Saturday, 26 December 2009

First Aussie Xmas

So my first Aussie xmas is over and it was actually really good. Aside from the fact that I seem to have misplaced my camera cord so no uploading for me, well not yet anyway.

Got some lovely presents, a gorgeous necklace from Garth. A cocktail shaker, some clothes, DVDs . It was good fun, well fed to say the least. It was a bit bizarre being that it was hot and xmas but it still had the Xmas stillness in the air.

Right now i am killing time before going back to work for the second part of the split.

Ok actually can't think what else to say at the moment. Too hot and too tired to write too much.

Monday, 14 December 2009

Non festive mood

...and I have just been hit like a tonne of bricks to the face with a nice healthy dose of homesickness. I miss my girls and our crazy nights out where we take too many photos and laugh at the world for being so silly or just laugh for the sake of laughing.

The girls here are great, don't get me wrong, but it isn't the same. They don't appreciate the silliness of too many photos and the concept of memories in digital form.

Hmm that is enough of that actually.

Peace and Love

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Ginger Beer and Pizza

...Wow I just damn near jumped out of my skin just there. Decided I would put my mp3 Player on while I typed and while I sat here wide awake, that's all well and good. I forgot that I had turned it up to the maximum volume and as i turned it on I was greet by Combichrist screaming in my ear. Bloody hell, actual proper fright. There is some disadvantages to being forgetful sometimes.

So anyway onto my point of this entry. I moved into my own place today. I had every intention of unpacking and storing everything neatly as best as I could, but ended up getting distracted as so often happens when you have a semi unpleasant task ahead of you. I think there is a part of me that would like to wait until I have managed to either clean the old wardrobe Beth was offering or until I find a nice cheap flat pack one. Also would like to get like a small filing cabinet. Even just one with three drawers. One drawer for my stuff, one for Garth's and one for D&D/Magic Stuff .

Wayne came up tonight just for a quick catch up and a nosey at the new place. Yeah there are one or two things that need fixed but I love it. It gets really hot in here though. No luxury air conditioning. Ah well this will be a good way to get me used to the summer heat seeing as today when I actually went outside it was cooler than it was indoors.

Bundaberg Ginger Beer is so awesome especially with Bundaberg rum. It's just about the right mix of alcohol content, sweetness and a lovely tangy after taste. Way too easy to drink, could get quite drunk on it if you wanted to. Yup goes down a treat.

I hate the fact that I am still awake. I don't know the pasts few nights haven't been great for sleep. Guess I am just feeling a little unsettled but that was bound to happen. Even though I am still in Maryborough I did just move house. It will settle down again once I get the things sorted that I want sorted.

I really want to get back into WoW, especially since this is a house of geeks. Will save up some money and start looking into building my own pc again. Need some serious gaming time. I was tlkaing about airsoft today too, that was weird made me want to go, even though I didn't go all that often when i did go I loved it especially when it rained. What can I say I never was into girly hobbies. Never will be I don't think. Unless you include shoe shopping in that one.

Man I love the Veronicas. They just make me so happy and most of their songs on the Untouched album I just relate to. I wonder when they are touring next. I reckon they would be awesome to see live. Thank John for cluing me into their awesomeness.

Had a real craving fora  cheese pizza tonight so even though the fridge is all fully stocked I just had to order a pizza. It was one of those unyielding urges that would not have went away had I tried to ignore it. It was rather great actually. Sitting with my gorgeous guy while we talked games and other nonsense, eating pizza and drinking cool Ginger Beer in my own place how could it be better.

I realise that I am kinda rambling but I am awake and in the mood to type like a maniac. No real reason just felt the need. Ben is dragon obsessed. Beth helped me with my stuff today and the first thing she did was to eye up all the dragon ornaments and then claim that she was having them all. He does have some pretty amazing dragons though.

So other than being a bit disorganised at the moment this place is great and I think I am going to have a lot of fun here. Now what else is on my brain list? Oh yeah more writing of my many stories that are on the go. Then everything else. No wonder I don't sleep, my brain never shuts up telling me the stuff that I want/need to do.

Ah well life is good

Peace and Love

Wednesday, 9 December 2009


...Yup I sure am. 

This morning I woke up and the sun was shining...wait sorry it does that every morning...and I had this fantastic guy laying next to me smiling but I woke up in a bit of a funny mood. Now it wasn't a bad mood nor was it a good mood. It was more a "ugh I have so much to do" mood but even that doesn't describe the mood appropriately.

Regardless today started off weird, that may have been mild concussion that I was feeling actually...stupid Vodka bottle. Oh that's right I haven't told you the story of the Vodka bottle attacking me yet have I? Well it begins in a pub, as these things often do. The middle part of the tale is that I was working in said pub and while working in said pub I have to clean the bar, standard practise really. Near the end of the night, getting ready to close for the evening, I reach to get some coasters. Upon reaching these coasters I stand back up into an upright position or attempted to. On standing I manage somehow, please don't ask and it could only happen to me, smack my head off the electronic nip pourer. Whole section comes crashing down, nip pourer and bottle each hit me on the head. Vodka doesn't smell too nice when in the hair by the way just so you know this for future reference. I always knew that Vodka was evil. It hurts. So that was my tale of woe about how a Vodka bottle attacked me.

Now onto today. Funky mood, covered that. Hung about the house for a while chatting to both Garth and Glen waiting on Beth to finish work. Beth gets home at about 1.30ish and we all hop in the car and head down town. Bloody stinking hot too, must have been 35-36. Brisbane or rather Ipswich recorded 39 today. I was hotter than I have been because I decided to be semi sensible today. On Sunday I had a lot of sun exposure. Walked from here to town in the mid afternoon heat to get to the swimming pool. Stupid buses that don't run on a Sunday. Got to the pool layered on the suncream and dove into the water. I did however forget to reapply the suncream after 30 minutes, so ended up a little scarlet, not as bad as I have been but still too much sun exposure. Today I thought it a wise idea to put on a shirt, albeit a light one, to cover the shoulders, a pair of jeans to stop me scrathing the hell out of the 10 mossie bites on the one leg and my baseball cap to keep the sun from giving me a migraine which it has been doing the past few days. Great idea sensible and the like, until Garth and I walked to and from the real estates. Hot hot hot hot. Besides the point. We got to Station, walked from there to Wal Pavey to find out the progress of your application to get added to the lease at Ben's place. Got there, cooled down...air conditioning passed on to some pleasant woman and told to initial a few bits of paper and that should there be any noise complaints then we would be required to move out. All well and good. That was us sorted and told we could move in whenever we were ready. Stayed completely composed until we both got outside and just grabbed each other and laughed. Absolute highlight of the day. Put me on a total high. As a mini celebration we went to Woolworths and bought 2 1.25l bottles of Irn Bru each and yes it is the real stuff. It's not quite the glass bottle awesomeness but it's Irn Bru which I have not had since Sarah was over.  After stocking up on Bru we walked to Station to wait on Beth and Glen. While we waited we met Liam who gave us our Xmas presents unwrapped and told us we couldn't break the seals until Xmas, evil especially since my gift was ferrero rochet.

We all headed back to the house and I started on getting packed to move into my new place. I stopped packing at about 8.30 and I still aint finished. The important stuff has been sorted. Am getting keys cut tomorrow afternoon which mean that I can move the rest of my stuff in and actually start hunting for a cheap chest of drawers for some extra storage, or should I say for somewhere for Garth to put his stuff...I have a surprisingly large amount of clothing. Not much of anything else but lots of clothes and still the eternal dilema of I have nothing to wear. Ben is such a lovely guy, although I think I talk too much...always was my problem, not going to change it now. My night is being topped off tonight with a cold bottle of Bru. How amazing is that actually? All the way out here in the land down under...where the beer does flow and the men chunder...and I am drinking real Scottish Irn Bru, no ingredients or anything removed or added. Just pure unadulterated Irn Bru, best served freezing cold.

I am actually so buzzed right now that I think the prospect of sleep is beyond reach. Ah well I shall stay online and catch up with people until I can no longer feel my fingers from tiredness.

Oh on a side note, I am surrounded by geeks and all of them are gamer geeks on some level. hell when the move is complete it will be Garth, Ben and myself sitting in the lounge playing either Wow on the PC's ...note to self must start builing own pc again...playing the wii, the N64, the PS2, the PS3, the Xbox 360, the PSP or the Nintendo DS. Take your pick. The loung looks more like spaghetti junction than a lounge room and I couldn't be happier. It is quite obviously a guys place though, won't take me long to make it Vicky-ised though. It sorta reminds me of the first Edinburgh flat in a weird way. It's dominantly a male home, one of the lights needs a new bulb, there is no ironing board...not that I know what one them is anyway...and I think one of the doors needs fixing but it's welcoming and friendly and it's only a fifteen minute slowwwwww walk from town. If you walk at a normal pace it is actually only about a five minute walk, but say fifteen to be really sure. Did I mention that the place is HUGE! the back yard alone could fit another house and there would still be ample space. Need to paint the banister or at least finish it.

Anyway, I think that is about that for just now. Just a little update about the most recent event in my Aussie adventure, now to start driving lessons so I can get my license and that will be me set and able to go wherever I please on days off.

