..nananaana, so good!"
Ok sorry silly moment there. But today was a good day. I woke up in pain from the mad exercise yesterday and Glen was here so I managed to give him his Birthday present, which arrived yesterday. He loved it. It was a pair of John Lennon sunglasses, but I am very good at picking out presents, I listen to what people say when they are out shopping, or what they say in passing. I just pay attention and hence am able to pick out good birthday, xmas, anniversary or even just random no occasion presents to cheer them up. Or at least I have never had any complaints. So that was that.
Spent the morning talking away to Glen and while we were sitting out on the balcony musing over various things, including the newspaper, the phone rang. Not such an unusual occurence really. I plodded over to answer it, expecting it to be someone for Beth or Bill, it is afterall their house and it was for me. So I'm talking away to this woman, Jane her name was, she tells me that she is from the Wide Bay Motel and that there may well be a job going and was I still interested. I told her of course I was interested. She asked what type of visa I was on, I advised her that I was in fact a dual citizen and therefore a permanent resident. She asked me to go tomorrow at 2pm for a chat. So woohoo to me. I have a job interview and it's not exactly far away either being that it is around the corner from Beth's. Might only end up being part time, but I will see what she has to say and just wait and see the outcome. So fingers crossed for me.
I sat and read the some more of my book, am about a third of the way through it already. Amazing what you can do when you focus your mind on something. Or just happen to have your mp3 player blaring in your ear and not have any real thoughts in your head apart from "things are looking up".
Malcolm and Diane came up tonight so them and Beth & Bill could practise their rock n roll moves. We ate pizza, chatted for a bit, then I came into the computer room to get out their way. Sounded like a small herd of elephants. I didn't have to be in the same room as them to have a giggle. They ended up just mucking about. Had Elvis blaring out the stereo. The man had a good voice and was actually really good looking before he found drugs and hamburgers. Not really a big fan, but he could sing.
I actually just feel elated today. The weight is coming off, I've started swimming, I have a job interview, plus a few other wee things that made me feel a lot better.
Nothing major really today when you think about it.
I think my little blog entries may be getting a bit boring, just you wait unitl Sarah comes over. Will have plenty to talk about then, but until then you will just have to put up with some mindless dribble at the moment. Or you could do something far more productive with your time, don't know what could be more important than my thoughts, but you know there must be something.
Ok I am actually going now. Goodnight
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
So I'm figuring...
...that my little realisation that I had lost nearly a stone in weight in about 6/7 weeks plus unemployment, spurred me on to go to the swimming today even though it kept raining. The swimming centre yes has a heated pool, what they don't tell you is that it really is not very deep. I read the signs that told met he depth. I can't swim in less than a 1.0m of water. Mainly because I probably don't swim as straight as I should and I would feel like my feet were scraping the bottom. So I decided stuff it, I would use the 50m length pool even though it wasn't heated. Bloody cold I'll tell you that for nothing.
Didn't get to sleep until the back of 3 this morning so it was a bit of a later start than I was hoping for but nevermind.
I got breakfast, which consisted of a bowl of Weet-Bix (yes that is the way they spell it over here) and a fresh orange, picked this morning by me off the tree. How cool is that? Then headed to get the bus to the pool. I ended up getting off at Station Square which meant a ten minute walk to the pool. Got there and like I said I went straight for the 50m pool. That was a hard slug actually. I was used to a 25m pool in Scumbernauld and even then it's been a long while since I was last in it. Body damn near keeled over from shock at the idea of real exercise. I swam 10 lengths which is 500m in total and is the equivalent of 20 lengths in a 25m pool. Was actually very proud of myself.
After my rather cold swim, obviously after I had gotten changed, I walked from the pool to home. That's a 45 minute walk and most of it is uphill, key difference this time though, I had remembered a bottle of water. How inconvenient though, was walking on a straight route, get to a street that blocks me off, bloody houses. Had to walk through the actual street to get back onto my straight walk. Imagine putting house there, how rude.
I've actually drank 1.5 litres of water today too and only had three wee snack size chocolates out of my show bag that Beth bought me the other day. I think that's pretty bloody good. Ate breakfast, swam and walked, showered, ate lunch, starting reading the fourth installment of The Vampire Chronicles, ate dinner, watched a few programmes on tv. I would say that's a rather good day. Sorted out my physical health and my mental health for the day.
I shouldn't have any issues sleeping tonight and if I do then clearly there is something wrong with me.
Oh and only a scottish person or at least someone who isn't originally from Queensland, would walk about with a only a tank top and jeans on with their hoody/jacket/cardigan/whatever, tied around their waist when it's only 23 degrees, cloudy and raining, even though it was only a little rain. I had good reason, I was too warm, very clamy today and I was doing exercise. That's my story and I am sticking to it.
I'm totally going to feel this tomorrow morning when I wake up and just when my body recovers I'm going to do it all again on Thursday or Friday, mostly to burn off the Pizza that we are apparently having tomorrow night. Har Har, take that squidgy bits!
I do actually feel much happier just for doing that today, true what they say apparently. "Exercise releases endorphins, endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't just shoot their husbands...they just don't" <--- can you name the movie, if you can, well I'll give you a virtual pat on the head for being so clever.
Ok enough from me and my mad babble
Vicky ***
Didn't get to sleep until the back of 3 this morning so it was a bit of a later start than I was hoping for but nevermind.
I got breakfast, which consisted of a bowl of Weet-Bix (yes that is the way they spell it over here) and a fresh orange, picked this morning by me off the tree. How cool is that? Then headed to get the bus to the pool. I ended up getting off at Station Square which meant a ten minute walk to the pool. Got there and like I said I went straight for the 50m pool. That was a hard slug actually. I was used to a 25m pool in Scumbernauld and even then it's been a long while since I was last in it. Body damn near keeled over from shock at the idea of real exercise. I swam 10 lengths which is 500m in total and is the equivalent of 20 lengths in a 25m pool. Was actually very proud of myself.
After my rather cold swim, obviously after I had gotten changed, I walked from the pool to home. That's a 45 minute walk and most of it is uphill, key difference this time though, I had remembered a bottle of water. How inconvenient though, was walking on a straight route, get to a street that blocks me off, bloody houses. Had to walk through the actual street to get back onto my straight walk. Imagine putting house there, how rude.
I've actually drank 1.5 litres of water today too and only had three wee snack size chocolates out of my show bag that Beth bought me the other day. I think that's pretty bloody good. Ate breakfast, swam and walked, showered, ate lunch, starting reading the fourth installment of The Vampire Chronicles, ate dinner, watched a few programmes on tv. I would say that's a rather good day. Sorted out my physical health and my mental health for the day.
I shouldn't have any issues sleeping tonight and if I do then clearly there is something wrong with me.
Oh and only a scottish person or at least someone who isn't originally from Queensland, would walk about with a only a tank top and jeans on with their hoody/jacket/cardigan/whatever, tied around their waist when it's only 23 degrees, cloudy and raining, even though it was only a little rain. I had good reason, I was too warm, very clamy today and I was doing exercise. That's my story and I am sticking to it.
I'm totally going to feel this tomorrow morning when I wake up and just when my body recovers I'm going to do it all again on Thursday or Friday, mostly to burn off the Pizza that we are apparently having tomorrow night. Har Har, take that squidgy bits!
I do actually feel much happier just for doing that today, true what they say apparently. "Exercise releases endorphins, endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't just shoot their husbands...they just don't" <--- can you name the movie, if you can, well I'll give you a virtual pat on the head for being so clever.
