Saturday 12 December 2009

Ginger Beer and Pizza

...Wow I just damn near jumped out of my skin just there. Decided I would put my mp3 Player on while I typed and while I sat here wide awake, that's all well and good. I forgot that I had turned it up to the maximum volume and as i turned it on I was greet by Combichrist screaming in my ear. Bloody hell, actual proper fright. There is some disadvantages to being forgetful sometimes.

So anyway onto my point of this entry. I moved into my own place today. I had every intention of unpacking and storing everything neatly as best as I could, but ended up getting distracted as so often happens when you have a semi unpleasant task ahead of you. I think there is a part of me that would like to wait until I have managed to either clean the old wardrobe Beth was offering or until I find a nice cheap flat pack one. Also would like to get like a small filing cabinet. Even just one with three drawers. One drawer for my stuff, one for Garth's and one for D&D/Magic Stuff .

Wayne came up tonight just for a quick catch up and a nosey at the new place. Yeah there are one or two things that need fixed but I love it. It gets really hot in here though. No luxury air conditioning. Ah well this will be a good way to get me used to the summer heat seeing as today when I actually went outside it was cooler than it was indoors.

Bundaberg Ginger Beer is so awesome especially with Bundaberg rum. It's just about the right mix of alcohol content, sweetness and a lovely tangy after taste. Way too easy to drink, could get quite drunk on it if you wanted to. Yup goes down a treat.

I hate the fact that I am still awake. I don't know the pasts few nights haven't been great for sleep. Guess I am just feeling a little unsettled but that was bound to happen. Even though I am still in Maryborough I did just move house. It will settle down again once I get the things sorted that I want sorted.

I really want to get back into WoW, especially since this is a house of geeks. Will save up some money and start looking into building my own pc again. Need some serious gaming time. I was tlkaing about airsoft today too, that was weird made me want to go, even though I didn't go all that often when i did go I loved it especially when it rained. What can I say I never was into girly hobbies. Never will be I don't think. Unless you include shoe shopping in that one.

Man I love the Veronicas. They just make me so happy and most of their songs on the Untouched album I just relate to. I wonder when they are touring next. I reckon they would be awesome to see live. Thank John for cluing me into their awesomeness.

Had a real craving fora  cheese pizza tonight so even though the fridge is all fully stocked I just had to order a pizza. It was one of those unyielding urges that would not have went away had I tried to ignore it. It was rather great actually. Sitting with my gorgeous guy while we talked games and other nonsense, eating pizza and drinking cool Ginger Beer in my own place how could it be better.

I realise that I am kinda rambling but I am awake and in the mood to type like a maniac. No real reason just felt the need. Ben is dragon obsessed. Beth helped me with my stuff today and the first thing she did was to eye up all the dragon ornaments and then claim that she was having them all. He does have some pretty amazing dragons though.

So other than being a bit disorganised at the moment this place is great and I think I am going to have a lot of fun here. Now what else is on my brain list? Oh yeah more writing of my many stories that are on the go. Then everything else. No wonder I don't sleep, my brain never shuts up telling me the stuff that I want/need to do.

Ah well life is good

Peace and Love

1 comment:

  1. Aww how good does all that sound! Like actually awesome. I'm so happy for you chick. Gettin really excited about comin over lol. Sounds like you have an awesome wee thing on the go. Sorry though, I know I haven't exactly helped with the no sleeping lol. Love ya girly x x
