Wednesday, 29 April 2009


So just a wee quick update. Even though I'm not even sure how many people are actually bothering to read this. I am clearly too boring and you have all forgotten about me and are having too much fun with your massive parties :)

Anyway I digress and am in a bit of a silly mood.

My nails are looking rather good because of this glorious sunshine hehe.

I spent all last night and all of today talking philosophy, theology, reincarnation, myth, dungeons & dragons and general science, logic and other such nonsense with Glen my cousin. And yes you did read that right I said D&D. Glen is looking to get a group together and when I said I would be interested but that I needed to be shown what I was doing he seemed quite keen to teach me. I have created my character. A elf druid called Amethyst who incidentally gets a pet wolf, who i kept beating with a stick last night because it kept missing it's attacks. I just need to get my head around manually have to work out hp etc. It's WoW on paper hehe. Yes ok I am a geek and I think I am only going to get worse while I am over here. If I start to take part in a D&D group, then get my pc up and running when I get my own's a slippery slope from there. I need some sort of geekery fix.

Spent today sunning myself a bit, to no affect but hey I have my whole life to get a good colour about me. On the plus I am still feeling a lot healthier and feel a lot clearer in the head too.

Hmm Beth has me addicted to Home and Away, god damn it.

I've also never drank so much tea in my whole life.

Love Aussie me
Vicky ***

Monday, 27 April 2009


Ok so the title will only really make the geeks out there laugh a little, I can't help myself sometimes.

Yesterday was a very chilled out day. I got up, I showered and then I tidied my room, changed the bed covers etc. I sat and watched Home and Away with Beth before she went for a sleep. I then sat and trained my brain with the DS. I'm getting better, apparently my brain age is 29 yay to me. That's only 5 years older than what I actually am. I also incidentally rule at sudoku.

Must look further into what is required with suite101 stuff, have actually had a farily inspired week so far. Good thing I have several notepads sitting next to my bed. Although I do need to type my review of Queen of the Damned now that I am finished and am already half way through Life of Pi. It feels good to be reading again, even when I get a job I am going to try and read every night, keeps the brain ticking over and prevents ultra boredom I reckon.

Yesterday evening, Beth's friends Malcolm and Diane and their two daughters JD and Ziea came over for a bbq. It was good fun actually, drinking beer, playing pool and darts, hehe i got a double one which is actually pretty difficult to do by the way. I am improving at pool, slowly but surely, I'm actually hitting the balls and potting a few too, some of the shots worked exactly how I wanted them to and others were just totally flukey. Bill cooked my piece of steak separate from the rest because he now knows that I like my meat to be pink. It was a rather nice piece of steak actually. I really want a set of scales to see if my weight has went up or down, hmm not that it really matters but still I would be curious.

I keep thinking about the seaside.

Anyway, I don't think there will be much to report about today, but who knows that may well change. They plan nothing over here, it's great.

Vicky ***

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Morning report

Or afternoon report as it really is, being that it is 2.23pm and really all you folk will be in bed.

Not actually a whole heap to write about, been a very quiet little week, well mostly. Have been busy doing resumes and hunting down the best mobile phone deals, which is starting to make my eyes blur to be fair. I'll figure it out soon enough.

I met Beth's Auntie Fran on Wednesday night, lovely wee woman who has way too many ornaments. Had some asty banana cake at her house, don't know if it was bought or homemade but it wad good none the less.

Hmm I am actually struggling to think of major events this week. I'm nearly finished reading Queen of the Damned...oh actually must go to amazon right now and get the forth and maybe the fifth installment of the vampire chronicles, there is bloody ten in the series not including the mayfair withches serials and the three books in between. Goddamn it.