Ok enough from me and my mad babble
Vicky ***
Monday, 25 May 2009
As an Aside
I'm thinking too much about various junk.
Thinking you slackers need to leave more comments or I may start feeling unloved.
Any tips on how I can make this here adventuring info more interesting/readable?
Thinking you slackers need to leave more comments or I may start feeling unloved.
Any tips on how I can make this here adventuring info more interesting/readable?
I could easily type this entry later tonight, but I am here now. There isn't really a lot to report back with today. And tonight will no doubt be a quiet one.
Today Beth and I headed to town to pick up part of Glen's birthday present. I'm still waiting for the present I bought him to arrive from the states. I was kinda hoping it would be here today but alas no such joy. So anyway, we went to town and Beth bought a box of D&D miniatures for Glen. I found out how often the store runs warhammer games. Apparently they run every Thursday night and the occasional Saturday morning. Might be something worthwhile looking into, especially if it means that I can paint my own models. Have always said I would love that side of it. I'll go along one night if Glen wants to go along and see what I think.
Anyhoo I digress. Came back from town, wrote Glen's birthday cards and Beth sorted out some stuff that she wanted to take down for the house, then we headed off to Howard. It was Glen's choice of what to do for lunch, we just went to the little cafe around the corner. I got the Work's burger and oh wow was it tasty. I had tried one previously in Walkabout in Scotland and it was good, but this was so much better. It just felt right eating it in a small town in the middle of Australia. Good eats. Glen opened his presents and then laughed at my card because inside I had written "I O U one birthday present". Hope it arrives soon. Might make a mixed CD too, maybe.
While we were in Howard we went around to the second hand store. I very nearly bought another shirt, then decided against it. Would have looked good on me too. But I am trying to limit myself to $10 a week for five weeks. Shouldn't be too hard. The reason for this is because Sarah is coming over in about five weeks and if the job thing doesn't pick up or I don't have the benefit then I still want to have some money to be able to do all the cool things I have planned. That is the real reason.
So that was that. Went to Howard had little celebration for Glen's birthday, ate some tasty food, did a swap for a few things out of Glen's show bag (bag of sweets etc that you get at the Fraser Coast Show), then headed back here.
Oh oh oh! Stood on the scales for the first time since I got here and...I've lost nearly a stone in weight. Left Scotland at 12st 6lb and am now 11st 10lb. Whoop whoop! Go me. I knew there was a reason I was feeling better. Swimming and a long walk tomorrow, that should help the weight loss. I'll be back to a size 12 before I know it. I hope! Actually seeing that on the scales this morning just made my day.
Also got phonecall from Centrelink, asking me the same questions I have answered like five times already and apparently I will get another phonecall from the local office in a couple of days. Hopefully that means some progress. Would be good.
Plan for tonight...watch Home and Away, then some other crap on TV as Beth and Bill are heading out to Rock N Roll Classes.
So that's all folks
Vicky ***
Today Beth and I headed to town to pick up part of Glen's birthday present. I'm still waiting for the present I bought him to arrive from the states. I was kinda hoping it would be here today but alas no such joy. So anyway, we went to town and Beth bought a box of D&D miniatures for Glen. I found out how often the store runs warhammer games. Apparently they run every Thursday night and the occasional Saturday morning. Might be something worthwhile looking into, especially if it means that I can paint my own models. Have always said I would love that side of it. I'll go along one night if Glen wants to go along and see what I think.
Anyhoo I digress. Came back from town, wrote Glen's birthday cards and Beth sorted out some stuff that she wanted to take down for the house, then we headed off to Howard. It was Glen's choice of what to do for lunch, we just went to the little cafe around the corner. I got the Work's burger and oh wow was it tasty. I had tried one previously in Walkabout in Scotland and it was good, but this was so much better. It just felt right eating it in a small town in the middle of Australia. Good eats. Glen opened his presents and then laughed at my card because inside I had written "I O U one birthday present". Hope it arrives soon. Might make a mixed CD too, maybe.
While we were in Howard we went around to the second hand store. I very nearly bought another shirt, then decided against it. Would have looked good on me too. But I am trying to limit myself to $10 a week for five weeks. Shouldn't be too hard. The reason for this is because Sarah is coming over in about five weeks and if the job thing doesn't pick up or I don't have the benefit then I still want to have some money to be able to do all the cool things I have planned. That is the real reason.
So that was that. Went to Howard had little celebration for Glen's birthday, ate some tasty food, did a swap for a few things out of Glen's show bag (bag of sweets etc that you get at the Fraser Coast Show), then headed back here.
Oh oh oh! Stood on the scales for the first time since I got here and...I've lost nearly a stone in weight. Left Scotland at 12st 6lb and am now 11st 10lb. Whoop whoop! Go me. I knew there was a reason I was feeling better. Swimming and a long walk tomorrow, that should help the weight loss. I'll be back to a size 12 before I know it. I hope! Actually seeing that on the scales this morning just made my day.
Also got phonecall from Centrelink, asking me the same questions I have answered like five times already and apparently I will get another phonecall from the local office in a couple of days. Hopefully that means some progress. Would be good.
Plan for tonight...watch Home and Away, then some other crap on TV as Beth and Bill are heading out to Rock N Roll Classes.
So that's all folks
Vicky ***
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Puppy's First Rodeo
And this picture I just thought was kinda cool. Accidentally moved my hand when I was taking this hence the blurred effect.
There was a proper rodeo on last night too. My first rodeo and I'm sure it won't be my last. It was amazing to watch it. Especially the bull riding. Tell you something you wouldn't catch me doing that. Ought to have seen the size of some of these animals and their horns. Wow! There was chariot racing too which was amusing. It was actually quite cold last night and these guys are out there wearing gladiator clothing, it was a close call but my guy won again, only by a whisker mind you. Just before the rodeo there was a fireworks display. I love the fireworks. It's only official events that have fireworks over here, the general pop can't buy them. Watching the fireworks reminded me of a photo that I still need to get framed. It's a good photo regardless of current circumstances and I would still like to keep it. My soft spot for cowboys seems to be growing, don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. There was motorcycle stunts and the police dog unit were there too showing off a bit.
Overall it was a great day/night out. Bit different. I got a hat, fairy floss, a burger and chips from a van, watched fireworks and experienced my first rodeo. How can that be a bad day? Only bad thing, I couldn't buy everything I would have liked to, ah well there is always next year.
Vicky **
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Yes! The Bunches are Back!
Friday, 22 May 2009
I heard a song today, a country song, that I wanted to put the lyrics up for and damned if I was paying attention to the radio guy when he said the name of the song. Annoying. It's a song by a guy who is singing about he doesn't have much money, or a big fancy house but that his mrs loves him anyway. Damn damn damn. That'll teach me. Pay attention in future. Even tried googling for the words I could remember but no joy. Ah well c'est la vie eh?
Ho Hum, Hidey ho and all that jazz. Yesterday I spent the day with Beth, Bill, Maureen, Diane and Butch just wandering around town. Poor Butch looked so confused, Beth dared me to go up to him and put my arms around him, wish I had had my camera, his face was classic. And apparently I have nice lips *shrug*. Other than not much really happened yesterday. Oh I applied for another job and peeled some prawns. Yes I peeled prawns, ick. They were for dinner, Beth made a nice thousand island dressing from them. Normal stuff, mayo, tomato sauce but she added a bit of worcester sauce and tobassco. Was yummy. Very odd way to make the dressing I thought but I wasn't complaining. I also had a tasty quakeshake from the Donut King in the afternoon, bloody cost me $6 though. Was good, so I'll forgive them.