Life is good.
Peace and Love 
Vicky ***

Friday, 4 December 2009

Upon reflection

Firstly let me just point out that I am so happy or at ease right now. I have my mp3 player blaring in my ears and I know that I don't have to get up early tomorrow. Don't start work until 6pm which is awesome. Let it also be known that I love my job, actually considered getting a gaming license as that would mean extra shifts, but apparently they cost like $200. The only thing i really need right now is for the real estate to contact me. yes I have itchy feet just now but I reckon that will sort itself when I get my own place. Things are working out, slowly but they are getting there. I think I will do all the necessary stuff in Maryborough like rent for a while, get some references, get some money behind me and learn to drive and once that is sorted then I can go wherever I want.

Anyway to my point of this entry, which normally would be saved for the other blog but i felt it was appropriate to this one.


28th DECEMBER 2007: Graham and I are planning on moving to Australia and I don't mean in five years time or whatever, I mean NOW! At the start of January we are going to start filling in all of the necessary forms etc and we are aiming to be there by the summer of 2009 at the latest. We both just realised that we are still young and we have our entire lives ahead of us so why should we stay stuck in the one place. Obviously I will miss my friends and my family but it's a price I am willing to pay. To be honest it would nice to actually meet my dad's side of the family, he is an Aussie you see. Woohoo for dual nationality! Anywhere is better than here. We don't have a mortgage or children or pets and it's not like we won't be able to get jobs over there, they are choking for teachers and ironically enough Journalists right now. We will stay for a year, come home visit people and then decide if we love or hate it. I honestly don't think we will hate it though. It's too good an opportunity to miss out on. The more I think of it the more I just want to get on that plane. Hell in my head I am already there, says a lot really! That's why if you had a nosey at my profile the location says Australia, I am of course still here in bonnie body at least. There really isn't a whole lot that will stop me now!

13th SEPTEMBER 2008: Truth be told I need to feel like I am the most important thing in Graham's life again. Kinda feeling like even though I know he loves kinda feel like he is just biding his time until we get to Australia. I think it's mostly just that I can't see him as much as I would like for two major reasons A) he can't get a lift and B) he now spends all his time in London cos he is working and moving there. The worst thing is I know he loves it there and have this gut wrenching feeling that he won't want to leave his new job and will get too comfortable with the two guys he is moving in with. I can say all I want that I will be fine going to Australia myself and I don't doubt that if it came down to it I would be eventually but I am totally paranoid just now"

Like I said in my most recent twitter entry, It's funny how you predict things in your life. The two paragraphs are copied from previous blog entries and actually they have left me feeling a little serene. The first one of the two, sure I am talking about how Graham and I planned this big move but note the last line "There really isn't a whole lot that will stop me now!"

I never said "there really isn't a whole lot that will stop us now!" I said me. I never implied us in that last line. Ironically we were still ok at this point, in fact we were still good at this point but yet while writing a random online blog entry I subconsciously knew that this was my adventure. Weird huh? Or is that just me. Reflecting on these sorta things is interesting to me. Makes me see things in an entirely new perspective. Even the "hell in my head I am already there" surely at that point I should have been saying that we were already there. Peculiar.

As for the second part, well yeah things were pretty shit by this point, in fact by this point I think we were both clutching at straws hoping that we didn't have to face the big bad world alone, god forbid we would have to leave our comfort zones. This second part proves a point as far as I am concerned, my gut feelings are never wrong. I should have listened to my gut and perhaps I could have saved myself some of the heartache. Truthfully thought I didn't want to admit it to myself, even though clearly all the signals were pointing to me coming to Australia on my own. It all panned out the way it was meant to, this was clearly the path that I was supposed to walk. And to this day I still do not regret anything about the relationship between Graham and me. In fact quite the opposite. I am thankful for it and he was meant to come into my life but it was obviously not destined to be a permanent thing. We had two very different roads to walk along and up to a point, the point where the road forked, we were walking hand in hand along the same road. I guess people fall in love and sometimes it works and the couple end up with the happily ever after ending and in other cases, the love could still be there but you are meant to take separate journeys. I will always be glad he came into my life and will be forever proud of myself for actually getting here, alone or not.

I have a new love and it is so different to what Graham and I shared, in some ways it is better. But in everyway, even with some similarities, it is different. It is new and it's the way love should feel. Maybe it won't last, maybe we will end up with the fairytale ending. Whatever is meant to happen, I intend on enjoying and making the most of it.

I babble too much for sure. But like I mentioned I was simply reflecting on things past and feeling really good about that and the future that lies before me.

Vicky ****

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Note to self

Pay no attention to this. It is for my use.






Now to put these dates into my calendar. I will be watching these games. Most likely on BBC live feed. I will find a way. It pretty much involves sitting on the computer with my rugby shirt on and several cans of mother. I might not be much of a sports fan but I love my rugby.

Time for change

Finally dyed my hair the copper colour that I have always wanted. This ain't the best pic but it shows off the colour. It is slightly lighter than I was hoping for but I shall maybe go darker next time.

Anyway thought it was about time I gave you all a little update. Aside from dying my hair, I have been running around at work making friends and generally just enjoying life. I kinda love the fact that I am the novelty item in the pub because of the accent and my weird Scottish ways. It is getting so bloody hot over here too, kinda miss the Scottish weather and seriously need to go to a gig but aside from that life is good.

Me and Garth have been going out just over two months now and I couldn't be happier. Garth is so understanding of everything, especially my reluctance to give him money. I will spend money on him sure, but he has been told that if he ever asks for more than about $50 as a loan that he will be told no, in no uncertain terms. Been there done that and am still paying for it.

I bought myself a new camera. It's pink would you believe. It was only $100 and is a 10.2 megapixel. Basically comes everywhere with me. Can't be missing prime photo ops, especially with the crazy bunch that I call my friends :-D Well that and the cuteness of Garth and me.

Don't know if I mentioned it in the last entry but I got my camera phone pinched on a night out. Useless to anyone but me. Would be more useful as a brick but oh well some people will steal anything.

The new job is going pretty damn well actually. I am getting on average 25 hours a week making just under $20 an hour, which earns me about $400 a week. Which is lovely actually, cos it gives me enough money to be able to rent my own place and get off centrelink yay *does the happy dance*

I am still walking pretty much everywhere, although it is starting to get too hot to be doing it too often. Surprising the heat actually, especially just now. It seems to have come along and hit everyone, even the Aussies across the face. We are getting summer temperatures way earlier than they are used to. Thank god for Air conditioning and fans. Although if you could send some rain from good old Scotland that would be much appreciated.

I have itchy feet again but I reckon I will be moved out of Beth's by Xmas. Ok so not quite the original plan but things took a little longer than I expected to pan out. Just sorting out paper work for the tenancy agreement and then will be free to move in. The place is huge too. The backyard is massive. You could build another house in it and still have ample sized gardens. It's a big queenslander too :-D Awesome much. Will keep you informed.

Can't really think of much else to write actually. Thinking I should probably go in for a shower and get something to eat.

On a side note am seriously into DnD and Magic now. Nice little black deck up and running. It kicks ass pretty much every time and the green/white deck that I stole off Garth...ha I rule with it. It never used to work for him and it works perfect for me, so it got yoinked.

Need some new tunes me thinks.

Anyhoo, peace and love (yes I have been watching Trigun, finally getting to see it in sequence)
Vicky ***

Sunday, 18 October 2009

To continue with the Epic tale...

You realise that I have it all written down what I have been up to recently but truth is I am way too lazy to actually type it all up, but i suppose because I love you I will.

Monday 7th September: Have absolutely no clue what I did during the day, probably just went to the hospitality course then hung out afterwards. But that evening we all went to Jitta's where we had a bit of a Rocky Horror Picture Show night. We all lounged all over each other and watched the movie with full blown singing antics. After the movie we went downstairs so we could avoid keeping Jitta's little bro awake and we played uno. Then it started raining and I mean thunderstorm movie rain. I danced in it. It was freaking awesome got so soaked and I could not have been happier. Hugs and stuff in the rain :-D

Friday 11th September: My work experience at the RSL ended which sucked cos that then meant that I was back on the job hunt. Yay the joys. Had another movie night at Jitta's. Not much else to report from this date. Kinda uneventful.

Sunday 13th September: I made glue...ok well actually it was paste for paper mache, Jitta couldn't be bothered actually making it. While that was bubbling away we watched the lion king. Interesting feeling seeing as I hadn't watched it since Graham and I split. I was actually totally fine. Yeah it reminded me of him but that went without saying, but it really didn't bother me especially when I looked over at Garth and realised that actually I ended up better off. Anthony and Garth kept making digs about me being mother material though. Not going to happen people, I don't like nor want children but that doesn't mean that I can't handle them. I wanted to be a teacher after all.

Wednesday 16th September: The hospitality course finished up today. I baked blue cakes for it. They were yummy and everyone agreed. It felt good to be finished but at the same time it was a little sad. We drank lots of mocktails my god, sick much. Meant that the routine was being broken oh well. Didn't do much after the course, hung about until Trivia at the RSL. We rock at trivia even if we don't win.

