Saturday 30 April 2011

Not a bad start

Indeed, it was not a bad start to my 1000 days of trying to complete 101 tasks. I didn't bite my nails all day and I even tried to a little bit of exercise to help my foot. Mostly I am just preparing for what is to come on Tuesday at 2.30 when I go for my first physio appointment. I am excited but am dreading it also. I know that it will help me but I also know that the Physio person is going to push me and it's going to hurt.

Incidentally, although not on the list, I done something semi productive today. I made draught catchers for the house. Made them out of old tights that I was no longer using. 

I also remembered to update my journal today including a thankful thought. I changed one of my goals from Prove Facebook wrong to Maintain Journal for the rest of the year with no breaks. Good start I reckon. I also started reading the first of the ten Rangers Apprentice books. Not actually a bad read so far, you start to really relate to the characters almost instantly.

Currently at the moment on my list I have like three things marked as In progress and tonight I managed to mark one of my 101 task off as Completed. I went onto 4chan for the first time. Now note on my list I wrote "Go on to 4Chan" I did not write that I would spend any amount of time on the site and I also never specified that I would read anything in particular on said website. I said I would go on to it, I did I spent two minutes there and I left. Task complete.

Hmm so only another 100 items to go. I have reviewed my list and I wonder about the bungee jump. Will have to ask my physio if that will actually ever be possible. I would hate to go through a whole heap of healing to then go break my ankle again, that would suck. Although I reckon it would suck more never doing the bungee jump. Hmm, this is the only item on my list that has me wondering. I would hate myself if I didn't complete this.

So to summarise: I didn't bite my nails today, I made draught catchers, I done some exercises, I went onto 4chan, started reading the book series and wrote an entry in my journal. Pretty good start, kinda loving that the list has sparked a little bit of something in me again.


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