Really nothing to report sorry readers. Pretty average couple of days.
Today we took Maureen to Howard, then headed to Bundaberg so Beth and Bill could hunt out a fridge for their caravan. Got lunch, then decided it would be fun to look around the many many caravans for sale. Actually some really cool ones. I could see myself spending all my time on the road, fruit picking or whatever and travelling around in a caravan, why not? Oh dear am truly turning into a hick, I might go buy myself the hat and boots just now and deed poll my name to Miss Daisy. I actually think I would look kinda cool as a cowgirl, just without the hard farm work hehe. I have always had a soft spot for cowboys especially their shirts, I love wearing guys shirts. Yes yes I am a weirdo, but hey you wouldn't have me any other way...or you'd better not. Bundy have released a new rum, I must try.
Got home and just watched home and away, had a light dinner. Tuna and cheese toasty, woohoo I've not had one of them in the longest time. On a side note, quite clearly I am starting to move on a bit more, I keep eyeing people up. Like a dog on heat I tell ya, I'm about ready to jump someone, I just need to get my arse into a cold shower, shock it out of me hehe.
Anyhoo that's enough of that.
Vicky ***
Ho Hum, Hidey ho and all that jazz. Yesterday I spent the day with Beth, Bill, Maureen, Diane and Butch just wandering around town. Poor Butch looked so confused, Beth dared me to go up to him and put my arms around him, wish I had had my camera, his face was classic. And apparently I have nice lips *shrug*. Other than not much really happened yesterday. Oh I applied for another job and peeled some prawns. Yes I peeled prawns, ick. They were for dinner, Beth made a nice thousand island dressing from them. Normal stuff, mayo, tomato sauce but she added a bit of worcester sauce and tobassco. Was yummy. Very odd way to make the dressing I thought but I wasn't complaining. I also had a tasty quakeshake from the Donut King in the afternoon, bloody cost me $6 though. Was good, so I'll forgive them.
Really nothing to report sorry readers. Pretty average couple of days.
Today we took Maureen to Howard, then headed to Bundaberg so Beth and Bill could hunt out a fridge for their caravan. Got lunch, then decided it would be fun to look around the many many caravans for sale. Actually some really cool ones. I could see myself spending all my time on the road, fruit picking or whatever and travelling around in a caravan, why not? Oh dear am truly turning into a hick, I might go buy myself the hat and boots just now and deed poll my name to Miss Daisy. I actually think I would look kinda cool as a cowgirl, just without the hard farm work hehe. I have always had a soft spot for cowboys especially their shirts, I love wearing guys shirts. Yes yes I am a weirdo, but hey you wouldn't have me any other way...or you'd better not. Bundy have released a new rum, I must try.
Got home and just watched home and away, had a light dinner. Tuna and cheese toasty, woohoo I've not had one of them in the longest time. On a side note, quite clearly I am starting to move on a bit more, I keep eyeing people up. Like a dog on heat I tell ya, I'm about ready to jump someone, I just need to get my arse into a cold shower, shock it out of me hehe.
Anyhoo that's enough of that.
Vicky ***
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Real Life WoW
You are probably wondering what I mean by that. Any WoW players will probably laugh when I describe my day so far today and then will understand the title. For the rest of you, well you will just have to figure it out or maybe I'll explain.
If you have ever player World of Warcraft you will understand and know that there are people who tell you to do things, quest givers. You will also understand that they often tell you to do things that they are too lazy to do themselves and send you from one place to another, then back again. You usually get given a basic direction and then have to depend on your map to tell you where you are going. So you get the gist.
So this was my days adventures (the geeks following this will know that I am getting serious withdrawal)
I pressed L on my keyboard ie I looked at my list of things to do today
Quests as Follows:
Go to the Flightmaster, travel to the next town {Get the bus} - Completed.
Go to Daisy, outside the inn next to the mailbox collect old scroll from her {Go to post office to get separation certificate to send to HR department of HMRC} - Completed.
Daisy lost scroll on the way to town advises you to go Bob at the council office who will have copy of scroll {Go to Centrelink office because Post Office hasn't had form for years} - Completed.
Present self to local field marshall {Remind RSL club that am still interested in any vacancies they may have} - Completed.
Go back to Daisy, at mailbox show her copy of scroll and ask her to mail it to next person in line {Go back to Post Office to get them to fax cover letter and separation certificate to HR department in Liverpool, pay $10} - Completed.
Marshall tells you that there is a recruitment opportunity at local witch doctor but advises that it is a long way away and is dangerous. You will have to walk as there are no flight paths, gives you basic directions. {Walk from Post Office to Hospital, 30 minute walk, hardly any pedestrian crossings, to hand in CV for catering position, map in hand which is checked constantly} - Completed.
At this point the adventurer has faced many demons and wild boars and must rest a while in the local inn {I get too damn warm, hungry and dehydrated body hasn't exercised for a while, decide to stop in at Beth's work to chill out for a bit}
Rested xp gained, adventurer uses hearthstone to return to home inn and logs back into reality {I walk the next 15 minutes from the Hospital Cafe back to Stafford Street and log in to non reality}
So now what I am going to do, because I can't actually play WoW on this machine, bloody limited internet useage, is to plan out a 4 week itinerary for when Sarah gets here including prices. I'll go on the assumption that I don't have a job by then, but today has actually been a bit more positive, I've had some reply. I may have to work in a fast food chain, but right now I will accept anything that pays a weekly wage because this unemployment stuff is headache inducing. *Shrug* it's not going to stop me pursuing the dream of journalism. I'll just keep writing and will keep on at the newspapers, radio stations whatever.
That's actually about it for the day, I doubt I will do anything too interesting tonight. Beth and Maureen are staying in Gympie tonight so it's just me and Bill. And I wouldn't be surprised if he goes out. I may get my moles checked out at some point, especially the one under my arm, see if they can't get rid of it, but I'm in no hurry.
I'm going to go for just now, get a drink then work out the itinerary and deal with my WoW withdrawal.
Vicky ***
If you have ever player World of Warcraft you will understand and know that there are people who tell you to do things, quest givers. You will also understand that they often tell you to do things that they are too lazy to do themselves and send you from one place to another, then back again. You usually get given a basic direction and then have to depend on your map to tell you where you are going. So you get the gist.
So this was my days adventures (the geeks following this will know that I am getting serious withdrawal)
I pressed L on my keyboard ie I looked at my list of things to do today
Quests as Follows:
Go to the Flightmaster, travel to the next town {Get the bus} - Completed.
Go to Daisy, outside the inn next to the mailbox collect old scroll from her {Go to post office to get separation certificate to send to HR department of HMRC} - Completed.
Daisy lost scroll on the way to town advises you to go Bob at the council office who will have copy of scroll {Go to Centrelink office because Post Office hasn't had form for years} - Completed.
Present self to local field marshall {Remind RSL club that am still interested in any vacancies they may have} - Completed.
Go back to Daisy, at mailbox show her copy of scroll and ask her to mail it to next person in line {Go back to Post Office to get them to fax cover letter and separation certificate to HR department in Liverpool, pay $10} - Completed.
Marshall tells you that there is a recruitment opportunity at local witch doctor but advises that it is a long way away and is dangerous. You will have to walk as there are no flight paths, gives you basic directions. {Walk from Post Office to Hospital, 30 minute walk, hardly any pedestrian crossings, to hand in CV for catering position, map in hand which is checked constantly} - Completed.
