Saturday, 30 April 2011

Not a bad start

Indeed, it was not a bad start to my 1000 days of trying to complete 101 tasks. I didn't bite my nails all day and I even tried to a little bit of exercise to help my foot. Mostly I am just preparing for what is to come on Tuesday at 2.30 when I go for my first physio appointment. I am excited but am dreading it also. I know that it will help me but I also know that the Physio person is going to push me and it's going to hurt.

Incidentally, although not on the list, I done something semi productive today. I made draught catchers for the house. Made them out of old tights that I was no longer using. 

I also remembered to update my journal today including a thankful thought. I changed one of my goals from Prove Facebook wrong to Maintain Journal for the rest of the year with no breaks. Good start I reckon. I also started reading the first of the ten Rangers Apprentice books. Not actually a bad read so far, you start to really relate to the characters almost instantly.

Currently at the moment on my list I have like three things marked as In progress and tonight I managed to mark one of my 101 task off as Completed. I went onto 4chan for the first time. Now note on my list I wrote "Go on to 4Chan" I did not write that I would spend any amount of time on the site and I also never specified that I would read anything in particular on said website. I said I would go on to it, I did I spent two minutes there and I left. Task complete.

Hmm so only another 100 items to go. I have reviewed my list and I wonder about the bungee jump. Will have to ask my physio if that will actually ever be possible. I would hate to go through a whole heap of healing to then go break my ankle again, that would suck. Although I reckon it would suck more never doing the bungee jump. Hmm, this is the only item on my list that has me wondering. I would hate myself if I didn't complete this.

So to summarise: I didn't bite my nails today, I made draught catchers, I done some exercises, I went onto 4chan, started reading the book series and wrote an entry in my journal. Pretty good start, kinda loving that the list has sparked a little bit of something in me again.


Starting now

One of my goals on my list of 101 things to do is to stop biting my nails and the skin around them and I am starting now 30th April 2011. I probably won't grow them very long, but I will stop biting them and I will start to look after them. You heard it here first. Let's see how long I can go. I have tried so many times to stop with the biting and I am hoping this time I actually succeed. It would be ever so nice to be able to paint my nails and not have them looking and feeling like total crap.

Wish me luck people :)


101 goals in 1000 days

So, I recently found out, through one of the blogs that I read, about this website The whole point of this website is to list 101 things you would like to do within 1000 days. I thought it would be dead easy to think of 101 things that I wanted to, as it turned it out...not so easy took me like two maybe three hours to think of 101 things that I could achieve in 1000 days. One of the great things though is that you can mark things as In Progress, which at least shows that you are trying. I will do these things. Although I noticed there is a lot of reading on my list.

Also on a side note I am tempted to try AdSense on this blog, see if I can't make a little bit of cash for my dribblings :)

The Link for my list is included at the top of this entry, but here is the list copied:

1: Re-learn how to walk with Physio Therapy
2: Learn how to speak, read and write Scottish Gaelic
3: Stop biting my nails and the skin around them
4: Lose at least 2 stone
5: Build better muscle tone
6: Research freelance writing options
7: Finish stories that I am writing
8: Tour Bundaberg Rum Distillery
9: Apply to be a Suicide Girl
10: Get my right wrist tattooed
11: Start and finish a scrapbook and photo album
12: Learn how to drive
13: Master how to bake muffins
14: Buy VW Kombi van
15: Re-dye my hair
16: Read the entire Twilight book series
17: Read the entire Rangers Apprentice book series so far (0/10)
18: Keep my blog updated everyday for a week
19: Buy a new computer
20: Buy a sketch pad and pastels for landscapes
21: Finish working on my DnD campaign and actually start it
22: Pay off my copy of Duke Nukem Forever
23: Buy a new xbox360
24: Increase amount of sexy lingerie I own
25: Increase amount of sex toys I own
26: Increase amount of lengths I can do in the pool
27: Learn to front crawl properly
28: Teach myself to dive properly
29: Buy an Optus simcard
30: Have enough money to buy custom puppy ears
31: Treat myself to a set of gel nails
32: Buy Halter collar
33: Find an engagement ring
34: Customize at least one piece of clothing
35: Get up at 8am everyday for a month
36: Go to bed before 3am every night for a month
37: Go without Energy drinks for an entire month
38: Drink at least five glasses of water a day for two weeks
39: Go onto 4chan
40: Spend a day playing Magic the Gathering with Garth
41: Become an organ donor
42: Be able to come off Benefits
43: Pay off the loan
44: Try out the Asian restaurant in town
45: Play Duke Nukem for a whole day
46: Complete Duke Nukem forever
47: Get a charger for my DS
48: Try to play Half Life 2 again
49: Grow my sunflowers
50: Grow my own herbs
51: Grow my own mushrooms
52: Be able to unhook a fish from my rod without help
53: Learn how tie a hook to a fishing line
54: Get a full copy of the Oxford English Dictionary
55: Finish and frame the jigsaw I started
56: Visit the Rifle range
57: Remember to wear sunscreen every day for a month
58: Go to opticians for check up and prescription sunglasses
59: Write on 20 creative writing prompts.
60: Find a local Dentist
61: Beat Duke Nukem forever on the hardest difficulty
62: Go to Mana Bar in Brisbane and Melbourne
63: Go to The Beat, gay bar in Brisbane
64: Go to Gold Coast and buy a pair of Prada shoes
65: Own at least one pair of Manolo Blahniks or Jimmy Choos
66: Be able to fit into and afford an item of clothing from Street 'n' Beach
67: Wear a pair of earring for one whole week
68: Wear my hair down for a week
69: Don't eat Hungry Jacks for two weeks
70: Learn how to make my Gran's carrot soup
71: Buy All of the Professor Layton DS games
72: Keep a constant supply of bubble bath in the house
73: Read Great Expectations, Mein Kampf and War & Peace
74: Read Lolita
75: Start collecting Terry Pratchet novels
76: Prove Facebook wrong :p
77: Create something using the colored cellophane and sticks that came with my Easter Present
78: Find a source of income
79: Research information about the Harvest Trail
80: Give Blood
81: Do a large scale paint by numbers
82: Do a large cross stitch piece
83: Go to Sydney for New Year or Mardi Gras
84: Participate in the Race for Life
85: Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet
86: Watch The Shinning in one sitting
87: Learn to control a boat
88: Get at least one more corset
89: Watch Deathnote
90: Take pile of clothes to charity store
91: Take a photography class
92: Try horse riding
93: Capture a Pineapple
94: Read and watch The Count of Monte Cristo
95: See a film at IMAX
96: Go to a Dawn Parade for Anzac Day
97: See The Maheno Shipwreck, Indian Heads and Lake MacKenzie on Fraser Island
98: Go to the Great Barrier Reef
99: Catch a legal size fish.
100: Finish Gecko Tattoo on left wrist
101: Do a bungee jump