So the first picture is a picture of the brand new boots that I bought today. They are unusual and not really my normal style but hey feck it. I needed an image haul. They were $60 and I needed a pair of tan boots anyway, plus they are cosy. It's winter over here, gets cold at night.
The second picture is a picture of the comfy little shoes I bought out of Rivers today. They will be great for walking about in, especially now that my trainers are seriously starting to wear out. Yes it was a bit of a retail therapy day today. It was good fun. The trainers were only $28 so they were a bargain to boot. And yes I did just justify buying two pairs of shoes. I did actually need both pairs.
As for the third picture this is a picture of the outfit I bought last week for $6.50. I love it. It looks so fantastic on me, very feminine though, very unlike me *shrugs* Doodles also makes a little cameo in this third picture. He is way too cute.
So Anyway, how about an actual update?
Drove around Queensland today. Started off Beth, Lou and I went to Rivers for their shoe sale, where I also bought a new jumper which is purple but not worthy of a photo. We then drove to Howard to catch up with Glen and Jamie, and to find out about a Howard reunion thing that is happening this weekend. Sat in the sun for maybe 20 minutes tops and when I got back in the car I noticed I had a pink tinge on my arms. I am actually going to suffer in Summer. I found it uncomfortable today and it was only about 24ish. After visiting the boys, we headed to Childers where we caught up with Bonnie and then had lunch with Dianne and where we all spent lots of money on shoes. Ironic really that the girl serving us was from Britain. She just laughed at me, because as ever I am standing there chatting away not caring if i'm not being listened to lol. We went up to Dianne's place where we had the nicest cappacino and where I learned how to eat Tim Tams properly. You bit off one corner then bite off the opposing corner on the bottom, you stick the biscuit in your hot drink and suck until you feel the liquid hit your mouth, then you flip the biscuit and eat it before it disintergrates. Messy but fun and tasty. We wandered the property for a while, huge place. They have their own damn (min river more like) and cattle and a metal graveyard. Huge!
After being at Dianne's we headed over to the other side of town to Biggeden to see Greg. His place is up a dirt track and is also massive. His chooks had laid eggs in a hidey hole that he didn't think to look and he seemed shocked when I told him I had never been on a horse. But then he is a Horse whisperer or was. We had dinner, a curry flavoured stew, was good. Gaye and the kids got back we chatted for a while before we headed back to Howard cos Glen said he might have come down tonight, but when we got there he had changed his mind so we finally headed back to Maryborough where I tried on my full outfit with the boots. Yup looking good biatch. And now I am talking to Graham online, have just about finished my entry for the day and am a tad hungry.
Hmm so there!
Vicky ***
are your shoes pink!!!!