At this point the adventurer has faced many demons and wild boars and must rest a while in the local inn {I get too damn warm, hungry and dehydrated body hasn't exercised for a while, decide to stop in at Beth's work to chill out for a bit}
Rested xp gained, adventurer uses hearthstone to return to home inn and logs back into reality {I walk the next 15 minutes from the Hospital Cafe back to Stafford Street and log in to non reality}
So now what I am going to do, because I can't actually play WoW on this machine, bloody limited internet useage, is to plan out a 4 week itinerary for when Sarah gets here including prices. I'll go on the assumption that I don't have a job by then, but today has actually been a bit more positive, I've had some reply. I may have to work in a fast food chain, but right now I will accept anything that pays a weekly wage because this unemployment stuff is headache inducing. *Shrug* it's not going to stop me pursuing the dream of journalism. I'll just keep writing and will keep on at the newspapers, radio stations whatever.
That's actually about it for the day, I doubt I will do anything too interesting tonight. Beth and Maureen are staying in Gympie tonight so it's just me and Bill. And I wouldn't be surprised if he goes out. I may get my moles checked out at some point, especially the one under my arm, see if they can't get rid of it, but I'm in no hurry.
I'm going to go for just now, get a drink then work out the itinerary and deal with my WoW withdrawal.
Vicky ***
Monday, 18 May 2009
I actually did something semi productive yesterday and today.
Yesterday I spent almost all day creating a new blog just for my articles, poems, and general creativeness. Should really get my own website but at the moment blogger will do. Feel free to leave comments on the creative stuff, in fact comments good or bad are very welcome. I needed a place to put the stuff, maybe I will figure out a place to put it all that will actually get it noticed *shrug*
I actually barely moved from this computer all day yesterday, sometimes you just get days like that. It's too bad I can't get WoW or anything on this machine. I'll get my geeky side back out soon enough, I have bigger things to worry about just now.
As for today, first my heart nearly jumped out of my mouth but I'm over it, I posted some letters, sorted out some bank stuff, checked with Centrelink the progress of my forms, went to the tourist information place for info about what's on in July for when Sarah comes over and I even bought myself the System of A Down Toxicity album for 10 bucks. Yay to me.
Have just finished dinner and am about to email the Gympie Times then it's time for Home and Away. Think my plan for after that is to read the fourth installment of the Vampire Chronicles either that or I will play cards or my ds, most likely read. The sooner I get the book read the sooner I can review it and the sooner I can go onto installment five and the sooner I can then buy book six and seven.
Other than that there is no gossip at the moment.
Yesterday I spent almost all day creating a new blog just for my articles, poems, and general creativeness. Should really get my own website but at the moment blogger will do. Feel free to leave comments on the creative stuff, in fact comments good or bad are very welcome. I needed a place to put the stuff, maybe I will figure out a place to put it all that will actually get it noticed *shrug*
I actually barely moved from this computer all day yesterday, sometimes you just get days like that. It's too bad I can't get WoW or anything on this machine. I'll get my geeky side back out soon enough, I have bigger things to worry about just now.
As for today, first my heart nearly jumped out of my mouth but I'm over it, I posted some letters, sorted out some bank stuff, checked with Centrelink the progress of my forms, went to the tourist information place for info about what's on in July for when Sarah comes over and I even bought myself the System of A Down Toxicity album for 10 bucks. Yay to me.
Have just finished dinner and am about to email the Gympie Times then it's time for Home and Away. Think my plan for after that is to read the fourth installment of the Vampire Chronicles either that or I will play cards or my ds, most likely read. The sooner I get the book read the sooner I can review it and the sooner I can go onto installment five and the sooner I can then buy book six and seven.
Other than that there is no gossip at the moment.
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Apparently this is turning into a weekly rather than a daily blog. What can I say I've been busy.
I've decided that I should never re-read entries, because I realise that although there may not be too many typo's where the word is spelled incorrectly, it's more likely that I have actually typed the wrong word, like "design site" for example, that should have been decent site, where I got design from I do not know, ah well.
So my last entry was last Friday and today equals one week and a day since I last updated you all my minions hehe.
On Saturday, Caitlin came up from Gympie to keep me company. She arrived at about 5.30 but actually arrived in Maryborough at just before 5pm, but got herself lost and I am useless with directions especially in a place that I am still getting used to. Now we could have easily have hopped back in the car and attempted to find the pizza place but we decided not to risk it, as it wasn't worth wasting the night. We got ourselves settled on the balcony, and opened our first bottle of red wine while we waited on some kindly person to actually deliver our pizza-licious snackage. Very tasty pizza's they were too, a spicy one and a meat feast one and the deliver guy wasn't too bad either hehe, pity he was busy working, may well have invited him in. Nah I kid, but he was quite cute and very tall. It was a very typical girly night, we bitched about this, that and the next thing, mostly about guys, we drank a bottle and a half of wine, ate more than we could really handle including ice cream with strawberry or chocolate sauce and 100's & 1000's. Yummy! Then we decided to be all sophisticated and eat olives hehe. It was actually a surprisingly early night though. We each went in for a quick shower, then went to bed, mostly because Caitlin had to get up early to take her mum out for Mother's Day. Yes you did read that right. The Aussies celebrate Mother's Day on the 10th of May and I believe that their Father's Day is in August or September. I may still send my dad his card in June though, so he doesn't feel left out.
Sunday was a lazy day for me, I just sat about, checked stuff online and waited for Beth and Bill to get back from their weekend away. It was quite amusing though, we all had something to eat and then Beth decided she needed to show me how to Rock n Roll dance because I was standing in for Bill on the Monday. It was a good giggle actually, especially because of some of the faces that Bill was pulling while doing the steps. Describing it just doesn't do it justice though, I guess you all miss out, it was one of those "you had to see it" moments. So that was that for Sunday.
Monday was a long day. Was up early to head to Hervey Bay with Beth. I had an appointment with the job search people at 10am, not that these people ever run on time, I never got taken in until about 10.30 ish. Beth had to go to Hervey Bay anyway to buy a game that she likes, so we decided to make a day of it. We sorted out the job stuff or at least made a start on it, had a coffee in this lovely wee cafe, well I had a hot chocolate. Then we walked around the shops. I nearly bought a cupcake making set, but decided against it, it was very cute though. We bought Beth's game, Sequence it's called, it's a card game. I was in my element in that store though, it was a kinda geeky wee store in which I nearly bought a $30 jigsaw. I stopped myself because I am only buying things that I need rather than things I want at the moment, or at least I am trying to. But this jigsaw was gorgeous it was the type of jigsaw that once you finished it you would go away and get it framed, very dark and gothic and very me. Maybe if this money comes through then I will take a day trip to Hervey Bay with Glen or Beth and buy myself the puzzle. Maybe. We walked around a bit more, and I did end up buying myself a wee something, I bought some nice writing paper it was only $2 and I bought myself a Cherry Ripe chocolate bar too. So nice and def something that Scotland should invest in, especially seeing as there are so many Aussies there. We stopped for lunch in a cafe that Beth likes and shared a portion of potato wedges with bacon, cheese, sour cream and chilli sauce on them. Yum! They were actually beyond tasty, should have been more of them though. We took a wander around some of the furniture stores, just for curiosity sakes. Some really good deals. In one place they had an offer on to kit out three rooms, your lounge, your dinning area and your bedroom and it was only $2000. That's really quite good I think. Worked out as something like 14 pieces of furniture. While in Hervey Bay we also stopped into Dan Murphy's...possibly the biggest bottle shop I have ever seen...picked up six bottles of wine which will last me and beth a while, it takes us two or three days to finish one bottle, having one glass a night.