On Thursday Beth was busy getting her hair done so left me at the market. I was quite contented wandering around the market stalls. SOme of the stuff is just stuff that you would see in normal markets, but it was still fun. I bought myself a ring which I will need to hide from Beth as she has threatened to steal the damn thing. It only cost me $4 too, ever the bargain hunter, runs in the blood I think. Also bought myself a pair of thongs (that's flip flops to you and me), can't believe how comfy they are and can't believe I haven't been more like my dad and walking about with them on more often. Ultimate lazy persons foot wear, you don't need to fasten them, tie them or pull them on and off, you just slip your feet in and away you go. Made me realise how good my tats look especially when you throw on a silver anklet, it just makes my feet look pretty. Random observation that really. But oh well. On Thursday night we went to the RSL club, which I will no doubt become a member of at some point, especially if I settle here in Maryborough, but we will see about that. Am taking each day as it comes. Opened an Aussie bank account and handed out like 9 resumes, something has to come up soon. Also sorted out my medicare card, well temporary one for just now. I will get my full one when I get the letter from HMRC that they accepted my resignation. I will need to look into the RSA testing as well. I may have worked in a bar in Scotland but in Queensland they require a certificate to prove that you understand the laws behind serving alcohol. Will get on that if I get offered a job at the RSL or at the other restaurant that I applied for. Until then I am not going to waste money.

Last night Beth and Bill took me to Sporty's, which is another of these pubs/clubs where you have to be a member. It was actually a really nice meal, I had crumbed steak, chips and veggies and have discovered that not only do I now like rum but I like vodka again, but only if it's done as a long vodka, mmm yum. Way too easy to drink though can see that not only being bloody expensive but dangerous. Won't even realise that I am drinking booze. After sporty's we headed to the RSL where they had a girl doing an accoustic set. I thought she was really good but most people didn't. But hey each to their own. I actually wrote something semi Journalistic last night when we got back, the urge just took me. It's a wee article that I need to tweak but it's about music and the emotions that it can provoke and about how everyone, even if they don't listen to music often, had a favourite song one that just chills them. But yes it needs tweaked.

Today, at bloody 9am thank you very much, my mum and dad phoned which was nice, considering that I was thinking about calling them anyway today. After I got off the phone we headed to Hervey Bay. Beth and Bill were picking up a freezer and then we drove around all my dad's old haunts, like the house he basically grew up in and I got to see the school he went to. I've seen the hospital he was born in and everything else. Kinda weird knowing that this is where my dad grew up roving around causing trouble. Beth and I sat on the stairs beside the sea, taking in the smell and enjoying the breeze. We then climbed down the stairs, had a laugh trying to balance on the rocks and I took off my thongs and just waded about in the sea for ten minutes. Ever noticed that the seaside air, no matter where it is in the world, always just makes you feel healthier and happier. As I stood there in the crystal blue water I instantly felt better. I could actually see myself being a bit of a sea farer, spending my life on a boat out in the ocean somewhere. The ocean after all knows no bounds. But standing there with the sand at my back, the cool water lapping around my ankles and staring out into the open water just brought about a wave of calm, made all the better by the fact that the sun was beating down on my shoulders and that the breeze was lifting the salt smell up all around me. I would so love to live on the ocean front, but I'm dreaming if I think I would ever be able to afford that style of living. Maybe if I put in an ad to share with someone. There is just something about the ocean that is pleasing to the senses and i seriously would love to wake up and see clear blue waters every day. I imagine that the novelty would wear off but it's nice to think about. Maybe, you knows.

Hmm I think I will trot off and retype the article I wrote and then decide what articles I want to send for approval from suite101. It might only be a website but it's worth a looksie me thinks.

Anyway dear readers, hope you are enjoying my rantings and ravings, if not well...nobody is forcing you to read them.

Luv and stuff
Vicky ***

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Ok so I missed a few days

Not my fault it was just a very busy wee weekend.

At the moment I can't really be bothered writing out a massively long entry, I want to get showered, eat and read my book on the balcony in the sun. But alas I will you give my followers a little something.

