Saturday, 26 December 2009

First Aussie Xmas

So my first Aussie xmas is over and it was actually really good. Aside from the fact that I seem to have misplaced my camera cord so no uploading for me, well not yet anyway.

Got some lovely presents, a gorgeous necklace from Garth. A cocktail shaker, some clothes, DVDs . It was good fun, well fed to say the least. It was a bit bizarre being that it was hot and xmas but it still had the Xmas stillness in the air.

Right now i am killing time before going back to work for the second part of the split.

Ok actually can't think what else to say at the moment. Too hot and too tired to write too much.

Monday, 14 December 2009

Non festive mood

...and I have just been hit like a tonne of bricks to the face with a nice healthy dose of homesickness. I miss my girls and our crazy nights out where we take too many photos and laugh at the world for being so silly or just laugh for the sake of laughing.

The girls here are great, don't get me wrong, but it isn't the same. They don't appreciate the silliness of too many photos and the concept of memories in digital form.

Hmm that is enough of that actually.

Peace and Love

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Ginger Beer and Pizza

...Wow I just damn near jumped out of my skin just there. Decided I would put my mp3 Player on while I typed and while I sat here wide awake, that's all well and good. I forgot that I had turned it up to the maximum volume and as i turned it on I was greet by Combichrist screaming in my ear. Bloody hell, actual proper fright. There is some disadvantages to being forgetful sometimes.

So anyway onto my point of this entry. I moved into my own place today. I had every intention of unpacking and storing everything neatly as best as I could, but ended up getting distracted as so often happens when you have a semi unpleasant task ahead of you. I think there is a part of me that would like to wait until I have managed to either clean the old wardrobe Beth was offering or until I find a nice cheap flat pack one. Also would like to get like a small filing cabinet. Even just one with three drawers. One drawer for my stuff, one for Garth's and one for D&D/Magic Stuff .

Wayne came up tonight just for a quick catch up and a nosey at the new place. Yeah there are one or two things that need fixed but I love it. It gets really hot in here though. No luxury air conditioning. Ah well this will be a good way to get me used to the summer heat seeing as today when I actually went outside it was cooler than it was indoors.

Bundaberg Ginger Beer is so awesome especially with Bundaberg rum. It's just about the right mix of alcohol content, sweetness and a lovely tangy after taste. Way too easy to drink, could get quite drunk on it if you wanted to. Yup goes down a treat.

I hate the fact that I am still awake. I don't know the pasts few nights haven't been great for sleep. Guess I am just feeling a little unsettled but that was bound to happen. Even though I am still in Maryborough I did just move house. It will settle down again once I get the things sorted that I want sorted.

I really want to get back into WoW, especially since this is a house of geeks. Will save up some money and start looking into building my own pc again. Need some serious gaming time. I was tlkaing about airsoft today too, that was weird made me want to go, even though I didn't go all that often when i did go I loved it especially when it rained. What can I say I never was into girly hobbies. Never will be I don't think. Unless you include shoe shopping in that one.

Man I love the Veronicas. They just make me so happy and most of their songs on the Untouched album I just relate to. I wonder when they are touring next. I reckon they would be awesome to see live. Thank John for cluing me into their awesomeness.

Had a real craving fora  cheese pizza tonight so even though the fridge is all fully stocked I just had to order a pizza. It was one of those unyielding urges that would not have went away had I tried to ignore it. It was rather great actually. Sitting with my gorgeous guy while we talked games and other nonsense, eating pizza and drinking cool Ginger Beer in my own place how could it be better.

I realise that I am kinda rambling but I am awake and in the mood to type like a maniac. No real reason just felt the need. Ben is dragon obsessed. Beth helped me with my stuff today and the first thing she did was to eye up all the dragon ornaments and then claim that she was having them all. He does have some pretty amazing dragons though.

So other than being a bit disorganised at the moment this place is great and I think I am going to have a lot of fun here. Now what else is on my brain list? Oh yeah more writing of my many stories that are on the go. Then everything else. No wonder I don't sleep, my brain never shuts up telling me the stuff that I want/need to do.

Ah well life is good

Peace and Love

Wednesday, 9 December 2009


...Yup I sure am. 

This morning I woke up and the sun was shining...wait sorry it does that every morning...and I had this fantastic guy laying next to me smiling but I woke up in a bit of a funny mood. Now it wasn't a bad mood nor was it a good mood. It was more a "ugh I have so much to do" mood but even that doesn't describe the mood appropriately.