Thursday 17th September: Only really eventful thing that happened today was the fact that Garth and I Dm'd at D&D. That was fun. At least I started to DM and then ended up that I couldn't be bothered so got Garth to do it and I just sat there looking pretty.

Friday 18th September: Garth and I became official lol stupid term. We started fooling around way before this but hey nevermind. It's a date to go by. I also learned to play magic today actually went to Scots Hall to play. Didn't take part in the tournament though but I did whoop Garth's butt three times in a row. Not bad for a beginner.

Saturday 19th September: Today I baked lots of cakes for Jitta's 18th Birthday party and then spent at least two hours getting ready for it. Had to dye my hair pillar box red and had to put on way too much make up for the part. I went as Columbia from Rocky Horror Picture show. Look awesome I think very sparkly. Had a great night with friends and Jitta's family, got dragged along to the Cri. Had a bit of a giggle then finally started to head home at like 5am. Wow the freaking sun was up. Must have got about 4 hours sleep if that before starting the next day.

Sunday 20th September: Woke up way too early god damn stupid sunshine and birds making too much damn noise and to think I wasn't even hungover. Not even close in fact because I was stone cold sober the night before. It was still a bit of a recovery day though. I was being all domesticated in the evening though making pasta for Garth and I. Shocking behaviour if you ask me :-p

Monday 21st September: Hung out in town for a bit before meeting up with Anthony and Jitta at the RSL for dinner, where Garth and I also got to meet Jitta's dad and grandpa. It was actually a really good night, pleasant company and a good feed. Played the pokies for a bit, Jitta played Keno and then we all headed home.

Tuesday 22nd September: I had a job interview, or informal chat thing, with the manager of the cricket club he had a couple of shifts for me. Was good. That was about the most interesting thing that happened that day. See now why do i even bother writing this thing clearly my life is not that thrilling and those of you who say it is need to open your eyes hehe.

Wednesday 23rd September: Pretty much standard wednesday routine apart from having a shift at the Cricket Club. Trivia again still haven't beat the Paddy's yet.

Thursday 24th September: Worked again, then went to D&D. After D&D we Garth and I headed to his where we watched, or rather pretended to watch Never Back Down. Got distracted then rewatched the bits that we missed.

Friday 25th September: Was meant to have an informal chat with the Manager of the Carrier's Arms but I had missed her she was off on holiday. Garth and I went to the cinema with Anthony and Jitta we went to see G Force which I thought was hilarious.

Saturday 26th September: Hung out in town literally all day. Started in the morning. I am sure I was doing something hence in town early. We got bored headed to the cinema we saw My Sister's Keeper. My god did I cry. It's worse than the Notebook for tears. Wow even had Garth tearing up hehe. Went to RSL with jit and ant again was good fun.

Sunday 27th September: Met up with Jitta's friends at hungry Jacks, seems to be the mad hang out place of the Mary Youth, wierd. Only cos most of the people i know are not old enough to drink lol no I jest they actually are all old enough to sit in a pub yay. We ended up in Hervey Bay at the cinema would you believe. Went to see Surrogates was a good movie a little anti climatic though. It was interesting though being that one of the girls we were hanging out with was Garth's ex. I felt my little jealousy hairs stand on end when he told me that, but it was all good. He couldn't keep away from me the whole day so that made me feel better.

Thurday 1st October: Garth and I met up with Mike then headed to the library, where I got myself a copy of Moby Dick. Still not finished that actually should really get it re dated so I can actually read it. Like I have the time to read these days. We all headed round to D&D which seems to be dying a horrible death. I feel sorry for Ken with that cos he went away and got a whole bunch of stock for us that we aren't buying. That sucks.

Friday 2nd October: I still hadn't been paid from the Cricket Club so I was rather skint. Was meant to be going out the Cri with jitta and all that but really could not afford it. Still went round to hers for dinner which was lovely and we had a bit of a laugh before they all headed out and that was that.

Saturday 3rd October: I handed out lots of resumes and walked around town in the stupid heat. And I swear if Ant says to me one more time "Hot enough for you yet" I may kill him come January when it gets fucking horribly hot and humid. I can already feel the heat rising and as much as the humidity hasn't even started yet i can feel the heat resting on my skin stealing my air already. Ick! On Saturday night Beth had a big family BBQ. George, William, Kath, Diane, Bruce, Auntie Fran were all there and Greg and Gaye were just leaving when Garth and I arrived. That was an interesting evening actually. Garth handled the cook's wonderfully. In fact I would be game to say that he handled them better than the other two would have. It was nice. Mad family tell you that for nothing.

Sunday 4th October: Convinced that Garth was getting his own back on me today. Took me to meet his mum and I was there with him and his Step mum too. Bloody twenty questions...actually didn't turn out that badly but I am pretty sure his mum is convinced that I am going to sort out her son and I am sure she is hearing wedding bells already....hmm bloody mothers. Then of course at one point in the mad conversations we were all having it turned to children and I then had to break it to both Christines that it wasn't part of my life plan and that if Garth wanted children he would be having them with someone else. They both just laughed which I suppose is better than the "you'll change your mind". It was actually a really good day, Garth's mum can bake, we had yummy cakes.

Monday 5th October: I got PAID!!!! Yay money and i delibrately did not budget it. I have been budgetting since I got here and thought bugger it. I bought Garth a new shirt, bought myself a whole new outfit, shoes included and I treated Ant, Jit, Garth and me to a nice meal at the RSL and cocktails. And why the hell not. It's about freaking time I spent some of MY money on ME and not on debts.....It felt so damn good.

Tuesday 6th October: Garth bought me the Trigun box set, well actually I bought it, but he had the cash on him that day. He also bought me a cute little silver ring with amethyst and cubic zirconias in it. I was wearing it then got the job at the Carrier's arms so it is now attached to my amethyst pendant that I wear every day.

So that was about that. For updated gossip....I got a job and have been working split shifts since last week. Barely even aware what day it is lol. I will be topping up virgin phone this week so will be able to text the uk for cheap...that's a hint people. Oh am also starting to look into xmas presents for people. Suggestions on a postcard. I didn't mean to drop off the face of the internet folks just actually got a life....i know shocking behaviour, how dare i. But yes, new man, new job and on days off I am barely in the house and will most likely be at the swimming, mostly to stay out the heat :-). Thinking of moving into my own place sort of.

Anyway, Guess you probably want to go and feed yourself now that I have bored you to tears. Or maybe you require a stiff vodka...who knows but alas I depart.

Tune in next time.

That's all Folks
Vicky ****

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

So apparently I got a life

Woohoo look at this people, I actually decided to update this here little blog of mine. I apologise for not keeping it constantly updated, but as the title suggests, I clearly got a life and lots of a life from the looks of it. Apologies now as this will be a massive entry.

Lots of things have been going on so where the hell do I's a tip go to facebook, go to photo albums and go along until you find the album titled Maryvegas and work your way from there. Maryvegas was such an awesome day. Everyone was so happy that day, apart from poor old Mike who wasn't feeling all that well. On that day out Nick and I were still together, approximately one week later I went along to the Youth group at the Scots Hall and there was a definite tension between the two of us, mostly fuelled by his ridiculous flirting with a certain someone else and his general ignorance of the fact that I was even there. Three days later he broke up with me. All good, he is with the person he wanted to be with and I am with someone better now anyway. Not going to deny that I was left feeling a bit hurt by the whole thing, especially seeing as the entire group of friends knew before I even knew, including the girl he is now with. That is the only bit about the whole thing that bugs me. In true me fashion, doesn't take me too long to move on. After all I am fantastic.
So actually this entry is starting from 25th August.

25th August: I woke up that morning knowing what I was going to be facing that afternoon, so damned if I was going to be all depressed and crap. Maintain a positive mental attitude. So when it came to the time to meet up with him, he had brought Garth along because he couldn't face doing it without backup, and instead of me saying Hi to him first, I looked at garth, pointed and told him that he didn't have a choice, me and him were going out that Friday to the Cri. I may as well have ran up and kicked Nick in the nuts for the damage that little stunt done to his self esteem. We walked to the park, talking. He spent the whole time apologising, which actually kinda annoyws me because he clearly didn't mean that he was sorry. He gave it the whole this is the hardest thing I've ever done rubbish, then don't do it duh! Lol like I said it's all good, I told him that I respected his choice and it was better done then instead of leading me on further down the line. He showed me though that it was possible to love someone again which was exactly what I needed. After we had finished having the talk, we met up with Garth again and at that point I just told Nick to walk away and leave me be. Garth was an absolute darling that evening. I was in no mood to go home, so we walked around town, ended up sitting on a bench in Ullulah park until some strange hour of the night, just talking random crap to be fair. It was a fantastic distraction.

So the rest of that week kinda went by in a bit of a blur,which leads me nicely onto my 1st night at the Cri.