On Friday during the day I sat playing my ds and listening to music before Wayne invited me out for a drink. I trot off and get myself ready, killer heels, three quarter length shorts and a white top. I looked amazing and when we got out I kept getting compliments on the shoes. I rule in high heels. Anyway, wayne took over the bathroom so I had to do my hair and makeup using a tiny wee compact mirror and it still turned out looking damn fine. I was winding Wayne up because he was taking longer than a chick to get ready. He claims that it was because he was shaving, I don't believe it for a minute hehe. We headed to his place for a bit then headed out to the North. It was a lot of fun, just sat talking to people including the fabulous Holly. Intellectual conversation in a pub...unheard of apparently but it was all for happening on Friday. It eventually descended into normal pub banter though. Adam and Caitlin appeared for a bit too. Again with much rum being consumed. Seriously people Bundaberg rum is lethal. I maintain though that both Adam and Wayne owe me a drink for leaving without saying goodbye. Good thing I am the type of person who will talk to anyone and still managed to get a lift. If I hadn't I'm sure I could have crashed with Caleb and Dave in their flat. It's all good.

Saturday, woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck and again with the craving for sqaure sausage and Irn Bru. Actually woke up on Saturday feeling a bit home sick aswell. I think because I knew it was Bonny's birthday and I knew they would all be going out. But it only really lasted the day. My cousin Bonnie came down to Gympie on Saturday and we all headed out. Started at the North, playing in the pool comp. I'm slowly improving at the damn game, Bonnie is a shark though. Almost unstoppable. We then headed down to Mooloolaba, which is where one of the many beaches is. Went to get into the club and muppet features here had forgotten ID and they are way strict over here when it comes to ID. Adam did try to convince the door steward to let me in but she was having none of it and rightly so too. The ironic part was I was the oldest in the group lol. So Me and Caleb took a walk back up to Julia's, where we got fed and watered and just talked. Thanks again to Julia for putting us all up. Lesson learned there then.

Sunday, yay no hangover. Myself, Bonnie and Caitlin headed to the Plaza for a girly day of shopping. Had a baked spud with cheese, coleslaw and sourcream, damn tasty eats by the way.I had a bottle of Mountain dew aswell, mmmm love the stuff. Spent the afternoon wandering around the shops, and on my part spent the day trying to figure out Aussie shoe sizes. Bought a new top it only cost like $8. Very surreal experience actually. Not only did Cait manage to spot clothes that I would have gravitated towards anyway, but all the shops have their winter stock in. I am not looking for winter clothes lol. Winter is not in July. Hey I'm sure I will get used to it. Sunday night Bonnie picks me up and we head to Maryborough. Said cheerio to Wayne and Adam etc told them that I would try not to be a stranger. I will learn to drive asap. On the drive up Bonnie and I ate skittles and m&Ms and talked music. Good conversation. Got to Beth's had corned meat, veggies and white sauce. Good eats :-)

Am totally unpacked now, especially seeing as I am here for at least 3 months until I can find my feet. The bedroom that Beth has given me is huge with massive amounts of clothing space and the bed is way too comfy. Hehe Beth is as bad as me when it comes to Teddies. In fact her teddies have their own room. I am so going to do that when I get my own place.

Anyhoo enough for just now. Will try to update later.

Love ya

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Bitten to hell

Me and goddamn beasts. Everytime I'm somewhere warm I get bitten all up and down my legs. Itch like freaking mad too. Ah well it's no biggie. Small price to pay.