We eventually headed out of Hervey Bay and stopped to pick up Auntie Fran as she was coming to Beth's for dinner. We had risoles and veggies. Risoles are basically burgers, but they are risoles here. Auntie Fran was going to come to the Rock N Roll class with us, but she wasn't feeling great so we just dropped her off after dinner and then headed to Sporty's for the class. That was good fun actually, it took me a while to get the hang of it, but it was still fun. We were doing the four basic. I could see myself taking it up, but it takes me too long to get into the rhythm. Malcolm and Diane showed up, we danced for a bit then had a drink before heading off home. Beth and I when we got home decided to have a bit of a girly night. We finished off a bottle of wine, ate popcorn and watched Home and Away, How I met your Mother and Scrubs. Then we just sat and talked for a while. It was fun. Again it was a fairly early night, early start the next morning again.
So onto Tuesday. We went to a Mental Health community meeting. It was actually quite interesting hearing about some of the things that are provided for people with mental illnesses in the community and actually I even spoke up at one point about what could be done to help the service provide more for their patients. Beth and I left the meeting before it was completely finished because Beth thought she might have had to work, but it turned out that they didn't need her, so we went for a wander down town. I had to go to centrelink anyway...and what a rigmarole that turned out to be. I sat there with this girl with 1hr 15mins. I think she thought I was trying to con her, she had clearly never seen a citizenship by descent certificate, she had to ask like three people what she put it under on the system. Blah blah the usual rubbish. I provided so many pieces of information including a statement about why I left my job...I thought that was fairly obvious, being that I moved to the other side of the world, but apparently not. I can see why people turn to drink after dealing with these people. It is stress inducing. I can see why they do it, but still, they probably aren't used to people being honest with them. Now it's a case of playing the waiting game. Fingers crossed. I don't think anything else of any real significance happened, standard day really.
On Wednesday, Beth was heading to Howard, and just before we left Glen called and asked if I wanted to crash there for a couple of days. I thought why the hell not. I packed up some stuff and headed off with Beth. We stopped into the government place so I could get my proof of age card. The photo is awful and it cost me $24.50, I've not had to use the damn thing yet, which is typical but it means I don't have to cart my passport about with me all of the time. Got to Howard and helped the boys to clean out their old caravan because I think Beth has someone who wants to buy it. After Beth left, myself, Glen and Jamie just sat about listening to music and having a couple of drinks. I drank about a bottle of wine. That was the most chatty I have seen Jamie though. He is quite good on a couple of beers, actually joins in the conversation a bit more. had some nice meat for dinner. Glen and I played a little bit of DnD then got distracted by conversation and the dog hehe. The house gets quite cold at night too so I never really slept very well.
Thursday was a great day actually. Myself and Glen left Jamie to sleep and headed out to the second hand store. I had forgotten to pick up a clean top so I needed a top to wear. Ended up getting a denim shirt and a blue jumper for $2 each and they are actually very nice especially the shirt. On the way back to the house, we stopped into a wee cafe and got some hot chips with loads of chicken salt, another thing that is seriously lacking in Scotland. I also got myself a strawberry milk and a cherry ripe. We sat and shared the chips and just talked. This was at like 10am. We sat on the front door steps for a while and at about 1/2pm, Glen and I walked round to the bottle shop and I got myself a six pack of beers. That's what I call bliss though, sitting in the sun on the door step with an ice cold beer in my hand can't get much better than that. The rest of the day we just sat and chilled out. We made modern art too with the empties. PIty I didn't have my camera otherwise you could all see it. We called it Australia in the Recession - no money for beer, smokes, coffee and nothing but a lousy pencil to fill in your dole form. It sent us off into giggles.
Yesterday I went with Glen so he could get his injection, had to sit on a bus full of high school kids, which is my idea of hell. They are so bitchy, but hey, all it did was remind me of what high school is really like. Got off the bus at the hospital, stopped into Beth's work grabbed a quick something to eat then headed to the clinic. The doc was like 15 minutes late, that's pretty slack but hey that's doctor's. Afterwards we headed over to wait on Beth finishing work, then headed to town, picked up some things and headed back to the house, where myself and Glen just sat in the garden and chilled. Later in the evening after dinner, Glen and I played Stratego, which I got gubbed at but hey nevermind.
And that is my exciting week. Hope you liked the update, I am going to get out of this computer room as it's starting to annoy me.
Hope all is well
Vicky **
I've decided that I should never re-read entries, because I realise that although there may not be too many typo's where the word is spelled incorrectly, it's more likely that I have actually typed the wrong word, like "design site" for example, that should have been decent site, where I got design from I do not know, ah well.
So my last entry was last Friday and today equals one week and a day since I last updated you all my minions hehe.
On Saturday, Caitlin came up from Gympie to keep me company. She arrived at about 5.30 but actually arrived in Maryborough at just before 5pm, but got herself lost and I am useless with directions especially in a place that I am still getting used to. Now we could have easily have hopped back in the car and attempted to find the pizza place but we decided not to risk it, as it wasn't worth wasting the night. We got ourselves settled on the balcony, and opened our first bottle of red wine while we waited on some kindly person to actually deliver our pizza-licious snackage. Very tasty pizza's they were too, a spicy one and a meat feast one and the deliver guy wasn't too bad either hehe, pity he was busy working, may well have invited him in. Nah I kid, but he was quite cute and very tall. It was a very typical girly night, we bitched about this, that and the next thing, mostly about guys, we drank a bottle and a half of wine, ate more than we could really handle including ice cream with strawberry or chocolate sauce and 100's & 1000's. Yummy! Then we decided to be all sophisticated and eat olives hehe. It was actually a surprisingly early night though. We each went in for a quick shower, then went to bed, mostly because Caitlin had to get up early to take her mum out for Mother's Day. Yes you did read that right. The Aussies celebrate Mother's Day on the 10th of May and I believe that their Father's Day is in August or September. I may still send my dad his card in June though, so he doesn't feel left out.
Sunday was a lazy day for me, I just sat about, checked stuff online and waited for Beth and Bill to get back from their weekend away. It was quite amusing though, we all had something to eat and then Beth decided she needed to show me how to Rock n Roll dance because I was standing in for Bill on the Monday. It was a good giggle actually, especially because of some of the faces that Bill was pulling while doing the steps. Describing it just doesn't do it justice though, I guess you all miss out, it was one of those "you had to see it" moments. So that was that for Sunday.
Monday was a long day. Was up early to head to Hervey Bay with Beth. I had an appointment with the job search people at 10am, not that these people ever run on time, I never got taken in until about 10.30 ish. Beth had to go to Hervey Bay anyway to buy a game that she likes, so we decided to make a day of it. We sorted out the job stuff or at least made a start on it, had a coffee in this lovely wee cafe, well I had a hot chocolate. Then we walked around the shops. I nearly bought a cupcake making set, but decided against it, it was very cute though. We bought Beth's game, Sequence it's called, it's a card game. I was in my element in that store though, it was a kinda geeky wee store in which I nearly bought a $30 jigsaw. I stopped myself because I am only buying things that I need rather than things I want at the moment, or at least I am trying to. But this jigsaw was gorgeous it was the type of jigsaw that once you finished it you would go away and get it framed, very dark and gothic and very me. Maybe if this money comes through then I will take a day trip to Hervey Bay with Glen or Beth and buy myself the puzzle. Maybe. We walked around a bit more, and I did end up buying myself a wee something, I bought some nice writing paper it was only $2 and I bought myself a Cherry Ripe chocolate bar too. So nice and def something that Scotland should invest in, especially seeing as there are so many Aussies there. We stopped for lunch in a cafe that Beth likes and shared a portion of potato wedges with bacon, cheese, sour cream and chilli sauce on them. Yum! They were actually beyond tasty, should have been more of them though. We took a wander around some of the furniture stores, just for curiosity sakes. Some really good deals. In one place they had an offer on to kit out three rooms, your lounge, your dinning area and your bedroom and it was only $2000. That's really quite good I think. Worked out as something like 14 pieces of furniture. While in Hervey Bay we also stopped into Dan Murphy's...possibly the biggest bottle shop I have ever seen...picked up six bottles of wine which will last me and beth a while, it takes us two or three days to finish one bottle, having one glass a night.