28th August: 1st night at the Cri, spent the whole day shopping about for a new top. Found one on the break between shifts at the RSL (work experience through the hospitality course that got postponed). Just as I was finishing the last shift of the day, Zoe was in having dinner and I managed to rope her into coming along to the cri for my first night there. So a quick change on my part, a quick dash with Zoe and Garth so Zoe could get changed then we headed to the club to be there for Dollaries....Dollar drinks loves it. I can remember the start of the night and having a damn good laugh at Zoe trying Jagermeister for the first time and then I really cannot remember much else of the evening. Apparently I had like five girls hanging off me for most of it. Then in true me fashion, when depressed I should not have alcohol. Ended up sick as a dog. Garth earned his nickname Guardian that night. He made sure I kept enough money for the taxi and he took me back to his so I had someplace safe to sleep it off lol. Broke my glasses that night, god knows how but hey. I have new ones which cost me a small fortune but hey it was time for a style update. Good night from what I can gather. Oh yeah I remember the price of the bloody jager....bloody well $7 a single shot...a WTF moment indeed. Hangover central the next day and the walk of shame to add to it...ick! Lost a pair of shoes too...but Anthony brought them back to me which was very good. No heartache for me.

Skipping on a little.

Wednesday 2nd September: Hung about in town after the course had finished for the day with Garth and Jitta, not much too exciting happened there. But the three of us headed to mine and watched the Notebook, god lord tears all round even Garth teared up a little...he denies it however. That was about as exicitng as that day got, and I have no idea why i felt it would be interesting in this blog. Build up of events I guess.

Thursday 3rd Sep: Another day of hanging about in town, then D&D as is standard Thursday routine these days and I love it. Imagine if you will me being surrounded by geeks all getting too excited about fictional characters and then make me the only female, how much am I in my element. i do so love being a female who actually understands and enjoys the geek toys. After D&D, Garth and I walked back to mine at a slow pace, just chatting about this that and the next thing. Got back here and sat watching some movies. It was actually really lovely, I got myself all upset about various things, Nick being one of those things and I ended up just snuggling into Garth and eventually just fell asleep in his arms. Was exactly what I needed.

Friday 4th Sep: It was the night before full moon and I always go a little crazy during the full moon as some people will well remember. More walking, lots of walking and more movies, that Garth and I never really ended up watching. We were quite happily distracted.

Saturday 5th Sep: Quite a full on day actually. Got up nice and early to go to the cinema. We all went to see GI Joe, Rise of the Cobra. We being Jitta, Anthony, Mike, Garth, Alesha and Myself. Actually was a damn good movie, kinda couldn't keep my hands off Garth, it was refreshing to have someone hanging onto me that wasn't ashamed of me. Halfway through the movie though, what a bunch of tossers, Nick, Severs and Elliot(elliot and severs excluded from the tossers name) walked in with Trilby hats on and sat at the very front of the cinema with newspapers. Pointless effort seriously. They blatantly ignored us. Oh well no skin off our noses. After the cinema we all took a trek to the swimming and we were all having such a laugh playing Marco Polo and trying to drown each other and who should saunter in looking like idiots, yup you guessed it Nick and his posse and they attempted to ignore us once more. I flipped the lid, that is just plain ignorant. Then when they got pulled up for it, they tried to deny that they had even went to the cinema...Do I look like I was born yesterday? Nick got a mouthful off me for that. I told him that the one thing I would not put up with regardless of what was going through his head was bullshit. I hate liars. After that I told him not to be scared of going for Alesha, I am not the type of person to hold too much of a grudge...not often anyway. We must have all spent a good three hours or so in the pool it was awesome fun. After we were suitably wrinkly we decided it would be a really great idea to go to Hungry jacks and hang out there cos they have free refills of soft drinks lol. It's interesting the group seems to have sectioned off a little but hey whatever. It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. After eating and hanging out it was time for Garth, Anthony and me to make a sharp exit as we had to walk to mine so we could all get ready for the Glowstick party at the Cri. Incidentally i looked amazing and although sober all night that night it was such an awesome night out. I danced my little ass off until I could no longer move my feet. It was a really fantastic saturday night overall. Guess this was also the night Garth and I became official, were all over each other and making it obvious that we were together, but the officialness really happened a little later.

Sun 6th Sep: Think I will stop after this date that way i only have about amonth left to update lol. So this was the day that Jitta messaged Garth and me telling us to come to the cinema with only about an hour and half notice ona sunday. Don't think I have ever walked down kent street so quickly before. Ouchy! and it was in the midday heat. Icky ick! It was approx 35 that day. Got the cinema and poor Anthony got his face bitten off him cos he tried to hug me. Eugh some people need to learn that when it is that hot don't come near me cos you generate body heat for crying out loud, even Garth declined the hug and he is born and raised in queensland. Seriously. Anyway we eventually cooled down, when we got into the actual movie, Up is what we went to see. Really funny little animated movie actually. It was just Jitta, Anthony, Mike, Garth and me this time round. It was a really good laugh and then the day turned a little sour. We all went for a walk to Ullulah park where Mike and Jitta split up. It was a long time coming but still.

Ok actually enough of the typing already. this is what happens when you forget to update. Enjoy.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Fortune cookies, doodles and hand holding

So the training thing got postponed until Monday. People dropped out which is a total bugger. I really want this to turn into a job. I need this to turn into a job.

So instead of the training today i spent like 6 hours in town, killing time before Nick arrived. I wandered around aimlessly just looking at stuff. I bought some stuff I needed to including Wayne's birthday present. I hope he likes it, it's just a silly thing.

I sat for an hour doodling on my notepad outside the library, then Nick appeared :-D. We went for a walk through the park and looked out over the water watching the sun set and talking about the time difference between here and Scotland and about stuff in general. It was lovely. I also met two of his best friends today.

Facebook fortune cookie is way too cute, I like it.

Anyway that is the entry for today.

Vicky ***

Sunday, 2 August 2009

White Rabbits

So apparently I should say that 3 times because it's the first of the month and apparently that is very lucky. Good thing I did it this morning then.

I am sitting here on this computer chair and I have my headphones in, listening to a random bunch of tunes and right now System is on. I have barely taken my headphones off all day. I'm in a music and dance mood. The one thing I seriously seriously miss about Scotland is the rock clubs. A 30 minute bus ride and I could have had my pick of Rufus T, Solid Rock, Cathouse, Classic Grand and others. I could have jumped a bus and danced my little ass off, but there is a serious lack of rock/metal/ebm/etc clubs around Maryborough and Gympie for that matter. Have to biggest urge to go out dancing. I just feel happier overall.

I think Australia is really working for me. Have been put forward for a six week training course, which will help me get my RSA and potentially leads to a job. I have a great new guy. Now to save some cash and get my own place and start my driving lessons. I don't have the job yet but just in general my outlook seems to have shifted. Definite change in the winds. Have also made the decision that I am going to start taking my reviews into the Chronicle. Even if they publish like one or two of them then that's my foot in the door.

Actually was standing at the bus stop the other day and I had my Mp3 player blaring in my ear and actually stood up and realised I was dancing in public, probably looking like a nutcase. But what is it they say, Dance like nobody is watching. I've been doing a lot of that recently.

Oh and my skin is all lovely and smooth. I have gotten into the habbit every morning straight after my shower, of using all the lotions and potions. Might as well, after all I am on the wrong side of the 20's now lol. Ha! So far 25 has been a good age, for the whole 6 days. If I feel this good at 25 imagine how I will feel when I get to my golden age of 26. The age that I am convinced is going to be my age. That is the age everything is going to be sorted. Just have always had this feeling. At the very least it will be almost complete.

And yes I do have a new man. His name is Nick and he is fantastic. Taking things slow just now but he actually just makes me so happy. I had forgotten for a long time how this felt. I have a spring in my step again and long may it remain. Heading to cinema tomorrow with him which will be good fun.

Wow it's after 2 in the morning and I am way too energised to sleep, have nothing I can even do right now. Maybe if I keep dancing in the chair I will wear myself out and be ready to sleep.

I bought new lounge about trousers today. Just plain black with two white stripes down the side. Only cost me 10 bucks so it was a bargain. I could always redo my nails or rather neaten them up as they are in a state.


The wonderful thing about tiggers
Is tiggers are wonderful things!
Their tops are made out of rubber;
Their bottoms are made out of springs!
They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy,
Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!
But the most wonderful thing about tiggers is
I'm the only one!

Oh the wonderful thing about tiggers
Is tiggers are wonderful chaps!
They're loaded with vim and with vigor;
They love to leap in your laps!
They're jumpy, bumpy, clumpy, thumpy,
Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!
But the most wonderful thing about tiggers is
I'm the only one!

Tiggers are cuddly fellas.
Tiggers are awfully sweet.
Ev'ryone else is jealous.
That's why I repeat and repeat:

The wonderful thing about tiggers
Is tiggers are wonderful things!
Their tops are made out of rubber;
Their bottoms are made out of springs!
They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy,
Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!
But the most wonderful thing about tiggers is
I'm the only one!

And with that I depart.


Friday, 31 July 2009

So where was I?

Seeing as I am getting hassled by peep (you know who you are) I figured I really should finish this blog entry from when Sarah was over and myabe even add a bit extra on.