I actually had the most chilled out day today and actually a tad inspired too, which I love. I got up, got brekkie watched the rest of the morning show and then showered. After that I checked my emails, nice long one from Susan that kept me busy for a bit, then I sat upstairs on the balcony with an ice cold coke, the tasty sausage and onion sandwich and my notepad and DS. I actually just sat there with the sun beating down on me, listening to my tunes...reminder actually that I need to get a USB 2 wire, mine seems to have done a runner...playing my DS, then I got bored of that and moved onto some of the story ideas that I had jotted down before I arrived. Am definitely going to work on Diary of A Dominatrix more as I love the idea behind it. That's only a working title for the minute. I've not really decided if I am going to write it in thrid person or first person, we shall which route the pen takes me in. Another note to self, buy a pad of lined paper as well as some pretty letter paper.
Hmm oh yeah I was sitting quite happily chilling out and Wayne rocks up (oh god) and asks me if I fancy a run into town to laugh at Luke who forgot to put fuel in his car, so Wayne had to go pick him and his car up. Damn thing wouldn't start after Luke had got fuel though, feel a bit sorry for Luke he's not had much luck recently. *pats Luke*

Few more observations and I'm sure any Aussies reading this will just be laughing at me but oh well *shrugs*. They still have a Woolworths over here but it sells food, very odd seeing woolworths ads when I know that Woolworths in Britain doesn't exist anymore. They are very patriotic and I mean ridiculously so. They are very big on "Aussie owned" and "Real Aussie Produce" and "Your local Aussies". There is an advert for an optomotrists and it goes on about it's prices etc etc and right in the middle of the ad it says "Unlike specsavers which is a British owned franchise" as if that is a nasty thing. Hmm. And finally, this is especially amoung the younger folk like myself, they swear a lot and in particular say cunt a lot. Like nearly every second word, that's not really all that different though from Scotland. They actually use it in the same context as us crazy Scots too.

My hair is getting a bit lighter and it's never felt so healthy. It is very soft and shiny now, basically no need for product especially not just now, maybe if I go out. Everything is so very casual here and they have drive through off licenses, surely that is not a good message. Only in bloody Australia. Insane Aussies, oh wait I am one now.

All my love

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Caught the Sun

So yes as the title suggests I can feel a bit of heat on my arms, must have caught some sun then. Odd though cos I was only standing in for 10 minutes tops. Bloody well 30 degrees today and its AUTUMN!! What's that all about seriously?

Another couple of observations. They call a spade a spade over here, what I mean is I passed a restaurant as I was arriving at Lyn's place called the Big Pineapple and you know why it's called that...there is a giant pineapple outside it. Loved the obvious naming really.

I've also not decided on the tap water yet. But I've been spoiled with that being that Scottish water owns.

I'm sure I made another observation, this will stop when the novelty wears off. But right now everything is new and shiny and a bit odd to me. Still feels like I am on holiday though so I am sure that my fascination with everything will fade soon enough.

I love air conditioning. I did actually find today a bit uncomfortable...god help me when it hits summer, i will actually just sit myself in the freezer and not come out.

Right now I am trying to source a USB 2 cable. I'm sure I packed mine I just don't know where the hell it's gone. Hmm not much else of note to say. So there you go a fairly short entry.

Vicky ***

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

A Few Observations

Well hello my dear readers.

Felt that it was about time for my daily update. I will try and keep this up as much as possible. Today hasn't been the most eventful day really. That's kinda the nature of the beast. Lynn, Eddy and Wayne work all day, so do Adam and Cait, plus my mobile really doesn't like sending them texts. I figure that is because I am still on a UK network. Anyway.

Today I have spent more time...again, on Facebook and Bebo etc, but I also sat and caught up with ANTM seeing as I didn't get the chance to watch the final two episodes before I left for Australia. I am about to watch episode 13 the final episode YAY! Yes ok I am a bit sad for liking it so much but hey deal with it, it's my guilty pleasure. While waiting for each part to buffer on youtube I've spent time looking at old photo albums of dad's family. I'm not even half way through them all yet. Oddly though my dad isn't in very many of the pictures, that might have something to do with the fact that he was always out causing trouble hehe.

I encountered my first Aussie spider tonight and the bloody thing was huge. Wayne laughed at me and told me that was a small one. It was not small! Ick!