Regardless today started off weird, that may have been mild concussion that I was feeling actually...stupid Vodka bottle. Oh that's right I haven't told you the story of the Vodka bottle attacking me yet have I? Well it begins in a pub, as these things often do. The middle part of the tale is that I was working in said pub and while working in said pub I have to clean the bar, standard practise really. Near the end of the night, getting ready to close for the evening, I reach to get some coasters. Upon reaching these coasters I stand back up into an upright position or attempted to. On standing I manage somehow, please don't ask and it could only happen to me, smack my head off the electronic nip pourer. Whole section comes crashing down, nip pourer and bottle each hit me on the head. Vodka doesn't smell too nice when in the hair by the way just so you know this for future reference. I always knew that Vodka was evil. It hurts. So that was my tale of woe about how a Vodka bottle attacked me.

Now onto today. Funky mood, covered that. Hung about the house for a while chatting to both Garth and Glen waiting on Beth to finish work. Beth gets home at about 1.30ish and we all hop in the car and head down town. Bloody stinking hot too, must have been 35-36. Brisbane or rather Ipswich recorded 39 today. I was hotter than I have been because I decided to be semi sensible today. On Sunday I had a lot of sun exposure. Walked from here to town in the mid afternoon heat to get to the swimming pool. Stupid buses that don't run on a Sunday. Got to the pool layered on the suncream and dove into the water. I did however forget to reapply the suncream after 30 minutes, so ended up a little scarlet, not as bad as I have been but still too much sun exposure. Today I thought it a wise idea to put on a shirt, albeit a light one, to cover the shoulders, a pair of jeans to stop me scrathing the hell out of the 10 mossie bites on the one leg and my baseball cap to keep the sun from giving me a migraine which it has been doing the past few days. Great idea sensible and the like, until Garth and I walked to and from the real estates. Hot hot hot hot. Besides the point. We got to Station, walked from there to Wal Pavey to find out the progress of your application to get added to the lease at Ben's place. Got there, cooled down...air conditioning passed on to some pleasant woman and told to initial a few bits of paper and that should there be any noise complaints then we would be required to move out. All well and good. That was us sorted and told we could move in whenever we were ready. Stayed completely composed until we both got outside and just grabbed each other and laughed. Absolute highlight of the day. Put me on a total high. As a mini celebration we went to Woolworths and bought 2 1.25l bottles of Irn Bru each and yes it is the real stuff. It's not quite the glass bottle awesomeness but it's Irn Bru which I have not had since Sarah was over.  After stocking up on Bru we walked to Station to wait on Beth and Glen. While we waited we met Liam who gave us our Xmas presents unwrapped and told us we couldn't break the seals until Xmas, evil especially since my gift was ferrero rochet.

We all headed back to the house and I started on getting packed to move into my new place. I stopped packing at about 8.30 and I still aint finished. The important stuff has been sorted. Am getting keys cut tomorrow afternoon which mean that I can move the rest of my stuff in and actually start hunting for a cheap chest of drawers for some extra storage, or should I say for somewhere for Garth to put his stuff...I have a surprisingly large amount of clothing. Not much of anything else but lots of clothes and still the eternal dilema of I have nothing to wear. Ben is such a lovely guy, although I think I talk too much...always was my problem, not going to change it now. My night is being topped off tonight with a cold bottle of Bru. How amazing is that actually? All the way out here in the land down under...where the beer does flow and the men chunder...and I am drinking real Scottish Irn Bru, no ingredients or anything removed or added. Just pure unadulterated Irn Bru, best served freezing cold.

I am actually so buzzed right now that I think the prospect of sleep is beyond reach. Ah well I shall stay online and catch up with people until I can no longer feel my fingers from tiredness.

Oh on a side note, I am surrounded by geeks and all of them are gamer geeks on some level. hell when the move is complete it will be Garth, Ben and myself sitting in the lounge playing either Wow on the PC's ...note to self must start builing own pc again...playing the wii, the N64, the PS2, the PS3, the Xbox 360, the PSP or the Nintendo DS. Take your pick. The loung looks more like spaghetti junction than a lounge room and I couldn't be happier. It is quite obviously a guys place though, won't take me long to make it Vicky-ised though. It sorta reminds me of the first Edinburgh flat in a weird way. It's dominantly a male home, one of the lights needs a new bulb, there is no ironing board...not that I know what one them is anyway...and I think one of the doors needs fixing but it's welcoming and friendly and it's only a fifteen minute slowwwwww walk from town. If you walk at a normal pace it is actually only about a five minute walk, but say fifteen to be really sure. Did I mention that the place is HUGE! the back yard alone could fit another house and there would still be ample space. Need to paint the banister or at least finish it.

Anyway, I think that is about that for just now. Just a little update about the most recent event in my Aussie adventure, now to start driving lessons so I can get my license and that will be me set and able to go wherever I please on days off.