So I'd gotten to Tuesday 14th July. Onto Wednesday 15th July then: This was a beachy day. We got up fairly earlyish, said our cheerios to Deb and the girls and got ready to head out with Beth who actually had the day off. We headed down to Howard to pick up Glen and Jamie then we all went for a drive to Burrum Heads beach. It is lovely down there. There were pelicans that Sarah was convinced were not Pelicans, because they didn't have the really obvious gullet. I did try to inform her that it was because they clearly were not eating, so Sarah then decided that Pelicans should be eating all of the time, just for tourists. I laughed at her, but she knows I meant it in the most affectionate of ways. Incidentally she was also amused by the empty crab shell...see photos on facebook/bebo. There are way too many to put up on blog. Just shy of 400 photos. That's 100 photos taken each week that she was here. Gave me a taste for photo taking though. Kinda want to get myself a camera. Nothing fancy just the one Sarah has, maybe she will be lovely and send me hers :-D haha! After Burrum Heads we went off to Toogoom. Aww man I could just live there. The water is so lovely and is crystal clear. Hmm where have I seen so far? Gympie, Maryborough, Hervey Bay, Childers, Howard, Bundaberg, Toogoom, Burrum Heads, Mooloolaba. I'm doing not too badly, a lot more country to see though. Anyway digresion. We got to Toogoom and seriously I didn't want to leave. I decided to go for a wade in the water then nearly got thrown straight in by Bundy, Glen's dog. She thought it would be a good idea to tie me up in her leash. I would have found it funny had I fallen in. Would have hurt though. We decided to grab some lunch and sit looking out over the water, which was lovely and while we were getting food, we ended up in the midst of Facebook drama. It's all sorted, but there were pics that my cousin didn't want up or rather that her guy didn't want up, so I told her she could go on and remove them herself. It was her boy who removed them but removed more than one. I was rather annoyed, but like I said it's all cool now. Incidentally changed my password though. After we got back to Maryborough, Glen, Sarah and me figured it would be a good idea to go to the RSL for drinks and for the Wednesday night trivia. We got 20 points for the entertainment round and came fifth in total. Kept heckling Loch though as he was being the host. Telling him that he was lying about the answers to some of the questions. It was a really good laugh actually. I believe this was another night of giggle fits on mine and Sarah's part. There weren't many nights that we didn't nearly lose half a lung through laughing. "Cough up a lung" *weeeee, splat, slide*

Thursday 16th July: We were supposed to do the Tea with Mary thing but woke and thought...nah bugger it! We decided to have a lazy doing not a lot day. I tidied my room, went into one of my little "gah it's annoying me" moods, so when Sarah asked if she could help I was like, nope I'm good. She totally got it, she would do the same. So I put about three loads of washing on, neatened all my drawers and stuff, emptied my bin. General tidying. I played more of Professor Layton and we killed time until it was time to head down for D&D. We were surprised, Severs was on best behaviour and Matt was hitting on Sarah something awful. Poor boys, leaving a trail of destruction where ever we go. Ha! Courtesy bus home. Not a very thrilling day on Thursday.

Friday 17th July: We decided that we would have another night in the Grumpy Chef, mostly cos the cocktails are fantastic. Actually may type up a review on my other blog. Wonder if it would be worth my while taking some of my reviews into the Chronicle? May do that. We said originally that we were going to have one drink in the Grumpy Chef, but we got comfortable and decided to have two each instead. Bugger I meant to take my resume down, will do that. After the Grumpy Chef we headed to the...yup you guessed it...RSL. More cocktails and general drinks. Ended up playing pool all night with Sarah's fiance Malcolm and his friend. It was a good laugh actually. The old men are different over here. They aren't in the least pervy, most of them just want a bit of company for an hour and are genuinely interested in what you have to say. They don't leach all over you unlike in Scumbernauld (home or not, I highly doubt I'll be back). Ben finished his shift and played a couple of games with us. We did ok. Sarah was rofl-ing again and Ben just laughed at us cos he didn't understand. We also did much sprawling on the big red sofa. Obvious name, but that's the Aussie way so there you go. I spent most of Thursday and Friday texting Nick which was nice.

I just realised that I had typed all that out just there as part of Thursday. Oops!

Saturday 18th July: The day we had been looking forward to all month. It was our Ship to Shore; Portside story day. We spent all day getting ready, although as it turned out we ended up totally over dressed. But bugger it, it was our last big night out before Sarah went home. So we headed down town to be there for 3.45 and got ourselves totally lost. Well not really lost, ok that's a lie. Asked a guy where we were going and follwed his directions, still got a bit lost. Then we found the place and laughed at ourselves because all we had to do was walk straight down from the post office. Couple of numpties seriously. We had a good giggle about that. So The woman who was our guide tells us what year we are meant to be in. What they do is take the date of the tour and match it as closely as they can to the actual previous dock records. We boarded our carriage, which was a bus designed to look like a Queenslander home and the tour got under way. We were 22 free settlers, so no convicts, who had come from London to arrive in Maryborough in hopes of a better life. It was Saturday 18th July 1874 and we arrived safely on the ship St James, captained by J S Adey. We found out a lot of information about some of the floods that Maryborough had experienced. In 1893 basically all of Maryborough apart from Hospital hill went under water. Scary thought. We went on the river cruise too and had wine and cheese tasting. Hell four little glasses of wine and I was starting to feel a bit tipsy. What a laugh. We were welcomed into the Portside Residence, for dinner, by the wife of the Customs man Mr C Port. When we sat at our table we were given professions and told to remember them and think about the role as we would be interviewed by Mr C Port to see if we were worthy of being permitted residence in the port of Maryborough. Sarah and I laughed at ours as they were way too appropriate for the type of people we are. I got given Barmaid and Sarah got Children's maid. I loved working in a bar and would like to own one someday and Sarah wants a brood of children. While we were eating Mr C Port introduced himself, quite a frightening man, someone to be respected. And there was general tomfoolery at dinner. We headed to the Millitary museum where we sang old war songs, which incidentally got stuck in my brain for ays afterwards and then it was the nervous wait for our interview. I nailed it :-D . Yeah I was getting too into the whole role playing thing. I play D&D and did play WoW, I can't help myself. So Sarah and I got accepted as residents then headed off on the Horse and Carriage ride. It was so much fun randomly waving at passers by who all looked at us like loons. I fell off the damn thing when we came to a stop. We were on the Highest seat of it and there were these tiny little pedals to use to climb down and my foot missed the pedal and my leg went away from me. I'm a clown though and decided not to accept help and just make it a total spectacle. Amusing but painful. Then it was time for dessert. After dessert we all started to head off to do our own thing. Sarah and I headed to the RSL. Ran into Loch, stood for twenty minutes talking then went in and drank cocktails. First night in the RSL we skulled icy cocktails and Sarah's last night in the RSL we skulled icy but not as icy cocktails. Felt that was an appropriate send off. Seriously didn't want Sarah to go home.

Sunday 19th July: We woke up late and started to sort out all the scrap book stuff, put some more pics up and then Sarah started to pack. Her case ended up lighter than when she came over. How we don't know but it did. Really did bugger all actually.

Woohoo nearly there for the month that Sarah was over. May update tomorrow with actual life goings on cos I need to get ready for dinner.

Monday 20th July: We started the day off at the tourist Information at town hall, so that Sarah could get her sisters gift. I nearly bought the Mary Poppins book seeing as I have only ever seen the movie. Would like the book. So after that we decided that we needed pictures of us with the Mary statue, so we wandered around, got to the statue, mucked about then came the interesting part of the day. Bloody tourists really....Made to walk 3 miles ish so that Sarah could get a picture standing next to...sugar cane. She asked if I was cool with it, I was but I was winding her up calling her a bloody tourist etc and saying that it was only sugar cane lol. See pic of me looking unimpressed with a stitch standing next to the stuff. It was funny cos we were convinced we were going the wrong way but kept walking that way anyway. Saw the coolest post box too, again see pics on fb. Total panic on Monday night though. Couldn't get a hold of Caitlin who was meant to be taking Sarah to the airport. She eventually phoned us, told us it was all fine then 20 mins later phoned again saying that actually it wasn't. So massive drama, can't have had Sarah's last night go smoothly that would be unheard of. Me and Adam ended up having a blazing row, but it got sorted. And Wayne the lifesaver that he is agreed to take us to the airport. Panic over. Nice chilled out night lol.

Tuesday 21st July: Sarah left :-(. We got to the airport thankfully. Still owe you one Wayne. Made good time, actually got there at 11 but by the time we got parked it was 11.15am which meant we still had time to grab something to eat. I bought Wayne lunch/breakfast whatever. Subway, mmm. I laughed, I ended up copying the type of cheese and bread that Wayne picked and then he said I would stop copying him and I didn't. He said I would regret my choice. I laughed at him, for thinking that I couldn't handle lots of Jalepenos along with sweet chilli sauce. Clearly doesn't know me very well. Nachos please with lots or jalepenos is my usual cinema treat :-D Surprisingly neither me or Sarah cried as she was leaving. Too busy laughing. Although poor Sarah was apparently breaking her wee heart when we were out of sight *pats Sarah*. Wayne and me headed back through to Gympie for a bit, so he could check on his tattoo design and we dropped in to say hey to Adam which was pretty cool. Then headed back to Maryborough. Wasn't a bad day actually, although everyone did get told to keep me out of trouble by Sarah lol. I never get into any trouble ;-p

So there you have it. The adventures of Sarah and Vicky for the month of July. Hope you enjoyed cos now you are all stuck with just boring old Vicky adventures from now on, har har!