It absolutely chucked it down all day yesterday, which meant that most of southern Queensland was put onto flood warnings. One day of rain and they are on flood warnings. That might have to do with the serious lack of drainage especially in Gympie. When I first arrived Lyn was telling me about the how the Mary river floods and basically half the town ends up under water. I asked how often these floods happen and the response was about once every 7 years or so. And guess what? Yup you guessed it, the Mary river is up and I actually get to see it. I actually think that is pretty cool, not the flooding part obviously but the fact that I arrived and I actually get to see it. It is pretty hard to believe at first that the river comes up so high but I've just seen it with my own eyes. Fascinating stuff by the way.

Couple of other things I have noticed. The cans over here are a lot bigger than they are in Scotland at 375ml. Umm it gets very dark really early but then it is Autumn at the moment. When I say very dark I do mean very dark though, need to eat more carrots me thinks improve the night vision. Yup drainage is shit. Oh and their pre mixed alcoholic drinks come in a can, bloody pricey though at $8.50 for one that's 4.25 pounds to me and you. I have no pound sign on this keyboard it's very inconvenient. I have also noticed that I am getting up really early and am actually having breakfast, shock horror. Well when I say early I mean 9.30am which is unusual for me if I have nothing to do, normally I'm asleep until at least 11am. But the breakfast thing, in fact never mind just breakfast I am eating 3 meals a day and I haven't had a chocolate bar since I arrive and am not eating half as much bread. I feel healthier already.

Hmm So apparently I am headed to Beth's tomorrow. And I am going to sign off for just now.

Vicky ***

Monday, 13 April 2009

Bit of a lazy day

Apparently I am a tube and never set the correct time for my blogging needs. Ooops. It's ok you will forgive me I am blonde after all.

And as my title suggests it's been a bit of a lazy, do nothing except update every bloody social network I am on day. But then I say that and plans could change it is only 2.20pm so who knows what the night might bring.

Today has simply been a day for reflecting upon the finer things in life. I've been kept up to date with the Aussie news and I've managed to seriously think about my choice to come over here. And yes even though it is a bit stormy today which basically means no going out I still feel amazing about the fact that I actually took this leap. This is something that I have been dreaming of doing since I was about 6 years old and to actually be doing it completely amazes me and seriously nobody can take this away from me.

I already feel like I am at home and I can't understand why it took me so long to actually get here. Ok so this might not be the most exciting and energetic entry but it doesn't mean I am not happy. I've never been happier and more at ease with myself. A lot of things have become very clear to me in the last week.

I head to Maryborough this week some time and I will spend a week relaxing, getting settled and then begins the job search. I seriously won't have an issue finding a job, I never have and I don't see how being in a different country will change that.

Yeah I'm thinking I need to eat and should really shower and stop spending so much bloody time online.
On a side note the other blog will be used for rantings. This is just my daily updater.

Luvs ya
Vicky ***

Sunday, 12 April 2009

An Aussie hangover

So good evening to those of you around the world. I think I will set this up so everyone actually gets an email when I update or at least those who matter.

Have had an interesting two days, well day and a half really. After typing my massive entry yesterday I ended up heading out with Adam for a night of drinking and apparently dancing. I was going to go very casual until Adam informed me that Caitlin was dressing up, so off I trot back upstairs to get changed into something a bit nicer. I looked bloody good too. Got to Adam's place, he got changed then dropped Cait and me at Chelsea's place where we watched a couple of movies before heading out to The North. We got to the pub and copious amounts of Rum started being consumed on my part. Bundy Rum which I originally didn't like the first time I tried it and now apparently I do. Stuff is bloody strong though. Drink is also quite expensive over here because the Aussie government are trying to reduce binge drinking. It's always the same war cry all over the world.
Apparently I was completely on fire last night. I looked good and I felt totally at ease with everyone that I met. I could have had my pick of at least 4 guys, which was quite nice. All harmless flirting of course but it made me feel really good about myself and it's about time I really did start believing in myself and my abilities. I have many people to thank for making me believe in myself again and you all know who you are. I don't think any of you will ever truly realise how much you all mean to me. I might be on the other side of the world but the internet is a wonderful tool. Don't think for one minute that I am going to forget any of you. Anyway I digress, as ever! I actually did pull last night, also got a drink spilled over me staining my top. Trail of broken hearts indeed. Apparently I suck at playing pool. I used to be so much better at that game, now I can barely pot a ball, well apart from the white hehe. Didn't get to sleep until like 5am this morning and even then it wasn't a real sleep, which sucks but hey!

