room on a single matress with a single sleeping bag, but it was warm which made up for the lack of comfort.

Sunday 5th July standard recover day, despite not being drunk the night before. More just lack of sleep than anything else. We sat for a few hours talking outside and then we watched like the first season of House. Good show, may call in a favour and get myself a copy of all the seasons. Caitlin eventually woke up, and took us to get something to eat at subway. Actually got a foot long for a change, I was so hungry and it was good baguette too. Sat outside the store talking music and gigs and making both Trevor and Caitlin jealous about how many bands Sarah and I have seen plus about how cheap we can get gig tickets. Wayne showed up, had a quick catch up, I slagged him off a bit for actually being happy while being out in a pub with drunk people then headed back to Maryborough. By the time I learn to drive I will know that road like the back of my hand, I travel up and down it often enough. Ah its only because I love being in Gympie so much. Time to start expanding my job search I think. May be where i am meant to be. Standard sunday action really, nothing much to really report on.

So finally onto today. Whoop! We were supposed to go on the Maryborough Walking tour which started at 9am, but the alarm went off and neither of us could be bothered moving, so we didn't. Finally got up at about 10am, got breakfast, which was a sandwich with Steakette and a potato scone, man that was some good eats. Totally satisfied the craving, may have to have another one tomorrow or maybe even tonight when we watch some movies with our massive bag of crisps. Proper mucnhies. So anyway, instead of the walking tour, we took a trip down town, posted letters and postcards, picked up payslip from Toast apparently my estimation was only 10 dollars out, hmm whatever, then we headed to station square grabbed out munchie stuff and then headed to Mary Delicious. A little traditional confectionery store where we got to taste various types of homemade fudge before deciding on what type to buy. I bought the honey macademia and Sarah bought the Bailey's and Butterscotch, which would rot your teeth right out, but then mine is just as bad. We alos got ourselves a milkshake and a spide (ice cream float for those of you not in the know). Sat outside talking and wondering why the rentokill guys were taking photos of the building next door. Headed back home and have spent all that time doing this blog entry, so i would be willing to bet that you are sick of it by now and will be glad for the final sentence. And if I haven't bored you to tears yet, then go me, clearly I rule.

Actually am going to sign off though, dinner and then movies is the nights plan so therefore I don't think I will have to tell you what we got up to when I next update with our further adventures. So yes, I'm offski.

Vicky and Vicky 2 ****

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