So yeah as the title suggests this is just a quick little update. The picture is the start of my D&D gaming collection. Just waiting on my player's manual and as of the 2nd July me and Glen will be part of a D&D group. From the initial discussions I think we have a good DM, he will still take the game fairly seriously but is keen to still have fun with it. That's the key, a bit of silliness never went amiss.
Also as a quick side note, I bought the nicest, most flattering outfit today and it only cost me $6.50. A skirt and a top, now to hunt out a decent pair of either knee high or ankle boots. I'm on a mission. Also bought another skirt for $4.50 and it's only a size 14 and loose at that. Yesterday went on a bit of a shopping spree, bought some D&D stuff, a dress which is red, a new belt and some new underwear. The dress is a sort of shirt style and is really designed to be worn over something, but a thick pair of tights and a pair of heels or boots and it will work really well. I was surprised actually how well it fitted me. Hugged the right bits and actually my waist is smaller than I imagined. Now to tone up a bit more and I'll be practically perfect hehe.
Other than that not much else to write about. Going to Gympie tomorrow for the weekend for girlie nights out. Yay! Am taking camera so should be plenty of pictures to oogle, if you can be bothered hehe. It's about time I started keeping photos of my adventures. Part of me wishes I was going to the Download festival in Donington, but alas it would be entirely impossible. Maryborough is seriously lacking in a rock pub/club or at least I haven't found one yet, maybe Sarah will help with that.
Hmm anyway time for dinner.
Vicky ***
Indeed she will!!! xxx