We eventually headed out of Hervey Bay and stopped to pick up Auntie Fran as she was coming to Beth's for dinner. We had risoles and veggies. Risoles are basically burgers, but they are risoles here. Auntie Fran was going to come to the Rock N Roll class with us, but she wasn't feeling great so we just dropped her off after dinner and then headed to Sporty's for the class. That was good fun actually, it took me a while to get the hang of it, but it was still fun. We were doing the four basic. I could see myself taking it up, but it takes me too long to get into the rhythm. Malcolm and Diane showed up, we danced for a bit then had a drink before heading off home. Beth and I when we got home decided to have a bit of a girly night. We finished off a bottle of wine, ate popcorn and watched Home and Away, How I met your Mother and Scrubs. Then we just sat and talked for a while. It was fun. Again it was a fairly early night, early start the next morning again.
So onto Tuesday. We went to a Mental Health community meeting. It was actually quite interesting hearing about some of the things that are provided for people with mental illnesses in the community and actually I even spoke up at one point about what could be done to help the service provide more for their patients. Beth and I left the meeting before it was completely finished because Beth thought she might have had to work, but it turned out that they didn't need her, so we went for a wander down town. I had to go to centrelink anyway...and what a rigmarole that turned out to be. I sat there with this girl with 1hr 15mins. I think she thought I was trying to con her, she had clearly never seen a citizenship by descent certificate, she had to ask like three people what she put it under on the system. Blah blah the usual rubbish. I provided so many pieces of information including a statement about why I left my job...I thought that was fairly obvious, being that I moved to the other side of the world, but apparently not. I can see why people turn to drink after dealing with these people. It is stress inducing. I can see why they do it, but still, they probably aren't used to people being honest with them. Now it's a case of playing the waiting game. Fingers crossed. I don't think anything else of any real significance happened, standard day really.
On Wednesday, Beth was heading to Howard, and just before we left Glen called and asked if I wanted to crash there for a couple of days. I thought why the hell not. I packed up some stuff and headed off with Beth. We stopped into the government place so I could get my proof of age card. The photo is awful and it cost me $24.50, I've not had to use the damn thing yet, which is typical but it means I don't have to cart my passport about with me all of the time. Got to Howard and helped the boys to clean out their old caravan because I think Beth has someone who wants to buy it. After Beth left, myself, Glen and Jamie just sat about listening to music and having a couple of drinks. I drank about a bottle of wine. That was the most chatty I have seen Jamie though. He is quite good on a couple of beers, actually joins in the conversation a bit more. had some nice meat for dinner. Glen and I played a little bit of DnD then got distracted by conversation and the dog hehe. The house gets quite cold at night too so I never really slept very well.
Thursday was a great day actually. Myself and Glen left Jamie to sleep and headed out to the second hand store. I had forgotten to pick up a clean top so I needed a top to wear. Ended up getting a denim shirt and a blue jumper for $2 each and they are actually very nice especially the shirt. On the way back to the house, we stopped into a wee cafe and got some hot chips with loads of chicken salt, another thing that is seriously lacking in Scotland. I also got myself a strawberry milk and a cherry ripe. We sat and shared the chips and just talked. This was at like 10am. We sat on the front door steps for a while and at about 1/2pm, Glen and I walked round to the bottle shop and I got myself a six pack of beers. That's what I call bliss though, sitting in the sun on the door step with an ice cold beer in my hand can't get much better than that. The rest of the day we just sat and chilled out. We made modern art too with the empties. PIty I didn't have my camera otherwise you could all see it. We called it Australia in the Recession - no money for beer, smokes, coffee and nothing but a lousy pencil to fill in your dole form. It sent us off into giggles.
Yesterday I went with Glen so he could get his injection, had to sit on a bus full of high school kids, which is my idea of hell. They are so bitchy, but hey, all it did was remind me of what high school is really like. Got off the bus at the hospital, stopped into Beth's work grabbed a quick something to eat then headed to the clinic. The doc was like 15 minutes late, that's pretty slack but hey that's doctor's. Afterwards we headed over to wait on Beth finishing work, then headed to town, picked up some things and headed back to the house, where myself and Glen just sat in the garden and chilled. Later in the evening after dinner, Glen and I played Stratego, which I got gubbed at but hey nevermind.
And that is my exciting week. Hope you liked the update, I am going to get out of this computer room as it's starting to annoy me.
Hope all is well
Vicky **
Friday, 8 May 2009
Smart Roos
So apparently the Roos over here are very clever. Pass by road signs and they suggest that drivers may encounter Roos for 20km...this is an amusing thought for me and beth incidentally. How do the kangaroos know when the 20km is up? They must be rather smart indeed. Beth was saying that if she ever hits a roo after 20km she is going to sue the road sign people.
Anyway that was a random thought.
Yesterday, Beth, Bill and I drove up to this obscure spot in the Queensland never never as Beth called it and it really was in the middle of nowhere, there was one house on the road we had to travel down and it had goats. Don't know why that was relevant but hey nevermind. We got to this spot and there were a million and one huge and I mean huge ants. Bill taught me how to fish. It took me a wee bit to get used to but once I got it I was casting like a pro apparently...never caught anything, the fish were too small to hook on and they kept stealing the bait. A couple of times I thought I had caught something but then my hook just got snagged on underwater stuff. Tell a lie I did catch something...A stick, it was very tasty you know. We had a bbq, fished some more and then headed home. We stopped to check on the crab pots though and Maureen and Pete had caught one crab cos the tide was too low for them at that time. He was a big crab too, poised for fighting mind you, before he got stuffed in a sack.
Didn't do much else yesterday, got home had dinner watched home and away then law and order. Headed to bed early and listened to the radio for a bit.
Got up early this morning to go down town. Had to sort out my Tax File Number, medicare card and get a Bank statement. Got all of that sorted pretty quickly and stopped to get something to eat before meeting Beth and getting some wine and munchies for Caitlin coming up from Gympie tomorrow night. Plan for the rest of the day is do a bit more typing up of stuff, looking for some birthday presents and then tidying up before having a pampering session to myself seeing as Beth and Bill are away.
Still want to dye my hair copper, but at the moment I am enjoying how blonde it looks and how healthy it is. Too bad I have money on the brain...yes thank you...
Ah well c'est la vie
Vicky ***
Anyway that was a random thought.