Love you like jelly tots
Vicky ***

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Picking up where I left off

Saturday 11th July - Yes so I should apologise for the abrupt departure last night but my mind was elsewhere and I just didn't feel up to it. So to continue. On Saturday we went down to Gympie for the weekend. Bonnie was giving us a lift down, she originally wanted to go to the Sunny Coast but ended up quite happily staying at the North and then onto the Shaft. To start the night off we went to see Adam playing soccer. It was bloody freezing as well, but hey it's all good. Pity they didn't win. We actually missed the first half but it was still a good game, for what we saw. Sitting on mini carpets on steel benches and I wonder how I caught the cold lol. After soccer, we went to Maccers then headed to Adam's place for a bit before heading to the North. As ever I attempted to take part in the pool comp. I am shockingly bad at that game apart from when I am tipsy and just being silly. For some reason that is when I start to play really quite well. Many many photos were taken while we were in the North, all of which you can find on my facebook. if you are interested. They are also on bebo incidentally. So me and Sarah spent all night jumping about like loons, being total camera whores but everyone loved it and I know they did. After the North we all headed down to the Shaft where we did nothing but non stop dancing and I started drinking Jagerbombs. Actually got ripped off at one point. I was sober, but because I had been at the bar and asked for Jagerbombs previously the girl behind the bar obviously thought I was wasted and over charged me. We bought 3 and it came to $24.50 but when I bought one she charged me $11.50 so by logic that would mean that 3 of them would cost $34.50 and they never. It wasn't until after I left the bar that I figured this out. Silly biatch. Great fun Jagerbombs, but you end up more buzzed from the caffeine than the alcohol. Lots of photos taken in the Shaft also. It was a great night though, a whole lot of laughter and high energy. Helped that the company was amazing.

Sunday 12th July - Despite not getting to sleep until like 6ish we all still managed to get up quite early. All up and about at like 10am. Everyone just kinda lounged about, but I had a major case of the wanders, kept pacing in and out of the flat and just generally walking about, trying to get in touch with Wayne who was taking us 4wd. He eventually rocked up at about 2ish and we headed off. Noticing that if you arrange something to start at say midday it won't actually kick off until 3pm over here. Too easy, that's what they all say. I am starting to adapt to that attitude if truth be told. See Amethyst wolf blog for brief description. So once everyone got sorted, we strapped ourselves in and went for one hell of a bumpy but fun drive down to Rainbow beach. Was great fun seriously considering a 4wd when I eventually get around to driving. After driving about like numpties we headed to the nearest bar for some light refreshment. Ended up in the RSL down there. Got a couple of drinks and then mad drama. Wayne was just sitting with his glass of coke and his nose just starting bleeding. Eventually sorted it, then ten minutes later it started again and then again another ten minutes after that. We called the local Doctor to see what we should do, she was as useful as a chocolate teapot. told us to do what we had been doing, so off we trot to the Maryborough Hospital. What a joke that was. he got taken in then told to sit and wait for the Doctor...3 hours passed and we decided to hell with it and headed home. Wayne just crashed here. Some interesting conversations in the hospital waiting room though so wasn't totally wasted lol. I told him I owed him a drink cos it was kinda mine and Sarah's idea to take him to hospital, especially because of the frequency of them. Can't go out and not have a bit of drama, where would the fun be in that.

Monday 13th July - Woke up early so we could say bye to Wayne and then head out to Hervey Bay for a day at the beach. It was a mini adventure, I had never got the bus to Hervey Bay so that's how we got down there. We were going to do the Whale watching thing but we decided that in fact it was a little out of our budget. Got to Hervey Bay and the first thing we did was to go and buy a bucket and spade, yes we did think this was a good idea. Just embracing the inner child. There is nothing like playing in sand that makes you feel more like a kid, well apart from maybe roller coasters and theme parks. We both made sure we were covered in suncream, lay about soaking up the morning sun for a while, then started to play about in the water. No drowning this time, well not on Sarah's part anyway. We took photos of us just sitting at the edge of the water, but when I went to stand up I got caught by a wave and fell back down, second attempt also failed and so too did the third attempt. Sarah and me ended up just laughing hysterically at my clumsiness. It was good fun. Although Mad dogs and englishmen came to mind, we were actually lying in the midday sun. Some more lounging, and splashing about then we built a sandcastle and wrote messages in the sand, cos we are that cool. Just as we were leaving we gave the Bucket and Spade to two little kids. They tried to give it back to us, but we said they could keep it. Have to say the eldest of the two was very polite. So we trotted off on the search for tourist stuff for Sarah to take home as gifts and then food. Sarah got what she wanted and we bought pizza for lunch. It was very tasty pizza actually and the smoothies we got were delicious. Only came to like $23 or something like that. We finished our pizzas, ended up talking to some more randoms, got the bus to Centro where I bought some more miniatures for d & d plus some more dice. I have 26 dice now. Time to start a new bag :-D. The bus back to Maryborough was actually surprisingly quick. We got off at the hopsital and walked to the little shop on Walker street so we could buy a bottle of Coke to chill out with when we got home. It's really not a long walk from the hospital to Beth's about 20 minutes tops.

Tuesday 14th July - We baked! Attempted to make tablet and it was going ok, until we burnt the mixture so hence it turned out like a block of toffee/caramel. Must try again at some point. We also made truffles and cupcakes. Deb and the girls came up and the girls clearly like the cupcakes, they kept asking for more. Tuesday was actually a pretty chilled out non eventful day.

Hmm I still have 7 days to write about and I really need to get showered and stuff, so I may well finish this off tonight. This is what I get for not doing it every day. Was too damn busy to do it every day plus right now I am starting to get a headache as I don't have my specs on. So enjoy for the time being.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Pretty slack, have a week and a half to update.

There really is only one way to do this entry and that is to put the dates next to each paragraph. I don't reckon this entry will be too detailed but I'll do my best.

Friday 10th July - It started off as a really lazy day. Did a bunch of washing and Sarah got one of her essays finished. Much celebration. I played professor layton's puzzle game obsessively for a while then we started to get ready for our big dinner. For lunch Sarah made apple Charlotte, yummy stuff although we really could have done with just making the one. Was way too much bread. Need to get recipes for all the tasty treats that we made, see if I can't brush up on my own baking and cooking. Don't worry Sarah I won't open a rival bakery :) So we finally got ourselves showered and dolled up and headed out for dinner. Went to the Grumpy Chef, which was amazing. The food was lovely and the service was great too. Oh and we drank tasty cocktails, yes more of them. We headed to the RSL afterwards, where we played some pool and hung about until Ben had finished his shift. We ended up stuck with some random weird guy. Could not get rid of him and it was not for lack of trying, at the end of the night he even tried to invite me back to his about..No! We came home and tried to be oh so quiet and failed miserably but hey that's part of the fun. Melon tasting pineapple and fat flaps I believe were the cause of mad giggle fits.

Saturday 11th July - Hmm i'm in a funny mood, can't really be bothered just now don't know why...lies all of it. I know exactly why, i'm totally distracted by my current crush. Meh I'm going to go find something to wear for tomorrow and read cosmo.

Friday, 10 July 2009

A couple of days

So we stuck to our plan for the Monday evening. Beth and Bill went out for their dinner, while Sarah and I made Pasta bake and watched Freeze Frame and Lake House. Freeze Frame was amazing. Was interesting to see Lee Evans in a serious role and he done really well at it. We munched our Pasta Bake which was so ladden with cheese that our hearts probably were not thanking us for it, but hey who cares it tasted damn good. Actually had no cheese so we ended up having to walk down the street to buy some.

On Tuesday we woke up lateish, well later than we have been recently. Pottered about the house for a bit, got breakfast and the like. Which for me was another sandwich with potato scone and steakette. Yum. Almost as good as square sausage. Sarah and I have decided we are going to start sending each other little care packages. Hers will have cherry ripes and tim tams in it and mine will have potato scones and irn bru in it. Whoop! So eventually we decided it was about time to get showered and dressed and then Beth came home. After she had a cup of tea the three of us headed out to get Auntie Fran and then headed to Childers. Sarah was quite amazed at the amount of sugar cane in Childers, but then that is sugar country. Got to Diane's place where Sarah also claimed that the dam is actually a lake. Had a cuppa and a handful of biccies, then headed down town so Beth could go to the Doctor's and we could wander for a bit. Went in and spoke to Bon for a bit, may be hanging out with her this weekend, which should be fun. Had a look in a few shops, then went to one of the local cafe's to get some chips, with chicken salt. Sarah tried it because she knew it wasn't made from chickens. Didn't do a whole lot else during the day on Tuesday. Got back, got dinner and then me and Sarah spent most of the night playing pool and Darts downstairs. Sarah claims she can't play pool or darts, yeah and I'm Mary Queen of Scots. Got my ass handed to me in pool and then we were playing darts, and Sarah needed a 1 then double 3, claimed there was no way she was getting it and first try staight up got 1 double 3. Jammy so and so. But it's ok I still love her. It was actually a pretty close game, I needed bloody double 1. Stupid number.