Woke up to a rather lovely text from Pammy this morning. It's nice to know that I am still in people's minds and I hope things stay that way. I would hate to just be forgotten. Had to do the walk of shame this morning too. You know the good old "oh I've not been home yet and am still in last nights clothes and prob don't smell too great" thankfully Lynn wasn't in which made it easier. Barely had time to sit down this morning. Got picked up by Wayne, got showered then we headed out. Stopped by Hungry Jacks to get fed then back to Wayne's place to chill for a bit before meeting up with Wayne's friend Cameron for 4 Wheel driving. That was actually so much fun, skidding through massive mud puddles, laughing at Cameron, bumping up dirt mounds, winding through country lanes and narrow forrests, then getting soaked with stagnant muddy water as we took a semi nosedive down a hill into said pool of water. It was a great laugh. I got to see parts of Australia that most people won't see on a standard holiday. Plus I seem to have slipped nicely into both Adam and Wayne's groups of friends which is comforting to say the least. God I am actually getting really tired from the serious lack of sleep and I actually think I should eat something.

Will no doubt update again tomorrow and it will no doubt be a much shorter entry...perhaps!

Vicky ***

Saturday, 11 April 2009

First Entry for my First Week

This may be quite a long entry, plenty to write about. I shall attempt to update this here blog everyday, which would make total sense I'm sure. This will also be combined reading with my other blog which I will no doubt use for random non related musings. Anyhoo I digress.

Where to start? Oh yeah the beginning would be a good place, no point in starting a story midway through now is there.

I flew out on Sunday 5th April. The day started off with relatively few dramas, I said my goodbyes to Bonny in the morning and to Chris in the afternoon. We got to the airport and it wasn't too bad until I had to check in. Stupid bitch behind the counter had the worst attitude, so much for services with a smile. Basically, I had two bags to check in and she went off on one about how I was only entitled to one bag. I explained that I was actually emigrating, she tutted at me and said "There is a special immigration ticket". I explained I was not aware of this and could she not upgrade, nope not a chance you have to pay 300 quid. There was no sorry for the inconvenience or anything she just gave me total attitude and I really can't be bothered with people like that as if I wasn't stressed enough. But c'est la vie it got paid by my mum who I then gave 150 quid to, in order to make up for it. Aunt Jean and Uncle Graham appeared and we went for a drink. Chatted for a while about the completely backwards way that the airport is laid out now, then it was time for me to depart. Photos were taken and there were many tears, even from my Dad. So off I trot to the appropriate gate where I get food and my last bottle of Irn Bru, which incidentally I didn't finish.

Time to board the first part of the journey. Glasgow to London (oh the joys of that). Easiest flight ever if truth be told. Hell I've had bus journeys longer than that flight, which I realised while on the flight. Upon realising this a few home truths set in. If the shit hits the fan while I am in Australia I can't just hop on a train or a bus or a plane or even drive to get home to mummy and in fact what I am doing takes some amount of nerve. Not that I am making digs about anyone in particular hehe.