Yesterday, Beth, Bill and I drove up to this obscure spot in the Queensland never never as Beth called it and it really was in the middle of nowhere, there was one house on the road we had to travel down and it had goats. Don't know why that was relevant but hey nevermind. We got to this spot and there were a million and one huge and I mean huge ants. Bill taught me how to fish. It took me a wee bit to get used to but once I got it I was casting like a pro apparently...never caught anything, the fish were too small to hook on and they kept stealing the bait. A couple of times I thought I had caught something but then my hook just got snagged on underwater stuff. Tell a lie I did catch something...A stick, it was very tasty you know. We had a bbq, fished some more and then headed home. We stopped to check on the crab pots though and Maureen and Pete had caught one crab cos the tide was too low for them at that time. He was a big crab too, poised for fighting mind you, before he got stuffed in a sack.
Didn't do much else yesterday, got home had dinner watched home and away then law and order. Headed to bed early and listened to the radio for a bit.
Got up early this morning to go down town. Had to sort out my Tax File Number, medicare card and get a Bank statement. Got all of that sorted pretty quickly and stopped to get something to eat before meeting Beth and getting some wine and munchies for Caitlin coming up from Gympie tomorrow night. Plan for the rest of the day is do a bit more typing up of stuff, looking for some birthday presents and then tidying up before having a pampering session to myself seeing as Beth and Bill are away.
Still want to dye my hair copper, but at the moment I am enjoying how blonde it looks and how healthy it is. Too bad I have money on the brain...yes thank you...
Ah well c'est la vie
Vicky ***
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Bit of a delay
Ooops. I seem to have forgotten to update this week. Well This may turn out to be a longish entry assuming of course I can remember everything that I have been up to or the thoughts that are in my head.
Umm... So Thursday wasn't really a very exciting day. In fact I can't remember what I got up to. I'm sure if I could remember it would be terribly interesting but nope nothing of note. Well apart from Beth pretending to strangle me Homer Simpson style because I never went to the market to get her a $4 ring hehe. I'm pretty sure I sat and typed up a couple of articles. I've decided against the suite101 thing, need to find a design site though that will let me review things and perhaps get me noticed. I'm sure I did have a blog that I made ages ago with just my articles etc, but can I remember the name of it...nah.
So moving on! Friday. First thing on Friday morning Glen and I went down to town, had a wander about. I bought a new hoody nights are getting a bit cooler. Just plain grey was only $20 dollars, also topped up my phone. Am fair going through the top up's though. It's all the texting to the UK hehe. Once I get a job I will move onto a bill phone I think...maybe. Beth and Bill went out on Friday night, so Glen and I played a couple of games of pool and just chatted. We actually get on really well. I have seriously lost my touch at pool, shocking i tell you.
So onto Saturday I guess. I spent all day Saturday lounging about in the Garden and chatting. On Saturday night I went out with Beth and Bill to a Credence Clear Water Revival at Sporty's. Aside from starting 45 mins later than scheduled they were actually really good. Got up and had a wee boogie with Beth. Addicted to Lemon, Lime and Bitters now. So refreshing. If I end up residing permanently in Martyborough, I'm going to turn into a country bumpkin, hat, cowboy boots and the like hehe. Might not be a bad thing, I was looking for a look change afterall.
Sunday rolls around and we were supposed to head up to Howard to see how Jamie was, but Greg, Gaye and the Kids came down, which was good fun. It was nice meeting them. Greg walked in and I was shocked at how much he reminded me of my dad. Seriously put a hat on my dad and he would look like Greg. I got on quite well with Thomas and Caitlin too. Was sitting with Beth and Gaye and I was getting all the stories about when the Cook boys were growing up and the sort of trouble they all got into, which was quite amusing. Some of the stories I obviously already knew but hey it's always funny to listen to growing up adventures. It rained on Sunday but that didn't stop us having a bbq. We all played a couple of games of darts, I'm getting quite good at that. I was paired with Greg against Beth and Gaye. Greg is a total wind up merchant. Kept saying things like "Oh I'll show you how it's done Vicky" etc etc and would end up getting a worse set of numbers than me or would miss what he was aiming for. It was good fun. They left fairly early though, ended up being an early night for us all. Not that I am complaining.
Monday was a public holiday....and I think I am getting senile, I can't remember what I got up to...Oh yeah we went to Howard so that Glen could pick up some more stuff as he was going to go to the men's shelter, needed some space from Jamie. I kinda felt sorry for Jamie actually becasue Glen took the dog with him and it did seem as though Glen wasn't really being fair but hey, what do I know I'm the only child, never had to deal with brothers or sisters. So that's what happened. Glen and I again spent all day talking away and playing with the dog. I sat in the evening and watched some cheesy TV including Home and Away and the final episode of Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities which is based on real events and is absolutely brilliant. I must look up or buy the book of the real story. Also need to see the first series. Very gripping stuff...hmm may do a review. I also finished reading Life of Pi. What a fantastic book. I have actually written a review for that, I will type it up on Friday, save it in my folder until I find a place to publish all this stuff, even if it is another blog, why not 3 is the magic number. Am not reading any more of my books until the fourth installment of The Vampire Chronicles arrives. The other books I have are the Twilight ones and they are a series so I don't want to start them until after I have read the Vampire Chronicles.
Yesterday, myself and Glen went for a walk around town. Glen kept laughing at me, we were walking around and I kept saying how I was warm. This is summer to me and a good summer at that. The heat was getting to me. I've decided that the Queensland heat actually makes me kinda sleepy. Makes me want to hide in the shade and snooze. I am going to die in summer. I'll be easy to find though I'll be in the freezer and you think I'm kidding. I went into Centrelink (job centre) and apparently I may be entitled to some sort of unemployment benefit, this will be an interesting experience for me. Spending real time in the Job Centre. Hell the way I figure is even if I am getting $20 a week to hand out cv's and go to job interviews then why the hell shouldn't I take it. I feel a bit shit about it, but at this moment in time I can't afford to be picky...screw you dipshit...sorry random thoughts that need to be banished from my ever ticking brain. Glen headed to the men's shelter and me and Beth headed back home. We had a giggle with a cup of tea each and old photo albums. Lots more photos of my dad than what I saw at Lyn's place. I should really scan a couple into the computer and send them to my mum, well that and the newspaper clipping about my dad getting into trouble with the police when he was 18. Very possibly my favourite story about my dad's younger years. I'd need to let him see it to confirm that. As we were sitting with the albums, Glen calls and says he is just going to go back to Howard cos the shelter was too pricey, so we finish what we were doing and go and pick him up. Before heading back home we stopped in at Auntie Fran's just for a cuppa and a chat. I think she gets lonely, nice wee lady, but I really just sit and listen to her and Beth chatting away. In town I bought myself a much needed deck of cards, they have an aussie flag on them. Still bugs me a little how patriotic they are over here, but I am sure I will get used to it and will no doubt start joining them soon. Oh I tried vegemite last night.....ICK!!!!! I may try again on a tiny bit of bread, seeing as I tried it just as is, but I'm not holding out much hope for the stuff...it looks like tar and I can't even describe what it smells like, but it tasted rank. Clearly I am in the HATE it camp. I will try again with bread though just to confirm.
Woohoo I'm nearly finished. Yay finally I hear you cry.
Today we dropped Glen back off in Howard where him and Jamie are going to have a good talk with each other then Beth and I headed out to see Maureen and Peter. I can see why the whole family call Maureen midge (as in tiny not the flying thing). Diane came down too and we went to the Buxton River for lunch. It was just sandwiches and the like but it was good being by the water. It might be called the Buxton River but it still smelled liked the ocean. I seriously need to live by the sea....oh I do like to be beside the seaside , oh I do like to be besided the sea dum dum dum....I just chills me right out and I always feel genuinely happy when near the shore. As soon as I get myself a job or whatever I will start putting a small amount away each week. Who knows I save enough, which despite popular belief I am actually quite good at doing, I may be able to move to somewhere like Burrum Heads, Hervey Bay, Toowoomba wherever there is sea. How cool would that be, seriously?