Were going to do the walking tour on Wednesday, but again woke up with the alarm and thought nah bugger it. Got up at about 9/10ish, showered etc and then headed for the bus to town. Went to Station Square for a while first, where I bought a new skirt, black and floaty and lovely. Then we figured it was time to start our mini pub crawl. We started at the Aussie, where we got a huge lunch and where I won a stuffed duck billed platypus out of one of the grabber machines. We named him Aussie and we decided that he was going to be our mini pub crawl mascot. Got some funny looks, I'll say. I felt bad for about five minutes about winning it, because there was a little girl who tried to get it too, but it passed. After some random chat in the Aussie, we headed towards the Oxford, which was unfortunately closed as it's getting done up. Moved across to the Old Sydney, where we started drinking Vodka, lemon, lime and bitters (long vodka to normal people) and were advised of the various goings on in the pub. We had two drinks here and played two games of pool. Figured that was a reasonable amount of time and money to spend in each pub that we went to. After the Sydney we went to the Carlton, only had one drink in there, but it was in there that they served the best Long vodkas. Bar guy was really nice too, came to $11 I handed him the 10 started looking for the extra one and he just took the 10. How lovely. Moved onto the Central, played more pool and drank more drinks. Met a random dude called Matt who played a game of pool with us. Was a close game actually, clearly we are improving. Still not Gympie standard though. From Central we walked to the Post Office Hotel, had a few drinks in there. Ran into Lochie (one of the d&d guys) chatted for a bit, then headed off. On the way to the RSL we stopped into The Grumpy Chef, for cocktails and incidentally booked in for dinner for Friday (today). Tasty cocktails, nice place, good chat. Moved onto the RSL finally where we got some dinner. I had a lovely reef and beef combo and Sarah had pasta. We were going to get a slice of Cheesecake for afterwards but we both ended up stuffed. Started drinking more cocktails. While we were sitting with out drinks, there was a pub quiz going on. We ended up taking part even though we weren't part of a team. Sat there helping a group of older guys with some of the answers, just having a laugh. While we were in the RSL we got talking to two of the bar guys. We hung around until they finished, Sarah had a game of pool with one of them, then we all headed to the Post Office again as it's the only pub that is open late during the week. It was good fun actually. Home time eventually rolled around, we got a lift off Loch. We got home and of course I get into my room and realised I had left one of my bags in his car, funnily enough it was the bag with the mascot in it.

Thursday is Market day, so we headed down town hoping that the guy with the spray on tattoo stall would be there so we could just be silly and pick a design. Plus I was kinda hoping he would be there so I could get a similar design to what I actually want tattoo'd on my wrist. Mostly to see how it would look. But I'm def thinking that will be my next tattoo move, star sign and year of the rat symbol on my wrist. Won't be huge though. So anyway the guy wasn't there, which put a dampner on things. We went to station square for lunch. Then walked round to the RSL so I could pick up my bag that Loch had dropped off for me. How nice. Got back up to the house, fixed my d&D character up a bit and then it was time to go play. Headed down town with Glen and Sarah, grabbed nibbles walked around to the store. Our DM bailed on us so Glen had to DM the first game, it went quite well actually. Starting to get the hang of it, slowly but surely and am also making more friends, I seem to be gathering a nice little collection of phone numbers and in typical Vicky fashion they are all boys. I just get on better with guys. Got given a leaflet for the medieval night. I'm so dying to go.It's on the 25th July which is the night before my birthday and I think it would be amazing, but I'll see what happens. D&D was good fun, got given some good advice about where to get more dice etc so that's good. Got picked up, headed home where me and Sarah had a mini fashion show in my room. Was trying to decide what to wear for dinner.

So that's that for just now, I will update you about dinner and tonight after it happens.

Love and stuff
Vicky and Sarah.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Pair of Slackers

So apparently I have been slacking on the blogging nonsense. Been too damn busy being fabulous and having fun so there. Only got like a week of stuff to fill you all in on. Oh well you will just have to suffer it.

Best place to start probably the beginning I would assume and the beginning is Monday 29th June. What did we do? Oh yes we went for a wander down town mostly because that was one of the few days on the itinerary that I planned nothing for. Headed to the Post Office, yes I know thrilling stuff, but it was for a reason. We were buying postcards. When I say we I do of course just mean Sarah. I did buy one though. Now to decide where it goes hehe. We then decided that Station Square would provide an appropriate outing for the day. When we got to Station Square, we decided it was good timing to buy ourselves some tasty crepes, well proper pancakes with Caramel and ice cream on my part and maple syrup and ice cream on Sarah's part, although she did nearly forget to put her maple syrup on the damn pancake. We had a good ol natter about life, love and philosophy...ok well not really but that sounded cool. Did talk about various things though, was good. After munching on pancakes we went into Bi Lo and bought munchies for the evening/rest of the week. Hah like it would have lasted a week. Headed back home, where we just sat and chilled out for a while. Sarah has me addicted to Professor Layton and the Curious Village game for the DS. God damnit and the worst part I can't even get it over here. Damn slack Aussies. Beth and Bill went out for Bill's birthday. They just went to the RSL, but Sarah and I decided we would just stay in and make ourselve a pasta bake and watch Walk The Line. Damn good movie actually and the pasta bake was amazingly tasty, for only costing $3 for the pasta and the sauce. Bloody Sarah pretending to be cold, what?!? See photos on Facebook/bebo you will see what I mean. Fairly early night to finish off.

So moving onto Tuesday 30th June. Your eyes sore yet? Tough! Was a very chilled out, not totally eventful day actually, not that that is a bad thing. It gave Sarah the chance to start one of her essays that are due a week after she gets back to Scotland and gave me an excuse to sit and button bash. I mean play the playstation that I bought for 50 bucks. Whee go me. I forgot how amazing I am at Tekken 3 and just how terrible I am at driving games like GT2. Ah well it was amusing. We had a whole bunch of music on in the background, including the industrial CD that Sarah made up for me. Pretty Damn good, then we sat there, I played Professor Layton, Sarah wrote essays and we sang our little hearts out to System of a Down. But not singing properly, why would we want to do something as silly as that. Proper stupid voices and high pitchedness and bouncing about while still seated. Good laugh actually. Sarah's jet lag eventually caught up with her on Tuesday and she was in bed by 8pm , shocking I know. I ended up just sitting online for a while before retiring early myself. Believe I was in bed by about 10pm, which is really early for me. But that was that.

Wednesday 1st July. Rabbits! Best not to question it I did and the answer didn't make any more sense than rabbits! Wednesday was another sorta chilled day. We headed down town so I could getmy Centrelink payment, which I thought was going to be less because of the trial shift I did at Toast but apparently not, so that was a bit of a bonus. Yay! First fortnight of paying board too *rolls eyes*. So after getting the Centrelink stuff sorted, in less than five minutes may I add *dies of shock* we went to Station Square to buy ingredients to bake cupcakes with. Whoop! We also passed by Crazy Clarks who were selling DVD's for $2 each, we bought 4. Bought out cakey stuff and went for the bus. Got home and started baking. First batch kinda didn't work as well as they should have but it's ok the second batch were amazing. They were all supposed to be blue, but they turned out more green than anything oh well. I was on hand to rescue the first batch. They actually looked like something a kid would make, but my god was the icing I made tasty with it's strawberry flavouring and 100's and 1000's. My butter cream was also rather tasty. That is how Sarah's bakery is going to work. She will bake the cakes and I will decorate them....if we don't eat all of our mixture before any cakes are actually made. They were actually tasty cupcakes, but then I never doubted Sarah's bakery skills, I think I would have got slapped if I had. After dinner, we sat downstairs and watched 3 of our $2 movies. All three of them were great, total obscure movies, not blocokbusters by any means and each one of them had the two of us in tears. God damnit. At least now I have found someone who cries as much as I do at movies. Woohoo. It was not even just a few tears with these movies either, like actually sitting there sobbing, especially at the third on Book of Stars. FFS. Quite a late night about 1ish we got to bed and were up early to head to the markets the next day.