Life is good.
Peace and Love 
Vicky ***

Friday, 4 December 2009

Upon reflection

Firstly let me just point out that I am so happy or at ease right now. I have my mp3 player blaring in my ears and I know that I don't have to get up early tomorrow. Don't start work until 6pm which is awesome. Let it also be known that I love my job, actually considered getting a gaming license as that would mean extra shifts, but apparently they cost like $200. The only thing i really need right now is for the real estate to contact me. yes I have itchy feet just now but I reckon that will sort itself when I get my own place. Things are working out, slowly but they are getting there. I think I will do all the necessary stuff in Maryborough like rent for a while, get some references, get some money behind me and learn to drive and once that is sorted then I can go wherever I want.

Anyway to my point of this entry, which normally would be saved for the other blog but i felt it was appropriate to this one.


28th DECEMBER 2007: Graham and I are planning on moving to Australia and I don't mean in five years time or whatever, I mean NOW! At the start of January we are going to start filling in all of the necessary forms etc and we are aiming to be there by the summer of 2009 at the latest. We both just realised that we are still young and we have our entire lives ahead of us so why should we stay stuck in the one place. Obviously I will miss my friends and my family but it's a price I am willing to pay. To be honest it would nice to actually meet my dad's side of the family, he is an Aussie you see. Woohoo for dual nationality! Anywhere is better than here. We don't have a mortgage or children or pets and it's not like we won't be able to get jobs over there, they are choking for teachers and ironically enough Journalists right now. We will stay for a year, come home visit people and then decide if we love or hate it. I honestly don't think we will hate it though. It's too good an opportunity to miss out on. The more I think of it the more I just want to get on that plane. Hell in my head I am already there, says a lot really! That's why if you had a nosey at my profile the location says Australia, I am of course still here in bonnie body at least. There really isn't a whole lot that will stop me now!

13th SEPTEMBER 2008: Truth be told I need to feel like I am the most important thing in Graham's life again. Kinda feeling like even though I know he loves kinda feel like he is just biding his time until we get to Australia. I think it's mostly just that I can't see him as much as I would like for two major reasons A) he can't get a lift and B) he now spends all his time in London cos he is working and moving there. The worst thing is I know he loves it there and have this gut wrenching feeling that he won't want to leave his new job and will get too comfortable with the two guys he is moving in with. I can say all I want that I will be fine going to Australia myself and I don't doubt that if it came down to it I would be eventually but I am totally paranoid just now"

Like I said in my most recent twitter entry, It's funny how you predict things in your life. The two paragraphs are copied from previous blog entries and actually they have left me feeling a little serene. The first one of the two, sure I am talking about how Graham and I planned this big move but note the last line "There really isn't a whole lot that will stop me now!"

I never said "there really isn't a whole lot that will stop us now!" I said me. I never implied us in that last line. Ironically we were still ok at this point, in fact we were still good at this point but yet while writing a random online blog entry I subconsciously knew that this was my adventure. Weird huh? Or is that just me. Reflecting on these sorta things is interesting to me. Makes me see things in an entirely new perspective. Even the "hell in my head I am already there" surely at that point I should have been saying that we were already there. Peculiar.

As for the second part, well yeah things were pretty shit by this point, in fact by this point I think we were both clutching at straws hoping that we didn't have to face the big bad world alone, god forbid we would have to leave our comfort zones. This second part proves a point as far as I am concerned, my gut feelings are never wrong. I should have listened to my gut and perhaps I could have saved myself some of the heartache. Truthfully thought I didn't want to admit it to myself, even though clearly all the signals were pointing to me coming to Australia on my own. It all panned out the way it was meant to, this was clearly the path that I was supposed to walk. And to this day I still do not regret anything about the relationship between Graham and me. In fact quite the opposite. I am thankful for it and he was meant to come into my life but it was obviously not destined to be a permanent thing. We had two very different roads to walk along and up to a point, the point where the road forked, we were walking hand in hand along the same road. I guess people fall in love and sometimes it works and the couple end up with the happily ever after ending and in other cases, the love could still be there but you are meant to take separate journeys. I will always be glad he came into my life and will be forever proud of myself for actually getting here, alone or not.

I have a new love and it is so different to what Graham and I shared, in some ways it is better. But in everyway, even with some similarities, it is different. It is new and it's the way love should feel. Maybe it won't last, maybe we will end up with the fairytale ending. Whatever is meant to happen, I intend on enjoying and making the most of it.

I babble too much for sure. But like I mentioned I was simply reflecting on things past and feeling really good about that and the future that lies before me.

Vicky ****