Apparently we are headed out crabbing tomorrow, then Beth and Bill are away for the weekend, but I can't complain Caitlin (the older one) is going to come up for the weekend to keep me company and we are going to have right good girly time of it wine, chocolate and take away. All sounds good in my book.
Anyway that's that for just plus dinner is nearly ready and it's nearly time for Home and Away...shut up, it's a new addiction.
Bloody tea drinkers
Vicky ***
Umm... So Thursday wasn't really a very exciting day. In fact I can't remember what I got up to. I'm sure if I could remember it would be terribly interesting but nope nothing of note. Well apart from Beth pretending to strangle me Homer Simpson style because I never went to the market to get her a $4 ring hehe. I'm pretty sure I sat and typed up a couple of articles. I've decided against the suite101 thing, need to find a design site though that will let me review things and perhaps get me noticed. I'm sure I did have a blog that I made ages ago with just my articles etc, but can I remember the name of it...nah.
So moving on! Friday. First thing on Friday morning Glen and I went down to town, had a wander about. I bought a new hoody nights are getting a bit cooler. Just plain grey was only $20 dollars, also topped up my phone. Am fair going through the top up's though. It's all the texting to the UK hehe. Once I get a job I will move onto a bill phone I think...maybe. Beth and Bill went out on Friday night, so Glen and I played a couple of games of pool and just chatted. We actually get on really well. I have seriously lost my touch at pool, shocking i tell you.
So onto Saturday I guess. I spent all day Saturday lounging about in the Garden and chatting. On Saturday night I went out with Beth and Bill to a Credence Clear Water Revival at Sporty's. Aside from starting 45 mins later than scheduled they were actually really good. Got up and had a wee boogie with Beth. Addicted to Lemon, Lime and Bitters now. So refreshing. If I end up residing permanently in Martyborough, I'm going to turn into a country bumpkin, hat, cowboy boots and the like hehe. Might not be a bad thing, I was looking for a look change afterall.
Sunday rolls around and we were supposed to head up to Howard to see how Jamie was, but Greg, Gaye and the Kids came down, which was good fun. It was nice meeting them. Greg walked in and I was shocked at how much he reminded me of my dad. Seriously put a hat on my dad and he would look like Greg. I got on quite well with Thomas and Caitlin too. Was sitting with Beth and Gaye and I was getting all the stories about when the Cook boys were growing up and the sort of trouble they all got into, which was quite amusing. Some of the stories I obviously already knew but hey it's always funny to listen to growing up adventures. It rained on Sunday but that didn't stop us having a bbq. We all played a couple of games of darts, I'm getting quite good at that. I was paired with Greg against Beth and Gaye. Greg is a total wind up merchant. Kept saying things like "Oh I'll show you how it's done Vicky" etc etc and would end up getting a worse set of numbers than me or would miss what he was aiming for. It was good fun. They left fairly early though, ended up being an early night for us all. Not that I am complaining.
Monday was a public holiday....and I think I am getting senile, I can't remember what I got up to...Oh yeah we went to Howard so that Glen could pick up some more stuff as he was going to go to the men's shelter, needed some space from Jamie. I kinda felt sorry for Jamie actually becasue Glen took the dog with him and it did seem as though Glen wasn't really being fair but hey, what do I know I'm the only child, never had to deal with brothers or sisters. So that's what happened. Glen and I again spent all day talking away and playing with the dog. I sat in the evening and watched some cheesy TV including Home and Away and the final episode of Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities which is based on real events and is absolutely brilliant. I must look up or buy the book of the real story. Also need to see the first series. Very gripping stuff...hmm may do a review. I also finished reading Life of Pi. What a fantastic book. I have actually written a review for that, I will type it up on Friday, save it in my folder until I find a place to publish all this stuff, even if it is another blog, why not 3 is the magic number. Am not reading any more of my books until the fourth installment of The Vampire Chronicles arrives. The other books I have are the Twilight ones and they are a series so I don't want to start them until after I have read the Vampire Chronicles.
Yesterday, myself and Glen went for a walk around town. Glen kept laughing at me, we were walking around and I kept saying how I was warm. This is summer to me and a good summer at that. The heat was getting to me. I've decided that the Queensland heat actually makes me kinda sleepy. Makes me want to hide in the shade and snooze. I am going to die in summer. I'll be easy to find though I'll be in the freezer and you think I'm kidding. I went into Centrelink (job centre) and apparently I may be entitled to some sort of unemployment benefit, this will be an interesting experience for me. Spending real time in the Job Centre. Hell the way I figure is even if I am getting $20 a week to hand out cv's and go to job interviews then why the hell shouldn't I take it. I feel a bit shit about it, but at this moment in time I can't afford to be picky...screw you dipshit...sorry random thoughts that need to be banished from my ever ticking brain. Glen headed to the men's shelter and me and Beth headed back home. We had a giggle with a cup of tea each and old photo albums. Lots more photos of my dad than what I saw at Lyn's place. I should really scan a couple into the computer and send them to my mum, well that and the newspaper clipping about my dad getting into trouble with the police when he was 18. Very possibly my favourite story about my dad's younger years. I'd need to let him see it to confirm that. As we were sitting with the albums, Glen calls and says he is just going to go back to Howard cos the shelter was too pricey, so we finish what we were doing and go and pick him up. Before heading back home we stopped in at Auntie Fran's just for a cuppa and a chat. I think she gets lonely, nice wee lady, but I really just sit and listen to her and Beth chatting away. In town I bought myself a much needed deck of cards, they have an aussie flag on them. Still bugs me a little how patriotic they are over here, but I am sure I will get used to it and will no doubt start joining them soon. Oh I tried vegemite last night.....ICK!!!!! I may try again on a tiny bit of bread, seeing as I tried it just as is, but I'm not holding out much hope for the stuff...it looks like tar and I can't even describe what it smells like, but it tasted rank. Clearly I am in the HATE it camp. I will try again with bread though just to confirm.
Woohoo I'm nearly finished. Yay finally I hear you cry.
Today we dropped Glen back off in Howard where him and Jamie are going to have a good talk with each other then Beth and I headed out to see Maureen and Peter. I can see why the whole family call Maureen midge (as in tiny not the flying thing). Diane came down too and we went to the Buxton River for lunch. It was just sandwiches and the like but it was good being by the water. It might be called the Buxton River but it still smelled liked the ocean. I seriously need to live by the sea....oh I do like to be beside the seaside , oh I do like to be besided the sea dum dum dum....I just chills me right out and I always feel genuinely happy when near the shore. As soon as I get myself a job or whatever I will start putting a small amount away each week. Who knows I save enough, which despite popular belief I am actually quite good at doing, I may be able to move to somewhere like Burrum Heads, Hervey Bay, Toowoomba wherever there is sea. How cool would that be, seriously?
Apparently we are headed out crabbing tomorrow, then Beth and Bill are away for the weekend, but I can't complain Caitlin (the older one) is going to come up for the weekend to keep me company and we are going to have right good girly time of it wine, chocolate and take away. All sounds good in my book.
Anyway that's that for just plus dinner is nearly ready and it's nearly time for Home and Away...shut up, it's a new addiction.
Bloody tea drinkers
Vicky ***
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