As above, Thursday 2nd July was Market Day, but it wasn't a standard market day it was a Mary Poppins Day. Ha, and typical the market looks totally cool and we forget to lift the camera. Muppets much. Sorry there was a minor interurption there, it's called tea break! So back to my amazing story telling, we went to the markets. Wandered around for a while, just looking at various things, me convincing Sarah that actually the market was huge. It really is you don't know what you are missing. First thing we did was to get our Tarot readings. Yes you did read that correctly, we went for a Tarot reading each. Sarah got her's first as I wasn't sure initally but after hearing and seeing how excited Sarah got about hers, I decided that actually it was about time that I got another one done. And I'm so very glad I did. The woman was so unbelievably accurate and the cards I picked out of the deck were uncanny. Just try and tell me that they are all con artists. My faith is actually totally restored in them again. Totally connected with the woman. Sat there stony faced, no reaction whatsoever, while I sat there swallowing the lump that was forming in my throat. The first cards I picked indicated massive stress caused by someone or something, but the main emphasis was on someone *shrug* and she explained that now was my time to shine and that I had a massive amount of courage to share with the world and that right now I was literally 'going with the flow'. That was the name of the card. She explained that I had learned to trust myself completely and was ready to move onto bigger and better things. She also advised me that no matter what I turn my hand to I will master it. She said my mastery skills could swing either way, be that to good or to bad, but that I had already choosen my path and that I should never look back or regret. So that was quite interesting, kinda left me feeling elated and felt as though something had been lifted. Got lunch at Station Square, chinese, was yummy too. Back to the house for a bit, before heading to D&D with Glen. Sarah was there too not that she really had a clue but nevermind. Got there only to find out that half our adventuring party a) hadn't showed up and b) hadn't created their characters. Slack bastards honestly, they had nearly four weeks to prep. Well gutted. But we rearranged for this week, so hopefully the guys won't forget this time. Was well shocked on Thursday, there was me thinking I was the only female in a group of geeks, in my element may I add, and there were two others there. I felt invaded, how dare they? Although on closer inspection it appeared that they really weren't that interested, so it's ok, I think my domain is safe...for just now. Got back to the house, played a quick game of D&D with Glen, Sarah sat looking slightly confused. Got killed horribly in the third dungeon room, oh well. That was Thursday, Sarah seemed impressed with my miniature collection so far.

Nearly There!

Friday 3rd July was rather an amazing day/night. First and foremost I scoured the interwebnets for job stuff. So many nursing/medical positions, pity I only have basic first Aid and even then that needs updated. Although I did see a postion for a mental health youth worker who would be dealing with mental health issues caused from substance abuse. Felt I could be quite good at that, may consider doing a TAFE course in it. Let's see where the wind takes me. It's either that or I go off and do a creative writing course. Remember this name it will be on world bestsellers. Also sent some cashola to mother creature for loans. Then we were on a mission to become master bakers. We had Scotch pancakes for lunch, like 3 each, with butter and jam...straight to the hips, I thank you! After making a mess of Beth's nice tidy kitchen and scoffing our faces, we made Death Cakes. Yes Death cakes. They had rum, chocolate chips and butter cream, plus about ten tonne of normal caster sugar in the mix :-D. Bounce much. They looked and smelled amazing, you should have seen them, pity we don't have smellovision for pcs. You would have all been well jealous. They were scrummy, ask anyone who tried them, they disappeared when we took them to Gympie. So after a day in the kitchen ,I'm sure the chauvanists would love that idea, we headed out to the Mary Poppins Sing a Long screening at the Wharf, but not before we went to the Books, DVD and CD show with Beth and Bill. We got there and somehow miraculously avoided the dvd's and cd's, and headed straight to massive pile of books. The deal was 10 books for $30. Heaven! All the books were by obscure little authors and a lot of them were based in Australia, but we both managed to find 10 books. Just the start of my new library collection. When my mum and dad come over I will have even more books, or I will get them to send them all to me. We shall see what happens first. So brains sorted out for the low price of 30 bucks, onto singing along with Mary Poppins and acting like big kids. We got the prop bag, which had a cocktail umbrella, a glow stick, a sticker and some chocolate coins in it. The whole idea was kinda similar to the Rocky Horror Picture Show thing. Every time Admiral Boom appeared on screen you had to stand and salute, shout boom when the cannon went off, twirl your umbrella when you saw an umbrella in the film and wave the glowstick when there was magic in the film and of course you had to sing a long. Sarah and I had a bigger audience than the damn film. Mostly cos we were the only tubes standing there giving it big licks and actually singing along to all of the songs and not just supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (antidisestablishmentarianism....longest word in the english dictionary points if you know what it means). What a riot though, even got our photo taken with Admiral Boom and Mary. Ate sandwiches with sausage on them too, gotta love greasy van food. After the screening we headed to the RSL, for the simple reason of getting the courtesy bus so we didn't need to pay for a taxi. Sneaky yes, but it was Beth and Bill who suggested it, we just happened to agree. The RSL was such a great laugh actually. We sat there had one normal drink, then I bought us both a Mango Daquiri, made with crushed ice, don't ya know. So there we are sitting happily sipping our cocktail, when they announce that the bus is leaving in five minutes, so what do we do, we skull the cocktail. That equals shocks through the teeth, freezing the throat to the point of pain and then came the brain freeze.....OUCH! Turns out we didn't even have to do that, cos one of the guys who works there, said he would hold the bus for us, and then we went to get on it and it was bloody full. Unnecessary pain. Actually ended up having a great laugh with two of the barmen, who incidentally one of them invited us out on Thursday for Karaoke in Hervey Bay. Should be interesting. Signed up for my membership too, it's only $6.60 for the year so it's not exactly going to break the bank. Whilst signing up Sarah took a fit of the giggles, which made it impossible to keep a straight face when getting the membership photo taken. Funny though. Finally got the courtesy bus back up the road, where we ended up still wide awake and hyper, so we figured we would watch the Notebook, way to take you out of your good mood. What a depressing yet very nice movie. Actual sobbing but at least I wasn't alone. It's just got one of those endings, and the worst part is the ending totally creeps up on you. Evil!

Saturday rolls around, finally. Had a bit of a lie in, which is always nice, when you have spent the rest of the week waking up with the sun. And basically just pottered around the house for a while, went online, put up some pics. I phoned for a potential job, answering machine. And basically we sat around waiting for Dave to appear to take us to lil ol Gympie Town for a night out. He eventually appeared, actually bang on time too, with Dion. We forced the two of them to eat a death cake, they liked them. Then it was time for the hour drive. Off we trot, stop at the service station, where Dion totally doesn't understand our accent because we spoke at the same time. Amusing to say the least. Got to Gympie and it didn't take long before the drinking commenced, as ever. It come from living under a pub I reckon. Got changed into our fantastic outfits, we both looked hot as hell and nobody even attempted to deny it. Played pool most of the night, it was afterall pool comp night. Wayne came out and actually looked like he was enjoying himself for a change, miserable git that he is hehe. Love him really though, he's just got a rep to maintain. Hah! Sarah and I went out in the first round of pool comp, like anyone expected anything less of us. Drinking and dancing about like numpties, little bit of drama in the middle of the night, but just the usual Gympie drama, that blew over and more merriment commenced. Apparently while playing pool comp Sarah didn't have a name, she got put down on the sheet as Vicky 2, and that's what everyone then stuck to calling her all night. Who knew I could be so popular. Many photos taken and out of 50 photos I only vitoed one. Not bad for me, clearly am loving myself more and more these days and why the hell not, I am freaking fantastic and you know it. Took part in a dance off comp, well I say we took part. More like we jumped about pretending to be proper sexy and proper choreographed dancers, making total arses out of ourselves but not being able to stop laughing the whole time. Needless to say we didn't win. Ah well. Finally headed down stairs at like 2 in the morning, went to crash with Dave, who then got annoyed at us so we decided stuff you then and slept in the living room on a single matress with a single sleeping bag, but it was warm which made up for the lack of comfort.

Sunday 5th July standard recover day, despite not being drunk the night before. More just lack of sleep than anything else. We sat for a few hours talking outside and then we watched like the first season of House. Good show, may call in a favour and get myself a copy of all the seasons. Caitlin eventually woke up, and took us to get something to eat at subway. Actually got a foot long for a change, I was so hungry and it was good baguette too. Sat outside the store talking music and gigs and making both Trevor and Caitlin jealous about how many bands Sarah and I have seen plus about how cheap we can get gig tickets. Wayne showed up, had a quick catch up, I slagged him off a bit for actually being happy while being out in a pub with drunk people then headed back to Maryborough. By the time I learn to drive I will know that road like the back of my hand, I travel up and down it often enough. Ah its only because I love being in Gympie so much. Time to start expanding my job search I think. May be where i am meant to be. Standard sunday action really, nothing much to really report on.

So finally onto today. Whoop! We were supposed to go on the Maryborough Walking tour which started at 9am, but the alarm went off and neither of us could be bothered moving, so we didn't. Finally got up at about 10am, got breakfast, which was a sandwich with Steakette and a potato scone, man that was some good eats. Totally satisfied the craving, may have to have another one tomorrow or maybe even tonight when we watch some movies with our massive bag of crisps. Proper mucnhies. So anyway, instead of the walking tour, we took a trip down town, posted letters and postcards, picked up payslip from Toast apparently my estimation was only 10 dollars out, hmm whatever, then we headed to station square grabbed out munchie stuff and then headed to Mary Delicious. A little traditional confectionery store where we got to taste various types of homemade fudge before deciding on what type to buy. I bought the honey macademia and Sarah bought the Bailey's and Butterscotch, which would rot your teeth right out, but then mine is just as bad. We alos got ourselves a milkshake and a spide (ice cream float for those of you not in the know). Sat outside talking and wondering why the rentokill guys were taking photos of the building next door. Headed back home and have spent all that time doing this blog entry, so i would be willing to bet that you are sick of it by now and will be glad for the final sentence. And if I haven't bored you to tears yet, then go me, clearly I rule.

Actually am going to sign off though, dinner and then movies is the nights plan so therefore I don't think I will have to tell you what we got up to when I next update with our further adventures. So yes, I'm offski.

Vicky and Vicky 2 ****