Saturday 27 June 2009

Sarah Arrives

So yeah Sarah finally got here. And I'll be willing to bet that the time she is here will fly by. Typical really. Woke up at 3.30am and out the door by 4.45am to be there on timeish. 3 Hours drive to Brisbane and all that. Not a bad drive, talked politics with Bill all the way down, well that and odd weather lol.

Met her at the airport, where she had already met some random dude. When we arrived she was comparing British coins to the Aussie coins. I'm so glad she has made it her mission to find me friends...not that it will be a challenge for her.

So the three of us pile into the car. Tried to put Sarah's case in the boot but the lawnmower was there instead, so we just parked it on the back seat. Sarah was surprisingly awake and chatty for having just travelled 27 hours. How amazing is that, that she came over. Whoop! Drove for a bit, then stopped in Gympie town to get something to eat and so Bill could get a coffee. Ate then headed off on the final leg of the journey.

Sarah unpacked some of her stuff, gave me a funky white dressw with cherries on it, very 50's styleee, but it's a bit snug. It can go in the drawer until I shed a bit more weight/tone up what I have. Very funky though. After she had a shower we went downstairs for a bit and played some pool, I got my ass handed to me, just a bit. I say it was just cos I was distracted by Sarah's awesomeness :-D

We also played some darts, which was fun. I couldn't find the cloth to erase the marker pen off the board though so we just played around the world. Nightmareish game. Went back upstairs sat and watched a bit of CSI, then Sarah finally gave up and decided that bed was a really good idea. I kinda knew she would crash before 7. It happened to me. But she is sitting her now, bright as a daisy..bitch! It;s clearly just me who needed to sleep for 24 hours straight.

Will most likely update everyday with our adventures, or maybe not you will just have to wait and see har har.

Oh and how fantastic, I have 12 potato scones and a bottle of Irn Bru. Already had one of the bottles of Bru and the potato scones can wait until I have a hangover. Will be trying potato scones with steakettes to see how that stands against the potato scone/square sausage combo. I'm sure it won't be the same but it's worth a shot. Surprised she got it all through customs, must just have charmed her way through hehe.

Anyway, time to scoot and get showered so we can go and book our Ship to Shore tour thing. Plus it will kill about an hour or so.

Vicky + Sarah ***

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