Sunday 21 June 2009

The Weekend

This may not be the most well constructed entry that I will ever create but I am so beyond tired right now, which doesn't make any sense.

Last weekend I was awake for over 40 hours and was not nearly as tired as I am right now and I wasn't even drinking this weekend. Well not excessively anyway. Had a grand total of two drinks.

Anyway I digress.

On Friday, causally flipping through the newspaper like you do and I come across a job ad for Toast the Espresso Bar. Damn near jumped out my seat with excitement...ok slight exaggeration there, but I felt a little buzz. Got myself fed and ready to face the world before heading down to town to hand in my resume. Got to Toast and had an informal chat with Vince the manager. Told him when I was available to work, had a bit of banter then left feeling quite positive. After handing in my resume and my little chat I took a walk to Station Square to see if I could find a funky pair of pj's seeing as the nights are getting pretty bloody cold over here. But that's ok it's winter...I don't know who would ever call this winter but hey I am not complaining. Managed to find a really funky pair of bright yellow flannelette pj's with monkey's on them. Very cosy too. Ran into Di while I was browsing DVD's. Beth and Bill were going out that night so I had decided that I was going to sit curled up, watching movies and pigging out. So instead of having to scuff my way back to the bus stop I managed to get a lift off Di back to Beth's. Bonus I would say. I bought three dvd's for $25 and they are 'Chocolat' with a very yummy looking Johnny Depp, 'Save the Last Dance' which is simply classic and 'Walk the Line" with Reese Witherspoon and which I have not yet watched. I'm sure it will be a fantastic movie...hmm idea. I sat with my Toblerone, in my pj's, house to myself sobbing like a little girl with a skint knee while watching the movies. I am a sap and I have never denied it. Also incidentally decided that I would like to be courted 19th century style, you know roses and letters declaring the intention. Just the general grand romantic gestures. I think that would be rather swishy.

Saturday was a rather intersting day/night. Got up early to go to the Back To Burrum reunion thing. I figured it would have been quite interesting to see old photos and stuff, but actually I could not have been more bored. Mostly because the organisers decided that the photo display would be held on Sunday instead. That just made no sense to me, why not have it both days. Ah well. The whole day, which included some country singers and a parade and a few stalls, seemed a bit thrown together, but that is not to say that the organisers didn't put in a lot of effort. I just felt it could have been better run and managed.
After being in Howard all morning, we drove back to Maryborough, dropped Auntie Fran at home, then Beth and I headed to Gympie. Bill was away all weekend golfing and Beth had a rare weekend off, so she decided to go and see Lyn and I simply took the opportunity that arose to go and be surrounded by young, sexy, like minded people. It rained all night though which was a bit of a downer but hey what's a bit of water to someone from Scotland. Met up with Caitlin and Dave and the rest of the gang. Chilled out for a while, before getting changed and heading upstairs to the pub, which was holding a fundraiser for Shaynae a girl who is dying with a brain tumour. Busy busy though or at least the busiest I have seen it. It was a great night. Started on a high note, laughing and carrying on, abusing Scottish and then giggling at the Aussies looking confused at the banter. Bit of drama by the middle of the night. Couple of the regulars came in dressed in women's clothing and everyone else was loving it, just having a bit of fun, feeling their sock boobs etc and this one bunch of friggin idiots tried to ruin it for everyone. Started shouting dogs abuse about the guys being gay, queer, faggots etc. I'm not even just talking about a little bit of verbal abuse or a muttered insult. I do mean proper abuse, getting up in their faces and the like. Morons. Poor Davey boy got all riled up defending his friends and rightly so, anyone with a shred of dignity would have done the same thing. Nearly ended up in a proper bar brawl though. Me, in five inch heels on wet decking with a bit of help from D ended up holding Dave back. Think we did a pretty good job of calming him down especially since the idiot riling Dave up spat in Dave's face. I'm surprised we all kept our cool and nobody got punched in the jaw. There was maybe six of us, including Scottish telling the homophobe to back off. Then his equally homophobic bumchum decided to be a smarmy git and blow smoke delibrately in my face twice, while trying to stare me down. I said to him "try that once more and see what happens to you". Didn't exactly say it politely either, needless to say he didn't do it a third time and him and his "thou dost protest too much, so far in the closet he's in narnia" mate gave up after throwing in a couple of idle threats. Very macho guy, very appealing. Dickheads! I have no time nor patience for pointless wastes of flesh like them. They were obviously out just to cause trouble. Pathetic little boys who need to wake up, come out the closest and get themselves a set of balls. /end rant.
The night picked up again, we all calmed down and got to enjoying the rest of the evening. Singing and dancing to the very eclectic playlist of jukebox tunes. Ended up being a great night. Much giggling on my part ;-). Some other stuff went down throughout the night, but thankfully we weren't involved. Ended up crashing at Dave's flat. It's way too easy to roll down the hill to comfort after a night on the piss at the North. Oh, I also found a North lighter. That got pocketed. Finders keeper's and all that razzmatazz jazz. Dave is such a sweetheart, he needs a good woman :-)
So yeah sleep came at about 4am ish this morning which is damn good considering last week.

Today, the Sabbath, day of rest, whooper with cheese meals and some girly gossip. Damn good way to spend a Sunday if you ask me. Woke Cait up with a cigarette that Dave had rolled for her and a cup of tea. By far the best way to wake someone up after a night on the town. Hell even if you don't smoke the tea is still a pretty good thing to wake up to. I would probably jump, maybe even marry the person who after a night out on the town over here, woke me up with a cup of tea...coo and two please...and a roll with potato scone, square sausage and hp brown sauce on it, well at least I would after I had eaten the roll that can only be described as heaven and the greatest hangover cure on the planet. Sorry, I drifted off there, could almost taste the potato scone. Although I may have found something that could be similiar to a square sausage, they are called steakettes have the same kinda texture. Now just to learn how to make my own potato scones.

And on that note...
Vicky ***

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