Puppy's First Rodeo
So this is what I got up to yesterday afternoon/evening, The Fraser Coast Show. It was good fun, I was like a kid in a candy store. I love being at the shows, I didn't go on any of the rides though but that was only because they were too damn expensive, $6+ per person per ride. Next year I will make sure to save up a bit of cash so I can go on the rides, and buy whatever I want. I would have come out with an armful of stuff if I could have. Only problem with the show is it dredged up some memories that I am trying to ignore, ah well still was a good day.
This here little moo cow was not for going in the pen when she was getting herded by the riders and decided instead to strike a pose for me. Far too cute, I wanted to take her home. I did have a picture of the riders doing their thing but it's not that great, I was a little too far away. Was good fun watching them.
Racing pigs!? Who ever heard of such a thing? Seriously! I wanted the red pig to win and guess what he did. Was a good laugh standing there shouting for the red pig (Hogbert, as some kid named him, how very British hehe) to win and then laughing at the pigs pushing each other out of the way to get to the food.
This picture I took just for my mum, being that she loves pigs. Plus I thought they were ultra cute. I was on cute overload yesterday. Cute clothes, cute jewellery, cute bags, cute animals. It was all cute.
Giant 50ft Monkey, what else can I say? He was there to advertise little flying monkeys that scream as you chuck them in the air. I thought this was rather cool and who wouldn't, flying monkey's for goodness sake.
Fairy Floss (candy floss, cotton candy pick a name)! And not just a stick or a bag of the stuff. No! A whole bucket full, yes a bucket of sugar! There's a hole in my bucket...nope there is just a whole lot of sugar. Sugar! This is a must have item when you go to any fairground. To go to the shows and not get candy floss or a toffee apple and burger from a van is just plain wrong. I'm going to be happy for weeks now. Yay!
I warned you all! Hicks-ville much. Ah I don't care it only cost me $5 and I like it. It needs a bit more shaping but at least now I can keep the sun out of my eyes. I'll no doubt upgrade later to a better hat, probably a leather one. There were some real nice leather hats actually, but I want to get used to wearing a hat first, hence the straw one. Love it, even though I look a little like a guy with it on, ah well that's just me.
And this picture I just thought was kinda cool. Accidentally moved my hand when I was taking this hence the blurred effect.
There was a proper rodeo on last night too. My first rodeo and I'm sure it won't be my last. It was amazing to watch it. Especially the bull riding. Tell you something you wouldn't catch me doing that. Ought to have seen the size of some of these animals and their horns. Wow! There was chariot racing too which was amusing. It was actually quite cold last night and these guys are out there wearing gladiator clothing, it was a close call but my guy won again, only by a whisker mind you. Just before the rodeo there was a fireworks display. I love the fireworks. It's only official events that have fireworks over here, the general pop can't buy them. Watching the fireworks reminded me of a photo that I still need to get framed. It's a good photo regardless of current circumstances and I would still like to keep it. My soft spot for cowboys seems to be growing, don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. There was motorcycle stunts and the police dog unit were there too showing off a bit.
Overall it was a great day/night out. Bit different. I got a hat, fairy floss, a burger and chips from a van, watched fireworks and experienced my first rodeo. How can that be a bad day? Only bad thing, I couldn't buy everything I would have liked to, ah well there is always next year.
Vicky **
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