Couple of hours waiting about in London or rather trying to figure my way around the damn place. Time for the second leg of the one way trip. London to Singapore, which by the way is 12hours 15minutes long and did I sleep, nope well not properly. I rested for maybe an hour tops. What the hell do you do for 12 hours with no place to go? Well I watched two rather long movies. The first one being Australia, ironically enough which is absolutely brilliant I must say. Now have a wee bit of a thing for Hugh Jackman, that's aided by the fact that he was all rough and ready and being a real man in the film, plus his Aussie accent...mmm. Anyway. The second movie I watched was The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which although a bit of a slow burner was fantastic. Very heart warming tale. The food on the plane was actually really tasty. I had red snapper in a herb butter with fresh veg, very filling. Not to mention the bag of snacks the staff walked around with later in the flight, way to keep you awake lol. Landed in Singapore, which is the cleanest airport I have ever been in, you could eat your dinner off the floor if that's what you felt like. The only other airport that I have seen that clean was Amsterdam.

So Monday basically never happened. Had a few hours to waste in Singapore so played about with my Rubicks Cube, which I fail at but hey it kept my hands busy. Time for the almost final part of my journey, the flight from Singapore to Brisbane, approximately 7hours long. Got fed Asian pork with noddles for dinner and then breakfast. Watched two more movies, it was great actually the movies I picked were all movies that I had been meaning to see in the cinema, so that worked out nicely for me. I watched Slumdog Millionare, what a wonderful movie, definitely worthy of the 8 oscars that it was awarded, very real tale and interesting how they went about it. Kudos to Danny Boyle lol. Then just for a bit of silliness I watched the Jim Carey film YES man! And actually a lot of it made perfect sense to me. I will try to say yes more often and see what opportunities arise. Very amusing film. But then I would say that because I love Jim Carey movies. Caught maybe another hour of sleep if you can call it that.

Landed in Brisbane later than expected, got picked up by Beth and Bill. Case burst, damn airport staff not giving a rats about any potential damage they cause. Got in the car and Beth & Bill decided they needed something to eat. So we stopped in McD's or Maccers as it's shortened to here. First thing I notice, an entire restaurant of footie/rugby players, drool much. Yes that is the type of man I am looking for, someone to really get my claws into, seeing as the other one is a world away :)

Beth & Bill dropped me off at Lynn's place cos they were going camping during the weekend for Easter. I actually slept for 24hours when I arrived, which is ridiculous but I clearly needed it, after all 27 + hours is a long time to be travelling.

Great thing about this week is I seem to have slotted in with Adam and Wayne's group of friends very easily. I especially get on with Caitlin, Adam's girlfriend. On Wednesday I was taken along to Adam's football game, well more five a sides really. It was the final, and Adam's team only lost on a technical error. They were actually robbed, they should have won. Anyway they played well and that at least counts for something. Afterwards we all piled to Hungry Jack's, just a burger joint but hey. Cait said I could stick around cos I told Adam to stop being so lazy. Fun and games. Headed to a pub called The North, where I played some pool with the guys and again failed miserably at that, but hey I will get better with time. Good times actually, and at least I can laugh at myself.

Thursday I spent most of the day driving about. First I went on a run with Wayne while he picked up stuff for the workshop and I decided that actually yes my life will work out very nice over here and why the hell shouldn't it, I bloody well deserve it after the year I had last year. Then later in the day went shopping for a few bits and pieces that I needed. Thursday night went for a drive with Adam so he could fix a friends computer. Very nice couple actually although it would have been nice if Adam had warned me that they were mormons, who obviously don't drink and there I was talking about hangover cures. Thanks for that Adam!

So finally yesterday! Spent the day helping Cait to clean and prepare dinner for the family and somehow in the process managed to cut my nail completely down to the quick with a bloody peeler. How? Bloody hurt too. Spent the evening with Adam & Cait. Cait's family and Adam's family. It was good fun. I was surprised to hear Cait's gran talking about playing WoW. That's so cool in my eyes. I wish I could get my Dad to get online but he has none of it. His words "I'm a dinosaur when it comes to these things" Ah well c'est la vie.

And today is Saturday, was supposed to go 4 Wheel driving but Wayne decided against it so instead I am going out drinking with Adam and Cait. Yay!

More later or tomorrow whichever comes first.
Sorry if I droned on, but you all love me anyway.
Vicky ***